Lu Feng smoking, slowly calm down.

Toward the side to see one eye, start too hard, Lin Rou black and blue.

Lu Feng gets up and walks towards Lin rou. Lin Rou curls up like a frightened bird.

Lu Feng hugs Lin Rou and keeps saying sorry.

Just now, Lu Feng's mood was completely out of control. He took Lin Rou as Lin ran to vent.

Now, he has a little regret. What's wrong with Lin Rou?

Lin Rou leaned against Lu Feng, shivering.

Lu Feng kisses Lin Rou on the forehead: "sorry, it's all my fault."

Lin Rou is crying, afraid that her cry will infuriate Lu Feng again.

Lu Feng takes Lin Rou to the room and helps her wipe the wound.

Looking at Lin Rou's wound, Lu Feng realized how crazy he was just now.

Lu Feng takes out a card from his bag and puts it in Lin Rou's hand.

This scene is very similar to what Chen Wei gave Lin Ranka just now.

Chen Wei must have made up for Lin ran with money.

He has been doing this all the time, and I believe that's what Chen Wei means.

Lu Feng came out of the room and sat on the sofa, exhausted but unable to sleep.

Just now all energy, all vented on Lin Rou's body.

No, we can't just let it go. Even if Lin Ran is her ex-wife, we can't take advantage of Chen Wei.

Lu Feng knows that Lin Ran's parents have been introducing Lin Ran's blind date. Whatever he knows, he can stop it.

Coercion and inducement, anyway, can't let Lin ran find stepfather for her daughter.

Now, Chen Wei has been living in secret for a long time.

This night, nearly suffering, not easy to wait until dawn.

Lu Feng got up from the sofa, came out from home, went outside, and dialed a phone: "help me check two people's affairs, one is Lin ran, the other is Chen Wei."

The person Lu Feng contacted is a private detective, who specializes in investigating and arresting traitors.

Lu Feng did not know that the city's traitors were basically acquainted with each other.

The private detective received a call and heard that the person Lu Feng wanted to investigate was Chen Wei. He was very familiar with Zhao Feng. It seemed that Zhao Feng had said that Zhao Feng's boss was Chen Wei.

Two people used to be good friends. When they have such news, they naturally need to inform good friends at the first time.

Zhao Feng immediately tells Chen Wei the news. Chen Wei is talking with Lin ran in his office.

Hang up the phone and take a look at Lin ran.

Lin ran looks at Chen Wei in doubt: "what's the matter?"

"Lu Feng is checking us."

"What are we doing?"

"I must think we have a special relationship."

"Even if it matters, what does it matter to him? Don't talk about him. "

In the face of Lin Ran's aggressive response, what else can Chen Wei say?

Lin ran found out in the morning that Chen Wei had given her a million yuan card.

In fact, Lin ran knows that it's money for her to set up a team. She doesn't need so much money to set up a team. Moreover, Lin ran also believes that people who can let her buy with money can also be bought with money. Such people are the most unreliable.

Lin Ran's plan is to divide the army into two groups. On the one hand, he will attract some neutrals from the company, or those who are at odds with Wu Wen's group, and recruit them for his own use. On the other hand, it is to introduce new people.

Lin Ran is good at recruiting and buying staff. In the morning, he set up a group and brought in his former colleagues who had a good relationship. He wanted to bring them in and get better treatment.

Lin Ran is more appealing. Most of those people are willing to come.

If we want to bring in a number of people, naturally we need to remove some.

Although Lin Ran is a woman, he has an iron hand policy.

Within one month after Lin ran took over as general manager, he completed the exchange transfusion.

Those confidants are all mixed with the newly recruited people. Except Lin ran, no one in the company knows who is his own person.

In one month, Lin ran set up a team to satisfy Chen Wei.

In the list of 100 people, almost every department has their own people, and some of them are still leading positions in important positions.Chen Wei looked at the list, most of the people on it, Chen Wei did not know.

Chen Wei is very satisfied with Lin Ran's work. It turns out that Chen Wei did not choose the wrong person.

Lin ran was really able to take on this important task. Before he knew it, he finished such an important work.

In this month, Wu Wen showed his kindness to Chen Wei through Lin ran many times, and Chen Wei made plans. No matter Wu Wen was sincere or false, Chen Wei would not give up his vigilance to Wu Wen.

After all, Wu Yan and Wu Wen are brothers. Without Wu Yan, there would be no Wu Wen now.

Yanwen technology has stabilized for the time being. With this team, Chen Wei has a clear idea of what's going on in all departments of the company.

These people are responsible for contacting Lin ran. None of them knows the identity of each other.

Lin ran reports to Chen Wei about the situation of various departments every day. Through the investigation during this period, it is found that Wu Yan's family ties all follow Wu Wen later. Moreover, they are really pretending to be friendly and brewing a big conspiracy in private.

At that time, they really wanted to use Lin ran to confuse Chen Wei and let Chen Wei relax his vigilance.

This discovery is very important for Chen Wei. It is no longer necessary to consider whether Wu Wen and other people are really submissive. It is enough to strike a unified strike.

Chen Wei has always adopted the strategy of coaxing and playing secretly.

With the team established by Lin ran, Chen Wei's position is relatively stable.

Chen Wei shows Lin Ran's ability to the greatest extent.

As the general manager, Lin Ran is very close to the company's top management and many shareholders, mainly promoting Chen Wei's development plan.

Whether it is the company's top management or shareholders, they are more concerned about the future development of the company, few people are fighting for the sake of infighting.

Through Lin ran, Chen Wei wants to carry out internal reform of the company on the one hand and win the support of the company's senior management and shareholders on the other hand.

Chen Wei and Lin ran are fighting side by side. Lu Feng knows all about them.

These are also Chen Wei's instructions. Everything can be said to others. What's more, the relationship between him and Lin Ran is not the kind of messy relationship that Lu Feng thought.

Despite this, Lu Feng still doesn't believe that his ex-wife and his enemies face each other day and night. Even if there was nothing before, it's hard to guarantee that nothing will happen in the future.

Lin ran became the general manager of Yanwen technology, and his income was high, which was not a good thing for Lu Feng.

Lu Feng has always had the idea of remarriage. After all, he still has feelings when he is married. What's more, he doesn't want others to be his daughter's stepfather.

Now that Lin Ran's income is high and his economy is good, he will never consider remarriage again.

This is the last thing that Lu Feng wants to see. The day Chen Wei gave Lin ran his bank card, Lu Feng still worries. Even if Lin ran went to work in Chen Wei's company, what did Chen Wei do for Lin Ran's bank card? On the day of giving the card, Lin ran had already gone to Chen Wei company. There was no matter of digging people.

Lu Feng also learned a news, that is, Lin Ran's account, more than 1 million, is that more than 1 million, Chen Wei to it?

More than one million yuan, like a thorn, pierced Lu Feng's heart

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