If you don't sell your house, you can't solve the current predicament of your family.

At this point, Lin Rou can't help it, and so can her father.

Lin Rou's mother felt that no matter what, she had to have this house, even if it was a broken house, at least a home. Without this house, there was no home.

With the current housing price, even if they want to buy a house in the future, they can't afford it. If they sell a house and rent a house, it will be a big expense every month.

"You cruel girl, do you want to see a family die?" The mother beat her daughter and complained about her daughter.

In this family, Lin Rou is mother's hope.

"What can I do? I have borrowed all the colleagues and friends I can borrow. Now who is willing to lend me money! I haven't paid back the money I borrowed before. I really can't help it now. "

"Didn't you say that there is a man in your unit who pursues you, and the family is rich?" Mother took Lin Rou's arm, "you go to borrow from him, how to say, also want to help your father pass this pass!"

"Yes! You can go and have a try. You can't do it all the time! " Dad said, looking out, the two men, the leftovers in the refrigerator, all out, sitting in the living room to eat.

After a whole night's discussion, nothing was settled. In the living room, two guys who had enough to eat and drink slept on the sofa.

At noon the next day, Lin Rou's brother came back from outside.

When I saw two strangers at home, I threw the basketball on the ground and walked towards them.

"Mom and Dad, who are those two people? My family relatives, are not it? I don't remember that we have such two relatives

Most of the Lin family's relatives don't associate with their families. A few years ago, Lin Rou's mother had a serious illness, spent all her family's savings and borrowed a lot of money from her relatives. Since then, the family has not turned over.

Up to now, there are still a lot of money borrowed from relatives that have not been paid back.

Their family took the initiative not to contact with relatives, afraid that relatives urged to pay back the money.

Lin Rou's mother is not in good health, and her salary is not very high. Sometimes she has to work at night. Lin Rou's father was laid off later. After looking for a long time, he found a job with low salary. Now, his son is going to college. He is under pressure to work during the day and go to work at night.

Lin Rou's mother pulls her silly son in, and there is a debt collector outside.

Simply talking about the situation at home, Lin Rou's younger brother said to Lin Rou, "elder sister, you can't wait to see death for help!"

The three people in the family are all looking forward to Lin rou.

Lin Rou feels almost suffocated. She can't stay at home any more. She goes out to borrow money and comes out of the house.

Just downstairs, I saw a familiar figure, standing in front of the car, looking towards her.

Early in the morning, the creditor came.

Even if Lin Rou doesn't want to see her, she's gone.

Last time Lu Feng sent her home, he knew she lived here.

"Mr. Lu, I will pay you the money I owe you." Lin Rou felt the tears whirling in her eyes. When she spoke, she held back the tears and didn't let them fall.

"Silly girl, I'm not here to collect debts. Get in the car Lu Feng said and opened the door.

Lin Rou hesitated and got on the bus.

Lu Feng takes Lin Rou to a restaurant. Lin Rou is really hungry. The two debt collectors are at home. She hasn't eaten anything since last night. Her parents are not in the mood to eat, so they are all hungry.

Lu Feng looked at Lin Rou eating, with a smile on his face: "what happened to your family?"

"How do you know?"

"In my opinion, you are a girl with strong self-esteem. You are not forced to lend me money in the middle of the night. Talk about it! See if I can help! "

Lin Rou wants to say it, but she doesn't know where to start, let alone the man who has an intention to herself.

"You still don't treat me as a friend. When everyone is in trouble, the key is whether anyone is willing to lend a hand. No matter how difficult things are in the world, they can always pass. In my opinion, any problem that can be solved with money is not a big problem."

Lin Rou smiles bitterly. Her biggest problem is that she has no money.

Lin Rou doesn't know whether she was moved by Lu Feng's sincerity or whether those words are too hard to hold in her heart. She needs a channel to talk.And the man in front of her, she can take him as a tree hole, to talk about their suffering life.

After Lin Rou finished, Lu Feng sighed: "I didn't expect that you would have such an experience. However, I think you are much luckier than me. At least, you still have family. "

Lu Feng told Lin Rou about his own affairs. It seems that compared with his life experience, Lin Rou is still happy.

Lin Rou looks at Lu Feng. She can't believe that Lu Feng is more miserable than herself.

"So, your problems are nothing at all. Eat! After dinner, we'll solve your problems. "

Lin Rou knows that with Lu Feng's financial resources, these things in his family are nothing at all. The clothes he gives to himself are so expensive, not to mention the money.

It's just this money that makes Lin Rou feel like she's on the verge of extinction.

Seeing that Lin Rou seemed to be hesitating, Lu Feng cut a piece of steak and sent it to Lin Rou's mouth: "only when you have enough food can you have the strength to fight this battle."

In Lu Feng's view, every suffering in life is a war. Just as when he was young, he was bullied by his family. He came out of that poor and backward village by his own efforts. Out of the countryside, his life is not plain sailing, but suffering, he is not all survived.

Lin Rou finally opened her mouth and ate the steak. At this moment, she knew what she would experience in the future with the help of Lu Feng.

The road is her own choice, and she has to face it.

Besides Lu Feng, she didn't know who else to ask for help.

No matter what her family did to her, she knew she would not be happy without them. When she was a child, her father rode a bicycle and took her to eat fried noodles. Every time he watched her eat, he was not willing to eat. She thought of when she was a child, her mother put the poached eggs in her bowl. It seems that everything has changed since the birth of her younger brother. Nevertheless, when her parents were young, they showed their love for her sincerely.

She still remembers that when she came home from junior high school, several social gangsters stopped her and teased her. Her father threw away his bike, picked up the bricks from the ground and fought with those people.

"They love me." Lin Rou's tears fell down.

Lu Feng looked at Lin Rou pear flower with rain, can not help but burst of heartache. He knows that the girl is very poor and full of resentment towards her family, but he doesn't want Lin Rou to hate her family, because only he knows how pathetic and pathetic it is to lose her family

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