Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 3 - 3 discovery

Aurelion pov

Well is been total 600 year I stay on this planet to master my power my progress is almost complete control my Cosmic power

Astronomical Object Manipulation

Corona Manipulation

Cosmic Attacks

Cosmic AwarenessCosmic Projection

Cosmic Constructs

Cosmic Creation

Cosmic Defense

Cosmic Destruction

Cosmic Element ManipulationCosmic Energy Manipulation

Cosmic Generation

Cosmic Medium Manipulation

Cosmic Solidification

Cosmic Space Manipulation

Cosmic Weather ManipulationCosmic Storm

Fundamental Forces ManipulationElectromagnetism Manipulation

Gravity Manipulation

Strong Force Manipulation

Weak Force Manipulation

Personal Cosmic Energy

Space-Time Manipulation

Space Wind Defiance

Universe Residue Manipulation(wiki)

Well basically I can do everything but not on Universal scale Not Yet but soon, Now on to new thing, get what Earth aren't form yet the entries universe is a new born universe, I have basically billion and billion of year to travel explore the multiverse and explore new power, now I have some several new technique which I created.

All my 8 eye can shoot beam which can change is directions as my will is basically Omega beam From DC but mine is much more powerful I also can can redirect all 8 beam into one forming a massive beam with more powerful.

High concentrate pressure energy, I can create a beam with complete so thin you can't see is with normal eye, I can also form as such sword, spear, bow, shield, drill any kind of weapon made from energy, I call this Armanent power this also can apply with Antimatter, now onto most Cheated technique I have created" Space-time-reality Lock Hit"

Basically when I "lock on" to which I see as enemy I can hit no matter the distance the defence which is useless in front of this, even they form entries 1000layer shield my attack will ignore is completely, hahaha Im OP Bit**h, now onto another I can short-distance teleportarion everywhere im wanted Is technically like Km evolto from km Build series.

Now I want a Cool looking space ship which is made out Vibranium or Adamantium....but is will take Time to find them even with my Cosmic navigation Wait why do I need to find them, I can get Uru instead Remember Uru is form from a 'Dying Star' this godly metal was use by the Asgardian god to make their weapon, all I need to do is find A Dying Star and harvest is and Wala Free Uru.

Time to leave this planet with that I'm flying out the planet leave is behind, then begin to use Cosmic awareness to find a Dying Star. The

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