Dating, Aubei naturally agreed with all his feet.

    Afterwards, Xi Ling worked on the junk star, and Aubei flew back to the main star to be busy. Occasionally Poland came over to show his face, and actually communicated with Xi Ling. Xi Ling, who devoted himself to Ao Bei, has paid little attention to his own industry. During these days in Junk Star, he spends a lot of time reading the company's report every night until the end of the month.

    Tomorrow is the day to enter the palace. It stands to reason that Insect Emperor and Hebo will secretly pack up and leave, but Xi Ling and Aubei have already guessed, will they still leave?

    As a bug emperor, how can you be so irrational?

    What do you think of a country?

    Not everyone or any bug is qualified to come and go on a trip.

    William… comes at a price.

    Xi Ling touched his chin and returned to the main star from the junk star. He was on the military route, so he saw a bug that had been forgotten for a long time.

    After all, Junk Star is not open to the public. If you want to go there, you must apply for it and go through complicated procedures. Moreover, Junk Star now only accepts applications that are willing to work. Why do you want to develop tourism and do business? It won't pass, some business worms can even think of crazy reasons such as "visiting relatives" in order to take a look.

    Visit family? Whose relative to visit? seven feet?

    The dusty Xi Ling had long since returned to her heart, but unexpectedly, she was stopped by an unexpected insect.

    This guy's face is very familiar, and the name is in his mind. After thinking about it, Xi Ling suddenly realized, isn't this the "bitch" that the original owner had a crush on? ╮(╯▽╰)╭Why is he blocking me? Do you still want to reminisce? huh~ huh~ bah~

    And it turns out that it doesn't matter what you are shameless in the face of interests.

    The adjutant who arranged for Xi Ling to return to the palace stopped in front of Aite, and after a conscientious communication, told Xi Ling of the other party's wishes. Want to chat alone? Why? Xi Ling's face was expressionless, and Aite's indifferent eyes made Aite a little unsure, thinking to himself what he meant? Are you embarrassing me?

    Aite let Xi Ling look at it generously.

    Time is passing, Xi Ling raised the corners of his mouth: "I'm sorry, I'm very busy, I can't see the females in private, if you have anything, you can contact the administrative/administrator of the palace."

    A very official answer, Xi Ling smiled well, had a good attitude, and looked like a businessman.

    Aite's eyes narrowed and he didn't understand, but he still put on the best smile: "There are some things that the officials who handle trivial matters are inconvenient to deal with, let's find a place to talk? "

    Xi Ling raised her eyebrows, but did not smile, her attitude was obvious, the adjutant immediately stood in front of Aite, while Xi Ling walked forward, Aite wanted to move again but was stopped by the adjutant , The adjutant, whose tone was no longer friendly, was full of warnings as soon as he opened his mouth: "What can you tell me, it is not wise to disturb the boss by leaping the ranks."

    Aite felt a chill in his heart, something was wrong, Prince Aubei had seen him in private before, and this clearly meant that he wanted to be the maid of honor. Here, is it... that's all? Or am I ineligible? No, it's impossible. Aite, who is already an admiral, has great military exploits and is young and promising. Now Aubei is gaining momentum and is about to enter the palace. This is a necessary order for becoming an emperor. The future is limitless.

    You can't back down, if you wilt here, even if you have a chance, you won't be able to turn yourself.

    Aite is an admiral after all, with great strength, secretly used a little trick to successfully bypass the adjutant, and strode to catch up with Xi Ling's pace.

    Xi Ling is an intermediate **** after all, even if he doesn't pay attention, he is still in control of what is happening around him. When he senses the wind behind him, he immediately stumbles slightly displeased.

    I saw that Aite was suddenly caught by something, and fell to the ground in a daze, the bridge of his nose was broken, and his face was covered in blood.

    In fact, Xi Ling never touched Aite, nor did he take revenge, and he did not make his promotion path difficult. Now such a moderate punishment is a small punishment. .

    However, Aite got up and shouted Xi Ling's name.

    Before Xi Ling walked forward as if she didn't know, but now Aite shouted that all the army bugs around looked over, frowned slightly, and Xi Ling had to stop.

    After all, Xi Ling's status is here. The military port is not Aobe's private port.

    Aite smiled, finally willing to face me? Want to run? Not so easy.

    On the contrary, Xi Ling was more calm: "What do you want to talk about?"

    "Speak in private, otherwise, do you want to let everyone listen here?" Aite's words fell, his face was hidden, but he was very proud, because everyone's attention came.

    Xi Ling raised her eyebrows: "I'm not familiar with you, so there's no need to talk privately, if you have anything to do, just tell me face to face, I'm busy, if you don't tell me, I'm sorry, the sheriff will take you away."

