Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 13 - 13 Slaughter

All of them now froze And fear Witnesses The Celestial slowly descending from the sky

They freeze didn't dare to make a move

Then Aurelion land on earth caused a little earthquake, snaping everyone out of their mind

Immediately Kronos Titan of Time begin to Grow is size from 100m to 600m but still lot shorter compared to Aurelion.

Kronos depite know How powerful the Celestial Is he still challenged him, an act that will make a Fatal mistake.

Kronos voice booming: Space God!!!, this is none of your business leave now and never return or you will suffer the Wrath of Titan of Time.

Aurelion(in mind) : bitch please, I literally holding the Time Gem in my palm.

Aurelion: "all of you stop this War or I stop is myself".

But none Of pantheon react then all the major God look each other and nod

The nod mean "they now will stop fighting each other but Target This Space God instead"

Then Kronos cried out:all Titans Charge!!!!!!!

All the Titan begin to grow Immediately Equal height of 600m all of the Charge at Aurelion

Then Aurelion Materialise a Staff Then Begin to pourring Space And Time "energy" inside the Staff then Slam it down the Earth.(the slam look like Eson the searcher Kill a planet using his staff and infinity stone IN GOG)


The slam causing a wave of energy in all direction Instantly Vaporize and disintegration all The Titans but luckily Kronos managed to escape the radius of the energy however he lost his right arm when the moment The Energy touch is.

Kronos in mind: whatever what kind of power is that I need to be careful with is, I can't regenerate my arm, that mean that Kind of Power will kill us permanently.

All other pantheon again shock and awe this Celestial just kill all the Titan With just a Slam of His staff.

Young Odin then ask : father who or what is that?.

Bor replied Fearfully :This isn't something you want to know right know.

Bor then Yell: ALL ASGARDIAN RETREAT!!!!!!!.

Kronos yell : You Coward!!!!!!

Hades then said: Are You Insane, look at that (Hades point to Aurelion), That celestial just Kill all The Titan In 1 slam of his Staff, 1 slam in one Fuken slam.

Zeus:Yes is must take a lot of his energy if we strike now we will have a chance to Defeat is

Poseidon:No we must retreat, we have no power to defeat him.

Zeus:You WILL Listen to your king!!!!!!, we will and we must destroy That Celestial.

Athena in mind: I have a Bad feeling about this.

Poseidon:Fine but if something happen to us then is your Fault.

Zeus then grin then Yell :Everyone attack the Space God.

However they hesitate, but begin to use they power to attack Aurelion

All of God and Major God in Greek Pantheon begin to launch their Assault on Aurelion

All the angel begin to look each other then nod knowing They will probably die in this battle

All of them begin to use their magic, projectiles, and launching them Towards Aurelion

Aurelion just stand Still in one place let all of them hit him.


After several Hour all of the god completely depleted their energy only The god Of the Bible and Shinto God along with epygtian God haven't join the battle yet.

The entrie radius 30km fill with hole and crater the results of their energy Land on earth

Kronos then smirk: no matter how powerful are you under the that kind of ȧssault you will definitely Been destroyed by is...

Then the Smoke die down to reavel Aurelion Completely Unharm.

Kronos:Impossible how...


Then Aurelion use all the Energy that his has Absorb from the attack and and Let Out an energy Pulse (if you have Watch godzilla Kotm This will look like Burning Godzilla unleashed his Nuclear pulse again ghidorah)

Then energy Pulse immediately Spread In the radius 100000 km Immediately Vaporize anything on his path

Seeing the attack was coming all The God Have no Others choice But take is They no longer have enough magic to Teleport away.

Immediately all of them use they own life force to make a Barrier to shield them, but when Upon contact of Aurelion Energy pulse Is immediately collapse and instantly Vaporize all the God and minor God Of Greek along with their troop, this also killing Rest of Angel and minor God and some of major Archangel and God in The Remaining of 2 pantheon were live, the lucky one were live but with an extreme burn on they bodies, those who not immediately Vaporize by the energy

(expect for Hestia She didn't join the Battle, Hesta is a good girl)

Aurelion :well that was weak, anyone else??

