Wu Chang'an rushed into the corridor and saw that in the corridor, the patients and nurses were scared to flee. There was a man on the ground, full of blood, crawling forward. There were two long bloodstains on the ground.

Wu Chang'an recognized that this person is Zhao Lilong.

There are also some brave people nearby. Wu Chang'an saw Zhao Lilong climb a few steps, and then he fainted.

Lu Feng! Wu Chang'an thought of Lu Feng, rushed to the ward.

At the door of the ward, I saw Lu Feng sitting on the ground with a man in his arms. Blood was flowing from the man's stomach.

"Call the doctor, come on!" Lu Feng cried.

Wu Chang'an recovered, rushed outside, went to the doctor's duty room, caught a doctor, and came to the ward.

The doctor and Wu Chang'an carried the man to the hospital bed and examined the wound: "surgery must be done immediately."

The hospital security arrived, subdued Zhao Lilong, in fact, they do not need to do anything, Zhao Lilong is dying, the hospital still let the doctor carry Zhao Lilong to rescue.

Lu Feng is in a wheelchair covered with blood. Wu Chang'an pushes him and stands outside the emergency room.

Until now, Wu Chang'an did not know what had happened.

"It's him. He saved me!" Lu Feng looks at it with a sad face and feels more guilty.

The doctor came out from inside, and Lu Feng quickly grabbed the doctor and asked about the situation.

"The wound is not very deep. We have already dealt with it. Don't worry! There will be no problem

Lu Feng took a long breath. When the police saw that Lu Feng was in a stable mood, they wanted to take notes for him.

In the ward, Chen Wei lay there, his face pale, although the wound is not deep, but shed a lot of blood, his face still looks a little bad.

"Here's the thing. I came to see Lu Feng. As soon as I got off the elevator, I felt that the man was furtive. He was walking and talking on the phone. The elevator stopped at this time. Almost two elevators stopped. I didn't think much about it at that time. In retrospect, he should have informed his partner to cut off the power supply of the elevator, so the two elevators would stop at the same time. " Chen Wei is talking about what happened before. In retrospect, he still has a lingering fear.

Chen Wei didn't have time to think about it at that time. He thought that the man was a little strange, and the strangest thing was that the man actually walked into Lu Feng's ward. As soon as he got to the door, he took out a dagger.

Chen Wei thought of the damage to the brake system of Lufeng's car before, and connected the two. He realized that this man had come to kill Lufeng and rushed recklessly.

When he got to the ward, Zhao Lilong stabbed Lu Feng with a dagger. Lu Feng rushed over and kicked Zhao Lilong to the ground. Zhao Lilong got up from the ground and stabbed Chen Wei with a dagger. Chen Wei dodged and grabbed Zhao Lilong's arm. He wanted to take Zhao Lilong's dagger down, but Zhao Lilong held on to it, The two men wrestled together.

In the process of fighting, Lu Feng falls down from the bed, grabs Zhao Lilong's leg and bites him hard. Chen Wei reaches for Zhao Lilong's dagger, but Zhao Lilong stabs him. Chen Wei pulls Zhao Lilong's arm hard, but the dagger doesn't stab him very deeply. In the next fight, Lu Feng hits and bites Zhao Lilong, and Zhao Lilong is distracted, Chen Wei grabs Zhao Lilong's wrist and grabs the dagger.

Zhao Lilong kicks Lu Feng away and gets up from the ground. He just wants to kick Chen Wei. Lu Feng grabs Zhao Lilong's leg and tugs it hard. Zhao Lilong's center of gravity is unstable and falls to the ground. The dagger in Chen Wei's hand is inserted on Zhao Lilong's back. Zhao Lilong almost breathes in pain and reaches for the dagger, but Lu Feng pulls it tightly.

Zhao Lilong bumps Lu Feng open with his head and pulls out the dagger from his waist to stab Lu Feng. Lu Feng quickly climbs to one side and comes to Chen Wei. Chen Wei staggers to his feet, covers the wound with his hand and walks towards Zhao Lilong.

Zhao Lilong struggles to get up from the ground and wants to fight with Chen Weishu. At this time, the patient's family members rush over. Zhao Lilong waves a dagger and frightens those people to dodge. Zhao Lilong rushes outside. Just after a few steps, he falls on the ground and climbs forward.

At this time, Wu Chang'an arrives. Chen Wei takes a few steps and falls to the ground. Lu Feng struggles to get up from the ground and hugs Chen Wei.

Chen Wei was also frightened at that time. He didn't expect to bleed so much. Later, he fainted.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely and the wound was not deep. Zhao Lilong was not so lucky as him, and he is still in the intensive care unit.

Lu Feng wants to tell Chen Wei's family, but Chen Wei doesn't let him. Chen Wei calls his family and says he's on a business trip. He just asks Liu Jie to come.Liu Jie came and saw that Chen Wei was so hurt that she cried all the time. When she knew that the problem was not big, she broke her tears into a smile.

Wu Chang'an received a call from his security guard. Chunge's people were arrested on the spot, and none of them ran away.

At the beginning, Chunge refused to say anything. His men were not as tough as he was. He said everything.

Spring brother a look, had to tell the truth.

After Chunge got out of prison, he received business through a website, which was introduced by acquaintances. What he wrote about was the handling company. In fact, what he did was all illegal activities.

Zhao Lilong contacted Chunge through that website. Zhao Lilong was very happy to give them money. He assigned them a time to stay at the school gate. When he said that time, he would send them photos and ask them to attack the target. They waited at the school gate and received the photos from Zhao Lilong. When the school was over, they saw Lu Feng's daughter, Just about to start, but did not expect the police from the sky, put them in one pot.

Wu Chang'an finished with Lu Feng. Lu Feng was very satisfied and gave Wu Chang'an a reward.

"This time, thanks to you."

"Shame! If I had found out earlier, you and Chen Wei would not have had an accident. "

"I didn't expect that Zhao Lilong, a young man, was so cunning. We underestimated the enemy by working in both ways."

"Yes! Now he is still in a coma, and the police can't take a confession. They can only take a confession when he is out of danger. "

"By the way, do you have any news about what you want to inquire about?"

"Zhao Lilong came back alone. His mother has no entry and exit records. Zhao Lilong should have come back alone without telling his mother."

"I don't know why. I'm still a little worried. I always feel that it's not over."

Outside the intensive care unit, a woman, standing there, looking inside with tears on her face, clenched her fist, her face more and more terrifying

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