Lu Feng rushed to the upstairs office, Zhao Lu saw Lu Feng's face is very bad, quickly came to ask: "how?"

Lu Feng came to Zhao Lu and said, "isn't this what you want to see?"

"What did you say? What is the result I want to see? " Zhao Lu knows what Lu Feng means, but pretends to be confused. She already knows the news of Wu Ling's abortion. The biggest beneficiary of Wu Ling's abortion is her. She can't hide her happiness, but she doesn't dare to show it on her face.

"You come in with me." Lu Feng pushed the door into the office, and Zhao Lu followed Lu Feng.

When he got to the office, Lu Feng looked back at Zhao Lu coldly: "I ask you, does the abortion of Wu Ling have anything to do with you?"

"What are you talking about! How can I have anything to do with her miscarriage? " Zhao Lu seems to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Today, the weather returned to damp, and the floor of the bathroom was wet and slippery. The cleaner specially laid anti-skid mat on the floor. However, when Wu Ling went to the toilet, the anti-skid mat of the bathroom disappeared, so she slipped. Did you take off the anti-skid mat?"

"I, I took off the skid pad? Is that what Wu Ling told you? "

"It's not what she said, it's what I thought of. I'll ask you, is there such a thing?"

"I haven't left the office since this morning. How can I go downstairs and take off the mat? It's just that Wu Ling fell down in the toilet by her own carelessness. On the contrary, it's on my head. It's ridiculous. "

Lu Feng slightly a Leng: "you said you did not leave the office?"

"Yes, I have a lot of work today. I am always busy in front of the computer. If you don't believe me, you can let my colleagues in the computer department access the surveillance video." Zhao Lu said with an aggrieved face.

When Lu Feng heard Zhao Lu say this, he thought that it would be hard for her to be wronged.

"You go out first!" Lu Feng waved Zhao Lu out.

When Zhao Lu went out, Lu Feng was left alone in the office. He turned on the computer and got the company's surveillance video. He had the right to view all the company's surveillance equipment. There was a surveillance camera at the door of his office. When it was installed everywhere, it was installed considering security. I didn't expect that it was really useful today.

Lu Feng retrieved the surveillance video from today's work to the time of the accident. The video shows that Zhao Lu has been really busy during this period of time and has not gone downstairs at all. Then she didn't have the chance to take off the anti slip mat. Was it really just an accident?

The weather returned to damp, the ground was wet and slippery, the cleaner put on the anti-skid mat, someone deliberately took off the anti-skid mat, and Wu Ling fell down and miscarried. How could it not look like an accident?

Everything is too coincidental, but the biggest beneficiary of this incident, Zhao Lu, has no evidence of presence. So who took off the anti slip mat?

Lu Feng thought of this, picked up the phone on the desk and made a call to the security team leader. The security team leader was specially recruited by him, an old classmate of Lu Feng, who came down from the army. Later, he joined the criminal police team and worked as a criminal police for several years. Later, because of some things, he was expelled by the criminal police team. Later, he found Lu Feng and asked him to be the security team leader.

Security team leader Wu Chang'an received a call from Lu Feng and trotted to Lu Feng's office.

"Boss, what can I do for you?"

"Chang'an, you and I don't have to be so polite. I know you are a criminal policeman. When you were in the criminal police team, you had a lot of detective brains. Now there is something you need to check for me. "

"Wu Ling fell down in the toilet and miscarried."

Lu Feng looked up at the old classmate in surprise. Wu Chang'an, who was determined to be a scout when he was in school, knew what he was looking for as soon as he spoke.

"Yes, that's it."

"I've got a clue. I'll find out the man before I get off work." Wu Chang'an said with great confidence.

"Good, very good. I'll wait for your good news."

Wu Chang'an stood at attention, turned and walked out.

Lu Feng approvingly looked at the awesome old schoolmate. It seemed that he had taken him in the right place, and when he used him, he really gave it a lot of strength.

Wu Chang'an went downstairs, inspected the scene, called the cleaner over and asked a few questions. The cleaner said something similar to what he just said.

Wu Chang'an came to the corridor and looked up. There was a surveillance video in the corridor. From the surveillance video, we should be able to see who went in and out of the toilet.

Wu Chang'an went to the computer department and got the surveillance video. Before Wu Ling went in, many people went to the toilet. If they asked one by one, it would be a waste of time and there might be no result.Wu Chang'an called the people who went to the toilet within half an hour before Wu Ling entered the toilet and asked them one by one.

The answers of those people are almost the same. They all say that when they go to the toilet, there are anti-skid mats in the toilet.

In this way, the most suspect may be the last person to go to the toilet before Wu Ling.

Wu Chang'an called the man into the room alone, looked up at her and asked, "your name is Guo Xiaoli."

"Yes Guo Xiaoli looks a little flustered, all of which are captured by the keen Wu Chang'an.

"I see from the surveillance video that you are the last person to enter the toilet before Wu Ling goes to the toilet."

"I don't know. I'm just going to the bathroom. What's the problem?"

"Of course, there's a problem. Your office is upstairs, and there's a toilet upstairs. But if you don't go to the toilet upstairs, you just go downstairs to go to the toilet. It's very doubtful."

"There was someone in the toilet upstairs. I was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so I came down to go to the toilet." Guo explained.

"Is it?" Wu Chang'an looked at the security guard standing beside him: "you go out first."

The security guard went out and there were only two of them left in the room.

"Most people in the company know the relationship between Wu Ling and her boss. It's no secret. What Wu Ling is pregnant with is the boss's child. It's said that she is still a boy. Everyone knows how much the boss cares about it. Wu Ling's abortion, the biggest income is Zhao Lu, she is also the boss's lover, but because Wu Ling pregnant things, has been out of favor, so today's weather return tide, Zhao Lu a see this opportunity is good, instructed you to go to the downstairs toilet, took off the anti slip mat, which led to Wu Ling fall abortion, right? "

"No, it has nothing to do with me."

"You're still quibbling. It's clear that you did it. You and Zhao Lu grew up together. When you came to work in this company, or because of Zhao Lu's relationship, you reciprocated and eliminated Zhao Lu's rival. If Wu Ling miscarries, Zhao Lu will be in favor, and you will be developed. Am I right? " Wu Chang'an said aggressively

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