"Well," Xi Ling smiled confidently, with bright eyes: "Our baby is naturally the best."

    For no reason, Aobe let go of his heart and showed a tacit smile, pure and beautiful, handsome in a mess.

    Xi Ling snorted, her heart was beating so fast, can you… give it a shot?


    Oh yo, Xi Ling is happy, quickly press over to give a deep, excited, warm, passionate tongue/kiss.

      Xi Ling was full of confidence, and took Aubei and the child into his arms, kissing on the left and kissing on the right. Repeatedly, it was not enough!

    It was dawn, the sun was shining, and it was as warm as spring.

    Ok issued a statement, saying that dialects are after all mutant males, the highest honor of the empire, the head of males, and the star of hope, but he has been in poor health, and recently he has been restless. Out, I hope everyone will not hurt him and disturb him... In the end, he said that the little worm is a mutant male, and it is the hope of the empire's bloodline sublimation.

    The Fang family won, and the surname Fang!

    Dialect also won, because he was going to die, the so-called last journey is too sad, who can throw dirty water in cold blood? Do you want your own reputation? As for medical information, who would have the nerve to ask for it? Too vicious, right?

    Ok also won, and even the Fang family accepts it, indicating that there is no problem with blood. Aoke is not stupid, and quickly asked the think tank to make more fuss about this matter, because he knew that Xi Ling would definitely make comments and attack this matter. After all, Fang Jian, who had an affair with Aoke, was also in the blood of the Fang family.

    But! Unexpectedly, Xi Ling announced the seven-legged information!

    The prototype of the seven-legged has become extinct, so Xi Ling dug an unknown number of meters and overturned a place the size of an ordinary country with a blue ball to find the fossil!

    Seven legs originally had six legs, but now they have seven legs. They can jump several meters in a critical moment. Is such a powerful secret weapon evolved? The extra organs are very inconsistent. For example, the left arm is normal, but there is a thigh on the right arm!

    Why is this publicized? I mean something.

    The mutated worms of Orc and the dialect don't have horns on their heads?

    In the palace, Xibo was very happy, Xi Ling turned around and turned his nonsensical behavior into a foreshadowing. Cub, is smart and sensible. Because of the news and photos that Xiebo sent before, it disrupted Xi Ling's rhythm, and was buried and eliminated by the worm emperor. What is the role of the little worm fighting with your big mother worm? Do you want to go up and punch twice! !

    The worm emperor is killing me!

    For the first time, Heber, who doesn't know how to love, knows what it is!

    Ignore him, resolutely ignore him! ╭(╯^╰)╮

    Let's just run away from home with the little bug cub, didn't Xi Ling say it has a miraculous effect? Eber thought about it for a while, everyone he knew is dead, is it really a disappointment to live in a cemetery →_→, I still want to live another five hundred years.

    I don't know why I suddenly thought of the Four Elements Palace, if I go to Xi Ling, I guess the insect emperor will be "very relieved"

      There is an independent small garden in the house, so I just go to see the queen of insects, and tell her the news, and let her feel at ease.

    Insect Emperor was rejected from the bedroom door, even though he was calm outside, he was crazy inside.

    I was locked out? If you can't push it, it means it's locked, it's true! How dare Heber dare to do this? God, the brain waves of the insect emperor are spinning very fast, like a barrage, swiping... There are many ways to open the door, but the insect emperor didn't do it. He stood outside obediently as the door god, I don't know what he was thinking. .

    Suddenly, the door opened, and Eber curled his lips, seeming to be hugging the little guy happily!

    Insect Emperor also had an extremely beautiful smile, which was perfect, but... Eber walked past him!

    (⊙o⊙) There was a storm in the heart of the insect emperor, what happened?

    So I followed the past and found that Eber had entered the harem!

    I used to be Xi Ling laying a gun, but now she has become the queen of insects, is it very unlucky╮(╯▽╰)╭

    Insect Emperor stood in the pavilion uncertainly, looking at the tightly closed palace gate, pursing his lips. The shadow-like guy smiled: "Retribution."

    "I didn't hear what you said?" The insect emperor raised his eyebrows, his tone gloomy.

    The shadow swayed, huddled in the corner, looking at the stone road that has been like a day for decades, especially melancholy. Obviously a first-class expert, what kind of evil is he who is always threatened by the insect emperor and still doesn't get angry?

    The worm queen was happy, and let the cook worm that Xi Ling specially sent into the palace cook a lot of dishes. Anyway, Xiebo is a meat female, and she can eat it on a table, so she is not afraid of waste. Eber let go of his stomach and ate very gracefully. The Queen of Worms helped him take care of the children. When the conversation was almost over, the Queen of Bugs asked him if he had quarreled with the Queen of Bugs.

    Siber was silent.

