Chen Wei's investigation company soon got the investigation report. It's not like what Hu Junhao said. The logistics market is now saturated, and freight logistics has now formed a situation of three parts of the world in the local area. If Hu Junhao's logistics company can be the only one, it will be very successful in the local logistics market.

The three local logistics companies, equally matched, are responsible for the freight logistics of nearly 100 local enterprises.

Hu Junhao is looking for investment to eat up the other two logistics companies and do exclusive business.

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. Before Hu Junhao went to Cheng Zhenghai, he refused directly. The reason is very simple. He's only interested in the film and television industry. As for the logistics industry, he's not familiar with it, and he doesn't dare to enter it.

"I think I can do it." After reading the investigation report, Liu Weina said, "opportunities and risks coexist. Hu Junhao now wants to expand its investment. It is obvious that she has this assurance. If she can be a dominant company, the profits will be very considerable."

"But the report also said that the strength of the three logistics companies is equal, and it has been a tripartite situation. No one can eat anyone. Because of this, the situation has been maintained for so many years."

"Well! I'll go with you for a field trip and make a decision at that time. "

In terms of investment, Liu Weina has always been unfavourable. It's better to have a look. With this survey report, Chen Wei now has a deep understanding of this industry.

The next day at dawn, they set out. Chen Wei drove and got on the highway. By 8 o'clock, they had already arrived.

In Chen Wei's opinion, the Yangtze River Delta is really a magical place. The distance between each city is not very far. Basically, it's 100 km or 200 km. It takes three or four hours to drive to the Yangtze River Delta, or one or two hours to drive to the Yangtze River Delta. It's basically possible to come and go on the same day.

Because of this, Chen Wei saw more opportunities. He knew it was so good here, so he should have come earlier.

Chen Wei and Liu Weina first went to the other two logistics companies to have a look, pretending to be looking for long-term cooperation with logistics companies to consign materials. The on-the-spot investigation is always more real than what they see in writing.

In terms of scale, the two logistics companies are similar to those of Hu Junhao. In terms of the number of trucks, they are equally matched. It's no wonder that no one has eaten anyone after so many years.

From these two logistics companies, Chen Wei went directly to Hu Junhao.

Hu Junhao warmly entertained them, and Liu Weina didn't hide them. She said straight to the point: "let me talk about our ideas! If it's still on the current scale, it doesn't make much sense for us to invest. "

"What do you mean?" Hu Junhao was surprised. No wonder Chen Wei wanted to take Liu Weina with him. This woman is really not simple. She said the point of the problem in a word.

"If you can win the local market, we can consider investment. The question is, with your current strength, I'm afraid!" Liu Weina picked up her cup and took a sip of tea.

"It seems that you have already understood the logistics market here. Let me talk about my ideas! The acquisition of other logistics companies is basically unrealistic. I'm going to go in two steps. The first step is to win the customers of the other two logistics companies. Second, with the new app software, I decided to recruit some big truck drivers to join. They have their own cars and people. Our company is only responsible for ensuring their freight volume. This is a plan for cooperation and sharing. Our profit point is about this number. "

Hu Junhao had been prepared for a long time and showed Liu Weina the plan.

Liu Weina looked and nodded. According to the current cooperation sharing plan, the company's profit can be guaranteed.

"So, how can you win the customers of the other two logistics companies?"

"I've been planning this for several years. No accident, it can be realized in a month or so." Hu Junhao seems confident.

Liu Weina doesn't want to know about the internal operation. What she cares about is the result. If Hu Junhao can really do this, the other two companies will face the danger of bankruptcy.

Liu Weina thinks that this is a good opportunity. At that time, she can directly buy the two logistics companies at a low price. After fighting with Hu Junhao for such a long time, they would rather be cheap than sell the logistics company to Hu Junhao.

"Well! If you can win these customers, we will fully launch the acquisition of those two logistics companies. At that time, three logistics companies will form one logistics company and monopolize your local logistics market. "

"That's it. It's just that."

"Are you worried about our money?" Liu Weina said with a smile.

"After all, the acquisition of two logistics companies is not a small number.""Please rest assured that the funds are convenient and we have plenty of money. That's all for today. We are waiting for your good news."

After Chen Wei and Liu Weina finished talking, they had dinner and went back.

On the way back, Chen Wei has been thinking about the problem of capital. The investigation company has checked the asset status of several logistics companies. Judging from their current working capital, I'm afraid they can only eat one logistics company. If they want to win two logistics companies, it may not be realistic.

"What are you thinking?" Liu Weina saw Chen Wei's worry and asked with a smile.

"Money, we don't have enough money!"

"So you're worried about it!" Liu Weina said with a smile, "our funds are not enough. However, it should not be a problem to find two partners."

"Who is it?"


"It's not them that you should say!"

"Yes, they are."

They are Anyu and wenxiaoli in Liu Weina's mouth. They all have sufficient funds in their hands. It should not be a big problem to invest in purchasing logistics companies. However, Chen Wei is needed to open this mouth.

Chen Wei thought all the way. After he got home, he decided to make this call.

As the saying goes, Feishui doesn't flow to other people's fields. It's very cost-effective to buy projects. If we cooperate with Hu Junhao, according to the current situation, the gross profit is nearly one million every day. After all, the daily shipment volume of nearly 100 local companies is very huge, and the gross profit may far exceed the current accounting figure.

In any industry, the biggest fear is monopoly. I'm afraid Hu Junhao has long wanted to eat this fat meat.

Because of this, Liu Weina is so interested in this project. Maybe they can see further. Chen Wei has learned that the local county is one of the top 100 counties in China, and it is also one of the top 100 counties. If the logistics of this top 100 county can be won, the profit will be amazing

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