Then God of the Bible Flew down Standing opposite of Aurelion

God of Bible say in furious : you dare to harm My Creation You will pay.

Then his rush to Aurelion ċȯċk his arm and punch.


God of bible: What?.. URGGG

Not finished his sentence Aurelion Grab his neck then lift him up

Aurelion then Glare at him then :of all the other God You Were the Most disgusting.

Then Aurelion Use the Time Gem To to Rapidly age him and also Absorbed his energy.

God of Bible :Argggg..... Argggggg.

God of Bible then try to struggle to get out Aurelion grip but no matter he try Aurelion won't even bulge not even slightest bit.

Then God of Bible Rapidly Aging and start to dying

Seeing this all other Angel shock and cry in Despair

Micheal: no.... Father.... No

Grabiel just cry Don't even saying a word

Then all other angel begin to look Aurelion with pure Hatred and Disgust

Michael :all of Angel Retreat!!!!!!!, Retreat now!!!!

Uriel: what?!! Don't you want to reveg....

Not finished his word Michael speak up

Micheal: If Even our Creator one Of the Strongest God in existence have no power to defeat him, then what chance do we have?!?!

Uriel :But...

Michael :no But.... Retreat Now!!!!!!!!

Then all of Angel flew back to Heaven Realm

Where they will spend few billion year to cry for their Creator who give them a Goal in they life

Then Amaterasu: we will also retreat we have no power to match with the Celestial. (in terror)

Horus: agree. (panic)

Then Both of 2 remained of pantheon immediately retreat back to their Realm

Then Aurelion turn to Kronos the single Survivor of the Battle

Aurelion :Tell me How... Do... You.... Wish.... To... DIE???!!!!!!. (Say menacingly while walking towards Kronos)

Kronos then cowering in Fear :Please have Mercy...oh Great CELESTIAL.(Terrified)

Then Aurelion Grab his neck and doing the same thing with him when Aurelion doing with God Of the Bible

Then Kronos feeling All his power and energy being suck out his bodie.

Kronos:how I am... The Titan of Time..

Aurelion then Lift his left arm up then open his palm.

Kronos in horror :the.... The..... The... Time Gem.

Aurelion :now you know.

Then finally Kronos turn to Dust

Then Aurelion look back to earth Then Build up Massive of Immense of Life energy gather is into a ball and let is Absorb by the Grounds

Then the entries Earth begin to Fill with life, Tree and flower Blooming with their beauty.

Gaia in distance : Thank you oh Great Celestial.

Then Aurelion Look towards Gaia direction and say :Your welcome.

Gaia a bit shock when Aurelion immediately Spot her so easily but say nothing.

Then Aurelion turn to Agamotto :my Job here is done.

Agamotto :yes you have my Thankful oh great Celestial.

Death:well is my job now

Then Death flick her wrist then all of energy and hundreds of Millions of Soul began to flew to her.

Went finished Death turn to Aurelion :you have teach them a lesson they won't cause another stupid war in A long time from now on,goodbye for now my Dear~.

Then Death teleport back to her Realm

Aurelion then Also begin to fly back the Supremacy

Agamotto : I have A lot of work to do

Unknow to to them

Humanity who have watched everything from the beginning, began to worship Aurelion

And Give him many title

The Titan of COSMOS

The Space God

The Cosmic God

The Annihilator(you know why)

The Life Lord

During The battle the Norse pantheon have success fully retreats back to Asgard and also watch from everything

Young Odin: Father... Can you tell me now?

BOR : alright sit down i will tell you a story about the Celestials.

Back to Aurelion

Aurelion have enter the Supremacy and leave Earth.

Aurelion: Vega begin Experiments with the Time Gem.

Vega: yes sir.


That all for now *Ciao*

Teleport out

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