It has been several days since that day, the dialect has been shouting, hysterical, crazy, desperate, shouting that I have the secret of the Oak, let me see the owner of the house and so on , But how could Fang Yun do something wrong, how dare you let the dialect go out? What if Yanyan shakes out what he's doing?

    After all, mutant males are highly valued!


    You can't live without trouble for three days, right?

    Dialect lay quietly on the bed, feeling that her whole body was light and light. It was not very neat before, but now it is difficult to even sit up. When I wake up, my head is dizzy, occasionally I think about things and I get tired and can't stand it, and I fall asleep without knowing the time. Now, he feels that he is about to die, but there are still many, many things to do.


    "How long has the dialect been like this?" The insect doctor frowned fiercely.

    Fang Yun was a little guilty, and his eyes flickered, but fortunately he was standing behind the doctor insect, otherwise he really didn't know how to hide his embarrassment: "Who knows, it's noisy all day, and I don't feel at ease to eat, I still have to coax him, I guess he had to take a bath last night, tossed me with water, and made him cold, and I felt a little burn, so I was so scared that I hurriedly bothered you."

    It's nice to say it, but it puts the blame on the waywardness of the dialect. After all, the dialect used to do whatever it wanted, and it was unrestrained. Fang Yun had also delayed the diagnosis of Dialect before, and the insect doctor checked again and again, and suddenly found that Dialect had secretly put a note in his hand! Whoops, what to do?

    Don't see it? Are there any oddities or monitors in this house? In the past, it could be said that he didn't see what Fang Yun intended, but now he can't. The dialect looked sick for several days, and he was terminally ill. There are many male insects in the Fang family, and there are also many medical insects. If other medical insects look at them, it will definitely happen!

    Leave it to Fang Yun? Even worse, will this guy threaten himself with a "note" to be an accomplice and murder the dialect together? Dialect is more valuable than the insect doctor even if he dies. Besides, almost all the high-level officials liked him when he was in power. Even if he is extremely disappointed now, there is still some pity, and the insect doctor is afraid that he will not dare to take risks.

    Finally, the hesitant worm doctor took the hot potato and quietly put it in his sleeve. While Fang Yun was not paying attention, the worm doctor pinched the dialect's hand to reassure him. With hindsight, he glanced at the doctor insect, and his eyes showed gratitude.

    Fang Yun kept walking around: "Doctor, how is he? Is it serious?" Will he die? It is better to do so, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

      He is also considered to be benevolent and righteous, you keep an eye on him, and let him finish the last journey is considered a complete success."

    Yeah! Fang Yun's face turned slightly red. He couldn't smile if he wanted to, so he had to pretend: "He... is so pitiful."

    The worm doctor got up, picked up the medical equipment and put it into the light brain. The wound on Dialect's face was scratched by his fingernails, and it was thin and long. Don't offend your own ruthless worms, there is always some truth to the old saying. The insect doctor coughed twice: "This kind of injury can be restored to its original state with a high-level therapeutic apparatus in ten seconds. In the future, you don't need to find me or worry about such trivial matters, don't you think?"

    Haha, the doctor also wants the dialect to die! Fang Yun nodded excitedly, like pounding garlic, very happy: "Yes, yes, who said no, those potions provided by the family to the dialect... are they also... can't be wasted?"

    Insect doctor frowned: "Of course I will continue to use it, this is what the above means."

    Fang Yun immediately got the wrong idea, thinking that the worm doctor did not dare to agree with his own opinion, and when the medicine was sold on the black market and made money, he would give it to the worm doctor, I believe he took it The benefits will definitely be kept secret, everyone knows it well! The dialect is dying, and taking such a precious medicine every day, it is just a violent attack, it is better to use it for me. Uh, reluctant! This is life.

    Fang Yun thought of this and glanced at the dialect with vicious eyes, and the insect doctor looked at it and shivered without a trace.

    After the insect doctor left, he felt lingering fears, and quickly went to the doctor.

    After the owner found out, he sent a message to Fang Er Shao. Fang Er Shao walked leisurely to see the dialect. What, the insect doctor said that before, because he was afraid that if he turned his head and left, Fang Yan would be killed by Fang Yun.

    Dialect put a pillow behind her back and stared at the ground with resentful eyes: "Why don't you let me out?"

    Fang Ershao raised his eyebrows: "Let you be here to give an explanation to the royal family, and secondly to protect you, there is no need to doubt that."

    "But Fang's family is not monolithic, I haven't taken the medicine today." Dialect didn't care about the medicine, he said this because he wanted Fang Ershao to execute Fang Yun, and the corners of his eyes were wet. Dialect finally couldn't help grabbing Fang Ershao's sleeve: "Oke he... Oak he... what happened to him..."

    "Listen to me, it's all a misunderstanding!"