    The queen rubbed Derain's little hands, which were fat, and the queen also missed Aubei's cub: "I really envy you, you can actually quarrel with him? I dream You are so unscrupulous about things you dare not do."

    Eber: "..." Did I say it?

    The queen made a face, Derain giggled, and the queen looked at Heber worriedly: "Happiness is not easy to come by, you must cherish it, he... He has been in love all his life. The road is too hard and the journey is rough, and maybe you don’t know how to be a good male. Since you are truly walking together, I am very envious, and I bless you. I hope you cherish it.”

    Hebe: "You think too much, I just want to come and see you."

    The Queen of Worms smiled deeply, those transparent eyes made Heber look away, the Queen of Worms thought of two little bugs, and her eyes softened: "Look at Xi Ling You and Aubei, although quarreling and awkward, never part, do you know why?"

     Eber pricked up his ears.

    "They are reluctant to part with each other, they can't hold sand in their eyes, they are sincere, and they just want to live together forever and never think about parting."

    "I'll go first!" Heber picked up Derain and hurried away, the queen shrugged, thinking to herself why should I help them? From the bottom of my heart, this is all because Xi Ling started first, and the queen always feels that what Xi Ling does must have his reasons! Although I can't figure it out, the queen is still doing it.

    Did you miss me? Oh, the queen of insects is so cute and beautiful, you must be very happy, right? Knowing that Eber only loves himself, when she is a younger sister, Insect Emperor can't help but feel jealous.


    Xiebo understood the insect emperor and came directly here, quietly, standing quietly behind the insect emperor, heard Fang Yuan's sigh, and saw his godless eyes , As if a piece of my heart collapsed in an instant, it was extremely uncomfortable.

    "I'm back."

    He couldn't help but say something, his heart beating fast, he held his breath, because he didn't know what the expression of the insect emperor would be. No matter what it is, it's best to be together anyway, go to **** with any quarrel.

    Insect Emperor was stunned for a moment, then looked back, met Heber's anxious eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, smiling brightly.

    Diaphragm? what is that?

    Derain look at this, look at that, why don't you look at me and tease me? Unhappy  ̄へ ̄Deran didn’t know what to think, suddenly raised his short hand and slapped Heber!

    "Hehehe~" finally look at me~(≧▽≦)/~


    No matter how noisy or noisy it is outside, the Insect Emperor only wants a result, Hebe looked at the Insect Emperor and hesitated for a while, not asking if he won or was the quasi-successor. The so-called will of God is unpredictable, even if who wins now, there is no guarantee that the Insect Emperor will change his mind later, after all, Fang Yuan is used to doing what he wants.

    Actually, Eber is not an emperor after all, and he doesn't understand the emperor's tricks. If he really disregarded the safety of the empire, he... Maybe he would have left with Eber long ago.

    So many years of hard work for this ugly country is enough.

      Eber still not confident? The Insect Emperor raised his eyebrows and his eyes were sharp: "Just ask what you want, can I still eat you?"

    "So what if you asked," Heber whispered, bowing his head: "You can change it if you say it."

    Take a deep breath, no wonder Xi Ling always worry about gain and loss, it turns out that the female worm's mind is so hard to guess. Insect Emperor is not tall, raised his arm and pinched the chin of the female insect: "I will never break my promise to you."

    Looking at Insect Emperor's encouraging eyes, Heber also took a deep breath: "This time Orc and Aubei are so fierce, isn't it... the winner..."


    "Huh?" So happy? Instead, Eber was dumbfounded: "Then... what about the losers?"


    Heber: "…"

    "Don't you always want to know this?" Insect Emperor laughed and pouted: "I just don't understand, you don't have a little worm who can succeed you, what are you doing? Besides, Xi Ling is not your illegitimate child, you pamper him so much that I am jealous, can you put more of your mind on me?"

    How dare you say that? No wonder Xi Ling was not allowed to enter the palace, Xibo shook his head and smiled: "Okay."

    "Similarly, you can't break your promise to me."

    "Okay," Eber lowered his head and placed it on the insect emperor's forehead.

    Insect Emperor is unfairly upset again: "Xi Ling must be a mutant/morph of mutants, growing all the time, he looks taller than Aubei now, I have never Have you ever seen a male worm taller than a carnivorous female?"

    Hebo kissed the little mouth of the insect emperor who was subconsciously pouted because of his dissatisfaction: "It's boring and a lot less fun."

    Insect Emperor raised his eyebrows, watching what Eber said.

    Hebe approached the ear of the insect emperor, exhaled a warm breath, and had a warm attitude: "Yuan is the cutest, the little one, snow-white, delicate and playful, angry Even the Insect God trembles, he is smart and arrogant, I like it very much, I really like it, I like Yuan so much..."

    Here is the only one who dares to describe the Insect Emperor like this.


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