    What? Aite was a little embarrassed, what would you say in public? Doesn't Xi Ling like me very much? Now Aite is a little uncertain. No, if Xiling doesn't like me, Aobe will not come to find me. Aite still remembers Aobe's gloomy expression at that time, which is clearly jealous, extremely jealous.

    Since I can't say it, then... Aite took off the necklace around his neck and handed it out.

      It's a matter of course, nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, if you like it, naturally you have to say it generously, and then go home happily to do things!

    Xi Ling continued to raise her eyebrows: "What is this?" So puzzled.

    Aite was very embarrassed, so many eyes made him want to hide in the cracks, but fortunately there was encouragement, Aite wiped his face and smiled handsomely: "I want to be your maid. "

    After the surroundings were quiet, there were huge cheers, and of course there were livid onlookers, disdain, cold-eyed people, and those who wanted to fight Aite, but were stopped by their companions, all looking Bad.

      Besides, who is this brave person who came out to court today? Gradually, Aite's identity spread in the crowd of onlookers. It turned out to be an admiral. He was very bold and dared to dig the corner of the prince. Don't you know that people are going to soar into the sky?

    Obey has a high reputation, but not everyone likes it, so he takes all the good things? Now this basin of dirty water is just right, and I like to hear it.

    Xi Ling did not have a necklace, and her attitude was very indifferent: "Thank you for your love, I only need one Aubei in my life, and I will never change," then turned around and left without any hesitation .

    How could Aite let Xi Ling go so easily? Today's momentum is good, and many insects support him. Naturally, he has to win Xi Ling in one go, not to mention that Aite, who has wanted to see Xi Ling for a long time, finally saw Xi Ling, and he couldn't give up. However, there are insects in the middle, strong and powerful, and they are Aubei's subordinates.


    sss The female's face didn't change at all, she arrogantly despised: "It's okay to pursue nature, but he refuses, according to the law, your shameless plea/happiness belongs to harassment/harassment! Arrest him! stand up."

    Suddenly a circle of worms appeared, arresting Aite in a high profile and putting him in a cage.

    Before Xi Ling didn't move, that doesn't mean she was condoned now, and Xi Ling had never encountered such a shameless female, so she naturally wanted to kill the chicken to show the monkey. Today, this incident was exposed, and some of the early affairs of Aite and Xi Ling were inevitably exposed. Those who knew the truth would look down on Aite. With such a thick skin, the boss originally had high hopes for Aite and now he has to reconsider. . After Aubei found out, he did not make any comments.

    After Xi Ling returned to the palace, she took a bath and made a table. Aobe came back very late, and the two insects finally had time to sit down and have a good meal.


    "It's time for a name," Obey said anxiously.

    Xi Ling smiled lightly: "Don't worry, let's see what happens tomorrow, if your male father packs up and takes Heber away, we will choose a name, anyway, it's the prince and your surname."

    Obey is a little embarrassed, how can a male don't like to open branches and leaves?

    Xi Ling immediately hugged his wife out of the space and fell on the bed: "I don't care about the names of the babies, I only care about being with you forever."

    Obey pursed her lips, very moved, and her eyes flashed a different kind of brilliance and style.

    Xi Ling took a deep breath and showed a wicked smile: "Don't look at me like this, I will... want to eat you."

    "Then eat me~"


    Xi Ling turned into a wolf and ate Auberi inside and out again and again...until the sun outside illuminated the earth.

    Into the palace! It was a big wedding and should be held in a grand manner, but the forced palace was too shocking, and the downturn had not yet passed, so I entered the palace in a low-key manner without extravagance.

    Xi Ling doesn't matter, as long as Aobe doesn't feel wronged, the four babies are also wearing small dresses, which are very cute, and the other two are black households who can only sleep in the space. The limousines were lined up, with guards lined up on both sides, wearing yellow armor, extremely luxurious, and after going around the main star, they entered the palace without a banquet. Xi Ling released his mental power, scanning the carpet round after round... Depressed.

    Obedo was sensitive, smiled and waved to the audience of insects, while holding Xi Ling's hand and pinching it.

    Xi Ling is depressed because the entire main star has lost the breath of the seven female insects, and naturally there is also no insect emperor and Xiebo, but... don't mention it, there is only one small bean in the palace!

    Why keep Derain? If the child/brother/daughter-in-law can barely accept it, this is obviously a small attack! Xi Ling is a proper father, and he is reluctant to let his good son be arched by a pig, and this "pig" has to be raised by himself. Insect Emperor and Xiebo are too pitiful, can they still have a good time?

    Xi Ling was extremely resentful, and her little hand was pinched again. Xi Ling turned her head aggrievedly and looked at Aubei's concerned eyes.

    Alright, alright╮(╯▽╰)╭Who told me to kidnap my son...


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