Although Lin Ran's heart is a little uncomfortable, but clear thinking, know how to do.

In front of Chen Wei, Lin ran called several main managers of the marketing department to his office to arrange work.

The marketing department sent more than ten people to Anyu's clothing factory to help set up the marketing department. Those who are willing to stay can stay and those who are willing to come back can come back, but we must ensure the normal operation of the marketing department there.

As for orders, during the preparation period, we must guarantee the orders there.

After the meeting, people from the marketing department left and went to contact Wu Ling.

"Boss. Are you satisfied with my arrangement? " Lin Ran is now completely business like.

It was certain that she felt uncomfortable. She thought she was different, and it was because she felt different that she was good at advocating.

She can be good at anything, only when she is facing Anyu. If she does anything, it will damage Anyu's interests. That's wrong.

He also loves Anyu, and he loves Anyu very much.

"Well, the work is arranged. I'll treat you to dinner in the evening."

"Thank you. I have something to do this evening. I can't go." Lin ran knew he shouldn't be like this, but he still played a small temper.

Lin Ran's heart is clear, Chen Wei for her, that's the gratitude, people are like this! Got it, wanted more.

Without Chen Wei, there would be no present for her. In fact, she was very grateful to Chen Wei.

However, she is also eager to be concerned, even if it is not such a relationship, as long as you care about yourself.

After conscious of his position, Lin ran had a kind of inexplicable sadness.

From the perspective of the company, acquisition is the best result.

However, Chen Wei did not agree, just because the man was his ex-wife.

Wake up! Lin ran, you are just a high paid manager. How can you compare with Anyu? There's no way.

Put yourself in the right place! The boss is not a friend.

Chen Wei gets up to go. Lin ran takes him to the door all the time. He is respectful and polite, but Chen Wei is not used to it.

Lin ran, whom he knew, should not be like this.

Some of the words, on the contrary, hurt people.

If an Yu is not involved in this matter, Chen Wei will very much agree with Lin Ran's approach. From the perspective of the company, Lin Ran's approach is indeed the most beneficial to the company.

But who is Anyu! In Chen Wei's life, even in the future, it is very important.

We should do what we promised before. That's his promise to Anyu. He knows that Lin ran was hurt just now. The relationship between them is definitely not as simple as the boss and the migrant workers.

Lin Ran is not an ordinary woman. I believe she can figure it out soon.

Chen Wei came out of the company and received a call from the personnel department of the head office.

Liu Xiaolong has been absent from work for more than three days. According to the company's regulations, innocent people who are absent from work for more than three days will be dismissed.

Because of Liu Xiaolong's special relationship with Chen Wei, the personnel department will ask for Chen Wei's opinions.

"Wait for my news!" Chen Wei hung up and was very angry.

Liu Xiaolong is absent from work. What does this bastard want to do?

Chen Wei calls Liu Xiaolong and turns it off.

I couldn't get through the phone, so I went to Liu Xiaolong's home. I didn't know the person who opened the door and said that the place was rented to them now.

Where did Liu Xiaolong go? Actually moved and rented out his own house.

It's really strange. After analysis, Chen Wei begins to realize that this bastard is hiding from him.

I called Jiang Xiaohan, but she got through.

"Have you moved?"

"Yes! We've got a new house and rented out where we used to live. "

A new house? Liu Xiaolong has changed a new house. Where did he get the money?

"Where is he? I haven't been at work for days

"I don't know. He said it would take a while to go out and do business."

"Do you have his contact information?"

"I'll send you the new number."

Chen Wei's wechat received Liu Xiaolong's new number, but the line was busy.

In this case, there is only one possibility. Liu Xiaolong has set him on a blacklist.It seems that Liu Xiaolong wants to draw a clear line with himself!

Chen Wei couldn't express his chagrin. He called the personnel department and asked them to follow the rules.

Where the hell did you go, asshole?

In the nightclub, Liu Xiaolong hugs each other, and Guo Feng sits next to him.

"The consumption here today is all mine." Liu Xiaolong looks like a rich man.

Guo Feng looks at Liu Xiaolong enviously. When they first met, Liu Xiaolong was no better than him. Only because this guy's brother-in-law is Chen Wei, he would keep climbing up.

I climbed very high and fell heavily afterwards.

"Where does Mr. Liu get rich now?"

"See this nightclub? I has the final say. Liuxiaolong said, the arms of the young lady back to Guofeng, "you all listen, Guofeng is my best brother, if you don't give him to me to serve comfortable, tomorrow I go away."

Some of them sat on Guo Feng's lap, some were kissing him, some were touching him, some were drinking Guo Feng's wine.

In this box, there are all the most beautiful ladies in the nightclub.

Where can Guo Feng fight! Just recovered, Guo Feng that carefree happy!

Liu Xiaolong picked up his cell phone and walked out.

"Boss, I'm already here. Don't worry. Now several young ladies are around him. He won't leave tonight. The equipment is state-of-the-art, all-round, and the private parts will be clearly photographed. " Liu Xiaolong finished and hung up.

Hit to ring a finger, side came a man, gather to come over.

"Is the medicine ready?"

"Mr. Liu, you are ready. They are the most powerful medicine here."

"Come on! Remember, shoot more. The standard is the effect I showed you yesterday. "

"Don't worry! We're bringing professionals today. "

"Go Liu Xiaolong waved his hand, smoked and came to a box.

There was a man sitting in the box. Liu Xiaolong respectfully walked over: "boss, it's all arranged. Let's wait to see a good play!"

"Liu Xiaolong, if you do this, I'll leave all the nightclubs in Jiangzhou to you."

"Don't worry, you'll be safe. You are kind to me. But for you, I would still be a little security guard now. "

"It won't be long before Chen Wei knows what you're doing with me."

"Don't worry, I've drawn a clear line with him."

"Liu Xiaolong, you are a talented person, and I am a person who cherishes talents. As long as you follow me and work hard, I will not treat you badly. The new house is not bad, right?"

"Thank you, boss. The new house is very comfortable."

"That's good. By the way, there's one more thing for you to do."

"Boss, if you have something to tell me, I will go through fire and water."

"See the picture? This is the room card. Tomorrow night, get her into this room. "

Liu Xiaolong has a look, surprised, how is she

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