Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 30 - Knull demise and new power 3

Aurelion pov

I immediately return to my height, then hear Knull say.

Knull: Attack him.

immediately all Symbiote-Aspirant rush to Aurelion, Aurelion then Increase his heat and active his chain blade, He then swung and kill 5 of them that approach him, and turn behind, and thurst his blade in the ċhėst of one, is the screech in pain before Aurelion cut is head.

Aurelion: So annoying.

Aurelion let out a Pulse of Power of Destruction immediately kill hundreds of them, then Raise his arm toward the Aspirant army, then Create 2 massive black holes, the black hole then begins to suck everything inside many of them been suck into the Blackhole, then Aurelion Create a Massive Red Giant star, All Of the symbiote-Aspirant screams in pain as they can feel the heat from the star, Aurelion then make 10 another star and make is unstable and make it explode into a massive Supernova killing nearly all Aspirant, Knull also gets caught in the radius blast.

when the explosion dies down, the Klyntar planet is now destroyed, Aurelion now Float in space.

Knull then Appear Opposite Aurelion.

Knull: Gona say I'm impressed, never in my life, I battle with a celestial like this, but you can't kill me, I am the embodiment of Darkness, the God Of Void, you have no power Here.

Aurelion: that we're you wrong.


Aurelion: indeed you Are embodiments of Darkness, but you ain't the God of Void, because you only use the Abyss Power the primal Darkness, not the Void, not the Nothingness, cause if you are the God of Void, you should kill me by now.

Knull: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are correct, but you still cannot kill me, as long as the Darkness live I will be existing with it.

Aurelion: You're right as long as there is Darkness, But you were born From the Void but also it can kill you.

Knull then now become tensed, Aurelion has figured out his weakness, true he the God of Abyss, he was fighting with countless of being but they were the creation from the Big Bang they have Cosmic energy in them, that why Knull can easily kill them, but now Aurelion knows his weaknesses.

Knull: and how are you gonna make the Void kill me, You are a "Celestial" a being of pure energy from the Creation, not the Void, how are you gonna manipulation the Void while welding the Power of Creation the opposite of the Power of Nothingness.

Aurelion: who says I didn't have a way.

Knull: Impossible.

Aurelion then rushes and grabs Knull then uses his Space stone to teleport elsewhere.

At A newly born universe, a blue-like portal opens Aurelion and Knull fly out.

Knull: where is this.

Aurelion: a newly born universe, life here don't start yet, is mean I can destroy is while not mess with another Cosmic being.

Knull: and how you gonna kill me???.

Aurelion: as you say as long as there is darkness.

Aurelion then begins to Build up a massive power of Destruction.

Knull: you gonna suicide are you dumb, Your attack can harm me but cannot kill me.

Aurelion power of destruction Keeps Growing.


Then Aurelion let out a massive Power Pulse destroy anything on its path, eventually is Destroy the whole Newly born universe leaving a Void which is Only Aurelion and Knull Remain.

Aurelion: this gonna take a long time but hope it works.

Aurelion then Begin to use his mind To "Connect to the Void and understand is"

After few million years

Aurelion now floating in the Void no sign of Knull.

but he slowly understands the Void until

*"WH% [email protected] YO√ HER¥ [email protected] OF CREATI©*"

( why are you here child of "creation")

Aurelion: to understand.

**Y$% H$&$ T% [email protected]#TA&√ING U$ #√$**

( you here to understand us why?)

Aurelion: to able have Your power.

*W&$ AR&$ E#%•$ AN& N%$π [email protected] A|` TH$ S#%& T#%# Y&$π AR¶^° CH&÷√ [email protected]• CREA, ¢¥ YOU CANN%& UN%•π#√#÷÷ U&*

(WE are exiting and not existing at the same time you are the child of Creation, you cannot understand us).

Aurelion: but I will try no matter what is take.

*€ππ©• €^π€•^ #%&÷$ %#%-÷÷:$•%'('%√$-*

( then take your time child of creation)

billion of years later.

The Void energy then Slowly enters Aurelion changes him, His Armor now pitches black, inside of him his Energy remains the same until an A black-like energy Form inside of him merges with his energy.

Aurelion then Open his eye

Then felt is he felt empty inside same time felt full.

Aurelion:Th% FE$- W#√&$

( this feel weird)

*€¢^©|^¥¢¥ €¥℅€•¥°^÷&&$%+(×%$# $#•π:*¥¢^√€¥π¥€™√$%-::!÷™®\℅[^√¢€\®℅=÷]]℅


( You are Reborn child of creation, you are now a child of both nothingness and Creation, You are the first to born with having both of the creations and nothingness)

Aurelion: " %%#&π "%$;^€®°°¥"

(what I can do)

"©€°÷€|&√|√π-√%6÷°®€℅[©©^°[™©®℅[[®™[°™®€℅[℅©¥==[™©©€¥™©℅[>®€^=¶•|÷{[®€•π=℅¢¢÷{{℅℅^]™™[ ¥&÷÷&&&&¥÷™€•π=℅¥¶¶π••$√÷+-•4π--%√÷+&----%÷¶)-%-×(&&×+&&-÷$√÷+&%&÷+- ^€√÷∆¶÷%&-$√&&$√π&••√=]!+%$÷®℅]]©¢¥=}[®®^=[}=€€®=×7√•€™}∆÷€*

(what you cannot now you able to, the same time cannot but can at the same time, we are everywhere and no where at the same time, nothing and everything at the same time, everything will eventually come back to where it begin to become one with us again to become ABSOLUTE VOID)

Aurelion then Immediately uses his new Power the Absolute Void.

Aurelion then teleports Knull in front of him.

Knull look at Aurelion dumbfounded and in shock

Knull: What what what how how how.

Aurelion: $&π €¥π^€%#%&%

(Fuck you that how)

Aurelion then uses The Void to get Knull power at the same time bring Knull back to the Void.

Knull can feel his power slowly gone but he does not panic but he accepted it because he slowly returns to his home where he was born.

Knull: Home at last.


(Welcome back Child)

Knull let out a smile then he fade to nothing back where he begins the Void.

(Aurelion now have both the power of Of Absolute Void and Knull but is merge so is becoming at one)

Aurelion: '%&;'" &-;&π:$&+:'-;:

( time to go home)

Then Aurelion exits the Void and teleports back to his universe.


that all folk


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