Chen Wei sent Liu Jie downstairs. They were just about to go upstairs, and a man came out of the corner.

See Chen Wei, will kneel down to Chen Wei: "brother-in-law, thank you for pulling me, but for you, I might be killed by usury now."

Liu Xiaolong's hair has been cut off and he has changed into clean clothes. He is debt free and light. His whole spirit looks much better.

Zhao Dabiao said that after Liu Xiaolong's debts were paid off, this guy slept in bed for three days and three nights. He also said that he hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

Everything in the past is like a dream.

Chen Wei quickly picked up Liu Xiaolong: "to be clear, I didn't give you the money. If you have a IOU, you have to pay half of your salary every month. I got you a job as a worker in the workshop. It's hard work, but the salary is much higher than you now. Do you want to do it? "

"Yes, of course I did. I owe you so much money. If I don't do it, how can I pay you back? "

Now many factories are short of labor. Local people are tired of hard work and do not do it. Many foreigners have gone back, so the wages in these factories are still very high.

A friend of Chen Wei's works as a production manager in that factory. He promised to take good care of Liu Xiaolong.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you can rest assured that I will never toss again. I will work hard and pay off the debt." Liu Xiaolong vowed.

People who have not experienced such things may not be able to understand Liu Xiaolong's current feelings. Looking back on those days, sleeping is an extravagant hope, suffering all the time.

Every day, watching the money in the account decrease, Liu Xiaolong has the heart to die.

He knew he couldn't pay back. If Zhao Dabiao hadn't found him and lost the usury, he would have died.

On the way home in a taxi, I didn't know how to talk with the taxi driver. They talked about suicide. A few days ago, the boss of a company committed suicide. Jump to death, taxi driver said, those who want to commit suicide, the most determined is the kind of charcoal burning suicide, in the face of death, a little bit of watching life die.

Now it all sounds so far away, but it used to be so close to Liu Xiaolong.

It's very difficult for people to have a thorough understanding. Only after experiencing life and death can they repent.

Prodigal son does not change his money. Since God has given him a chance of rebirth, he will live well. To live like a dog, this experience is a kind of life experience for Liu Xiaolong. It also makes him understand how stupid he was in the past few years.

He has no sense of responsibility for his parents, his wife and children, his family and even himself. He even thinks that if he dies like this, how long will his family be sad for him? It may not take long for his family to completely forget him. That will be his sorrow. He doesn't want to live like this.

He wants to change his face with confidence and be a person who is really responsible for his family.

People can't always rely on others. Chen Wei can save him once or twice. He can't save him all his life.

Chen Wei is no more than a few years older than himself. Why can't he have such a wonderful life?

On the way back, Liu Xiaolong had a good idea. From now on, he should draw a clear line with his friends, quit smoking, drinking and gambling, and be a real responsible person.

At Liu Jie's home, Liu Jie looks at Chen Wei gratefully. Liu Xiaolong's change is thanks to Chen Wei, who has saved their family again and again.

She is Chen Wei's woman now. She is willing to follow Chen Wei all her life, even if she doesn't have any fame.

She knows that she can't live without this man. She is willing to stay with Chen Wei all her life.

"I think that half of his salary will be handed in, and you can save it for him. It's not a small sum after a year. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect him to change so much this time. He lost his long hair, washed off his tattoos, and dressed like a normal person. I didn't expect that saving a young man who had fallen behind would have such a sense of achievement. "

"You are so kind to me."

"I'm repaying you for what you've done for me. Of course, I'll repay you well."

"Tonight, stay and let me repay you."

"I'm not going to go!" Chen Wei said, holding Liu Jie and walking towards the room.

The next morning, Chen Wei crept home, and his mother's cough came.

Chen Wei went to the living room and saw his mother sitting on the sofa, looking at him: "do you have to have no change of clothes to go home?""Mom, I drank too much yesterday and lived in a friend's house, so."

"You don't have to hide anything from me. I know that you lived in that woman's house last night. I not only know this, but also know that you paid more than 300000 debts for her brother. Son, that family is bottomless and dissatisfied. Listen to your mother's words and draw a clear line with her, OK?"

"Mom, who are you listening to? It's not like this at all." Chen Wei also wanted to explain, but his mother raised her hand and interrupted.

"I used to want to turn a blind eye. I can't or don't want to take care of your young people's affairs. But now, I have made it clear that I don't want you to be together, and I don't want to be with you in the future. After that, you have to go home every day, otherwise, we'll move out and live. When I'm finished, you'll figure it out for yourself. " Mother said, got up and went out.

Chen Wei watched his mother leave and knew that his mother was really angry this time.

There are not many people who know about Liu Xiaolong. Who told his mother?

It's not what my mother thought at all, but even if I explain it, can I explain it clearly? It's true that Liu Jie has such a disturbing brother.

Now, my mother must think that Liu Jie is with Chen Wei because of money. No matter what explanation, I'm afraid my mother won't believe it.

Once a person has a prejudice against another person, it is difficult to change it.

I think my mother liked Liu Jie so much at the beginning, but now it's like this.

For the first time, Chen Wei had a sense of powerlessness and didn't know how to solve this problem. When he heard friends say that it was difficult to reconcile the relationship between his wife and his mother, he also said that it was because of friends. A good man shouldn't let this happen. Now, when it comes to him, he knows that it's easier said than done.

Liu Xiaolong's more than 300000 yuan has made a knot in his mother's heart. I'm afraid that the things between him and Liu Jie will never be recognized by his mother.

Chen Wei is helpless, but has no way.

Chen Wei changed his clothes, drove to the company, sat down for a while and looked at the time. After nine o'clock, the stock market will soon open. Chen Wei put down all his work and nervously looked at the computer screen. No one will know what will happen when the market opens today

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