Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 33 - Demons 2

Aurelion pov

After we flew up and begin to search, Gaia says there is only one Kingdom that is near here but is very far so I suspect is the Kingdom that the demon mentioned after then asks about my power and how it works, and nearly Vimana and the Golden ripple, so I explain to her about Gate of Babylon and how is work.

Gaia calmly: so let me get this straight, You own An Dimension that holds unlimited all kinds of items that can rival the entire universe.

Aurelion: well yes.

Aurelion in mind: should I tell her about "Infinite Weapons Work", Nah.

Gaia: so Your weapon can destroy the entire universe.

Aurelion: well only 1 can destroy the entire Universe other than that most of them are only Super-Cluster level or can destroy a part or even a Half Universe.

Gaia: so this so so calls Most powerful weapon that can eradicate the universe can I ask what is the name.

Aurelion: EA The Star Of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth.

Gaia immediately shivers: is name holds so much power.

Aurelion: don't worry because you are about to witness EA firsthand, and don't worry I not gonna use it on earth.

Gaia then relax

about 5 minutes later we found the kingdom, Well gonna say their disguise is perfect, it just looks like a normal kingdom, but what I see is thousands of demons act like a normal person, this entire Kingdom is a giant seal to bind Gaia, Mephisto must take a long time to prepare this but too bad I'm gonna make is useless, then I order Vimana to flew above the Kingdom.

Aurelion: Gaia can you feel any different from the people down there.

Gaia: no they feel completely normal to me.

Aurelion in mind: to Hide even under Gaia's eye, Mephisto must have used some trick, cause to hide from Earth itself is no normal feat.

Aurelion: what you see only Demons act like people, the kingdom is a giant seal to bind you.

Gaia: how are they disguise so perfect.

Aurelion: we about to find out, now let draw Mephisto out.

then Million of Of golden ripple appears behind Aurelion, soon all the demons notice the danger they immediately flee and abandoned the post.

Aurelion: Die you Fucker.

with that various of weapons Shooting from the Gate with the speed of a rail gun, killing every demon that running or hiding, soon the entire Kingdom in ruin, Aurelion order Vimana to the land down, as he steps on earth Vimana disappeared in golden practicle, he could feel the seal still active.

???: WHO DARE!!!!!

soon an ugly ȧss demon Flew out from a Gate.

Aurelion: so you are Mephisto you are more ugly than I thought.

Mephisto: You low life You Dare Insult me, I WILL TORTURE YOU FOR ETERNITY!!!. He roars and rushes to Aurelion.

Aurelion pulls out Excalibur swing is to the ċhėst of Mephisto make a large cut on his ċhėst.

Mephisto: ARGGGGGGG!!!!.

Mephisto: What???, that sword is similar to Excalibur, HOW DO YOU GET THAT.

Aurelion: no this is the original, just comes from a different Omniverse, for How I get is...Fuck you That how.

Aurelion then raises Excalibur on his head

All of Mephisto's instinct immediately Screaming him to run to hide cause he knows if Aurelion uses an Excalibur blast, he will die, He then Fly to flee.

Aurelion: CALIBUR!!!!!!!

Then a Beam of pure Energy from Excalibur firing straight to Mephisto.

Mephisto screams in Pure Agony as he feels the Holy energy vaporized every cell of his body.


IN Desperate Mephisto open a gate to his Hell and enter it.

Gaia: he escaped.

Aurelion: no he won't.

Aurelion: the use Absolute Void to find him.

Aurelion then create the Yamato and slash in open-air to creating a Gate, then

Aurelion: I be back. ( Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)

Gaia: kick his ȧss.

Then Aurelion enter the Mephisto realm

In Mephisto realm


Aurelion: throwing Tantrum now.

Mephisto turns around and sees Aurelion Standing behind him and he smirks.

Mephisto: to think you so idiot to enter my realm die HUMAN SCUM!!!!


Aurelion: Lame ȧss demon.

The Golden ripple appears above Aurelion Arm, as He pulls out EA.

All of the demons and include Mephisto froze, none dare to make a move as they lay eye on EA, they knew fighting again that the result will be Death.

Mephisto: Wh..Wha....What kind..of Weapon...

is that....

he says while stuttering as he could feel Power from Ea.

Aurelion: your Death.

Ea then begins to spin As is Gather Unlimited Energy to destroy, The Power of Truth, the Power to tear through Lie and everything.

in desperate once more Mephisto beg.


Aurelion: ELISH.

Then Aurelion Thrust Ea forward as is Shooting out An Massive BEAM which is immediately Eradicate everything is touch, all of the demons die instantly, Mephisto slowly Been erased by the power of Ea, An the realm of Mephisto cannot withstand the Power of Ea Is begin to crack and collapse.

Aurelion then Teleport out

Mephisto realm then Collapses leaving an empty Void.

on Earth

Aurelion appears behind Gaia.

Aurelion: I am back (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)

Gaia then turns around and says: So you deal with him.

Aurelion: yes.

then Gaia her attention to the thing on Aurelion arm.

Gaia: so that Is EA.

Aurelion then raises Ea and answer: Yup this Is EA.

Aurelion: and you about to witness is power.

Gaia: What?

then Aurelion points up.

Gaia then looks to where Aurelion points.

Gaia is that??

Aurelion: Galactus.

Gaia: Shit.

that all folk

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