    Fang Ershao talked about the Jedi counterattack that happened outside! The words were vivid and vivid, and even the dialect's complexion was a little better, and he even applauded.


    Ok also did not step out of the door, quietly, always on the cusp of the storm without losing his mind, looking indifferent and self-controlled, what to do. Brandt was a little angry, but the Insect Emperor didn't know why, so he locked him in confinement and drank the medicine bottle by bottle. Brandt could only move his eyes after lifting the corpse.

    Why not kill me?

    Fang Yuan knew something, why didn't he kill me?

    Last time, Brandt used a stand-in to escape from the main star for many purposes. First, he wanted to see what the Insect Emperor would do after Aobe was tricked. The second is to see how the Insect Emperor will deal with himself after he knows the ins and outs. Third, if Aubei goes, Brandt's back move will surface and kill Aubei.

    In this way, the reflection of the insect emperor is interesting.

    I don't know why, Brandt just wanted to know if the worm emperor cared, and he gave up after so many years of love? how is this possible? I still love Fang Xiao! Every time I think of it, my chest hurts so badly that I can't breathe. Such a deep love has long since penetrated into my soul. Brandt doesn't believe that the Insect Emperor has really let go.

    Otherwise, why did he let the insect strengthen himself, but still not kill it?

    Brant believes that there must be a way for Oak to be so silent. If he doesn't shoot, he will. Oak really lived up to his expectations, and just when the rumors were the most prosperous, he threw out a paternity test! The little insect is in the palace, and the dialect has lived here for a long time, and naturally has genetic data.

    In order to convince the people! Oak also handed in the hair of the worm and the dialect.

    The central data are all submitted at birth, so this statement cannot be faked, and a comparison shows that it is genuine!

     Oak also provided photos of his legs and limbs. A few years ago, he suffered a little injury outside, his pants were scratched a little bit, and the treatment device was useless. On the way back to the base, the wound basically healed. The war correspondent secretly photographed it, because the distance is not clear, it looks like a small red mole, dotted on Oak's snow-white thigh.

    Ok is a prince and naturally has many secrets, so he provided photos and detailed information of his guards!

    The patriarch of the big family has a stand-in, and at a glance, it is known that it is not a personal guard but a stand-in for Aubei.

    One stone aroused thousands of waves, it turned out that the one who stole/love with Fang Jian was the smooth-skinned and flawless bodyguard. The prince has moles, and it was published a few years ago, so the credibility is very high. Since it was brought out to talk openly, it means that it is 100% the truth! The public thinks that the royal family is superior and disdains it. Basically, the rumors and rumors are reversed, and they all abuse Fang Jian's mother and father for being crazy.

    The rumors that Fang Jian's mother and father used her life to spread are self-defeating.

    Ok can sit back and relax, and Brandt can also take a breath, but the insect emperor still sends medicine every day, and Brandt hates it even more.

    After listening to Fang Ershao's words, the dialect finally felt relieved: "It turned out that Aobe was tricked and framed Aoke, thank you for telling me this, otherwise I..."

    "Is your body okay?" Fang Ershao really cared about the dialect, and touched his skinny cheek: "I want you to be here so that you can cultivate quietly. , to prolong your life, the family has never given up on you, trying to find new medicines, dialects, you have to live well."

    Dialect cried and nodded, pursed her lips, and threw herself into the arms of her elders full of grievances, crying bitterly.


    Why am I dying?

    Everything is fine, when did it start? I don't understand the dialect, I don't understand it, fate is so unfair!

    In the place where the dialect can't see, Fang Ershao's eyes flashed a look of boredom, and he did not say what happened next, for fear that the dialect would be in a hurry again, after all, there was no announcement in Oak Before the surname of the little bug cub, the dialect cannot die! The head of the Fang family has already prayed to the Insect Emperor. What the Insect Emperor means doesn't matter, it's up to Orc.

    Generally, the cubs of female insects have the surname of the male master, and most of the princes are the same, and they will be changed after they ascend the throne. A small number of them can become members of the royal family after being approved by the Insect Emperor, just like running out of Aubei's stomach! If it wasn't for Eber's intervention, the name Ximo would definitely fly. Just like Ao Xiang has no hero, his cubs belong to the royal family as soon as they are born.

    Fang Ershao finished speaking, and left, and promised the dialect to severely punish Fang Yun. Fang Yun's fate can be imagined, he just made a deal, and it was when the spring breeze was complacent that Fang Ershao's appearance completely made him panic. The position of the female king and female servant cannot be left to him, and he will contribute to the family for life.

    In fact, the outside world has been **** for a long time. Not long after Oak was whitewashed, Xi Ling sent him to **** again.

    Touch her chin, how can I make Oak feel better?

    Obey just entered the bedroom, took off his coat, and hurriedly sat next to the hero: "I heard the news that Orc has a high reputation now, do you have any countermeasures?"

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