The celebration meeting of Yunzhao real estate company was held in a hall of the international hotel.

Chen Wei has set up more than 30 tables, full of people. Not only the real estate companies, but also the pharmaceutical companies.

Chen Wei did not expect that there were so many employees in his two companies.

The celebration party was proposed by Liu Weina. Now that the brand has started, we should make persistent efforts and continue to do it.

Chen Wei agreed to the celebration, but in terms of making persistent efforts, Chen Wei said that he would stay away from taking the land.

Liu Weina doesn't agree with this. After all, the company is very popular. If we continue to develop new real estate, the bank will have confidence in them.

Liu Weina has contacted the bank executives in recent days, and the other side's meaning is very clear. If Yunzhao real estate continues to take land to develop new properties, they will certainly support it.

"Why?" Liu Weina couldn't understand why Chen Wei had to suspend all his plans and "retreat in a hurry?"? Early retirement? Or do you think you're satisfied with your achievements? "

Chen Wei shakes his head, the company is now such a scale, if put in the past, Chen Wei may really be in a hurry to retire early, but now, everything is different, what he needs is his company to grow stronger, strong enough to compete with Xiao Zhennan, but not now.

He is a net Red Mansion dish, but also because of this thing, offended many insiders, Xiao Zhennan will certainly sow discord, cooperate with those people to deal with themselves.

At this time, doing nothing is the wisest choice.

"I need time to think about the future development of the company. You are right. Now we can continue to acquire land and develop new buildings. But do you think Xiao Zhennan will let us go? Xiao Zhennan lost the fine decoration project this time, but in this industry, we are small generation, so we can't compete with others at all. We won this close, not excluding the element of luck, but our luck, can not always be so good. I don't want to be tough with Xiao Zhennan. I know I don't have such strength now. "

Liu Weina nodded when she heard Chen Wei say so.

Chen Wei is right. For the first time, Xiao Zhennan won by chance. For the second time, Xiao Zhennan won by luck. Will Xiao Zhennan let Chen win for the third time?

There is a big gap in strength. Xiao Zhennan can afford to lose, but they can't afford to lose at all. For them, losing means that everything they have now will no longer exist.

"All right! You're the boss. You're the master. I'll listen to you. " Liu Weina found that Chen Wei is not only more mature than before, but also has a more thorough view on many issues.

Chen Wei said that it was luck to win Xiao Zhennan this time. Of course, we can't rule out the element of luck, but strength is also on the one hand. Chen Wei is no longer the rookie who just graduated from the workplace in her eyes before. He has become mature and steady. What surprised Liu Weina most is his amazing business talent.

Liu Weina knows very well that it doesn't matter to win once or twice. The most important thing is that Chen Wei wants to avenge his father. His ultimate goal is to defeat Xiao Zhennan completely.

Now Chen Wei wants to keep his strength, just want to beat Xiao Zhennan in the future.

Chen Wei and Liu Weina hold the red wine and toast at the table. Liu Jie takes the initiative to follow them and pour them wine. The taste of the red wine is much lighter.

Chen Wei knows that it must be Liu Jie who makes people move. Otherwise, it would be strange for him and Liu Weina not to drink and lie down?

Chen Wei looks at Liu Weina. Liu Weina is also looking at him. They know that Liu Jie is for their good.

No one is stupid enough to taste the wine in the glasses of the boss and the second boss. In this way, after a circle, they are not drunk at all. How much material has been added to them! Strangely, although the red wine is diluted, the color does not seem to change much.

As soon as Chen Weigang sat down and wanted to ask Liu Jie how she did it, the staff of the company began toasting in turn.

Chen Wei didn't know how much wine he drank that night. Liu Weina and Liu Jie didn't stop him from drinking. Even if it was diluted wine, Chen Wei was still drunk.

Chen Wei was completely broken. When he woke up the next day, he was already in bed at home. He only remembered that a technician from the following pharmaceutical company offered him a toast. Later, he didn't know what happened.

Chen Wei sat up from the bed, and his mother came over with a bowl of porridge: "finish the porridge first, so the stomach is more comfortable."

Chen Wei didn't care to brush his teeth and wash his face. His stomach was really uncomfortable. He picked up the porridge made by his mother and drank it."Are you better?" Mother took the bowl from Chen Wei's hand.

"The stomach is still a little rough." Before Chen Wei had porridge, his stomach turned upside down. Now he is a little more comfortable.

"Drink slowly in the future, you! Like your father, people always give a toast to anyone who comes. "

"Yesterday was mainly too happy, so I drank more." Chen Wei didn't remember how he got drunk yesterday. He thought that he would not get drunk after drinking Liu Jie's Handmade wine. Who knows, he was still drunk in the end.

Chen Wei went to the bathroom to take a bath and put on a clean suit. Today, there is a local pat. He wants to go and have a look.

Chen Wei calls Liu Weina. Liu Weina just wakes up. She is wearing sexy pajamas and lying on the sofa lazily. When she hears that Chen Wei is going to the local shooting scene, she doesn't know why.

Didn't Chen Wei say that everything was suspended? Why do you have to go to the local shooting scene again?

"Change your clothes first, and I'll come to pick you up in a minute." Chen Wei goes downstairs and drives to Liu Weina's house.

Just arrived at the door of Liu Weina's house, I saw Liu Weina come out from inside.

Uncompleted residential project successfully concluded, Liu Weina also rewarded herself, from head to toe, all are new.

Chen Wei's eyes were fixed on Liu Weina, and she almost whistled. Liu Weina reached out and shook her hand in front of Chen Wei's eyes: "what are you looking at?"

"Sister Na, you are beautiful today."

Before Liu Weina came out, she took a special look in front of the mirror. In the mirror, the woman was charming and charming. Once she wore this dress, she added a bit of elegance.

Liu Weina also specially put on make-up, which she just learned from her best friend recently. She looks more and more radiant.

"Glib, by the way, you haven't answered me yet? Don't you mean we won't shoot the ground for the time being? So what are we doing on the spot? "

"You'll know when you go. Get in the car." Chen Wei opened the door and asked Liu Weina to get on.

Liu Weina is at a loss. What the hell is this guy up to

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