Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 41 - First Firmarnent 2

In the the first age, in the First battle...JK








In the beginning, there was only one Universe , the very first Eternity, First Firmarnent is the First Universe was ever existing in Marvel Omniverse.

After Aeon of loneliness, The First Firmarnent created the Aspirant they were the same with Celestial, but they color was mainly Black and white, after that the Multicolor Celestial we're born.

A battle Between the Aspirant and Celestial, The battle was long for Aeon, seeing no chance of success, the Aspirant create the,

GodKiller armor, The Godkiller Massacre Billion of Celestial, But for Unknow reason, There was conflict in the Aspirant, the Celestial use this as a advantage, killing nearly a Aspirant.

In the end, The Celestial Create a Bomb, A bomb that Explode and split the Entrie of First Firmarnent to First Multiverse, First Firmarnent now extremely weak he Hide away along with the remain Aspirant, the Celestial win.

As they begin to created more and more Universe, eight cycle have pass each of cycle long till the End of Multiverse, we're currently in the reality 8.

But the First Firmarnent, we're plan to bring back everything to is "Order," when he is The Only thing existing along with Aspirant.

But to do that he need to get all other 7 Pieces of him back, without is he cannot become whole, But he also need to deal with the Abtract entity that guard in every reality and Universe, He plan has Help from the Outer God, along with few more Primodial entity that want to rule they own Multiverse.

He promise them when he get back to his prime, He will give them want they want, They own Multiverse as they want, But they din't know, that all of that was a lie, he will be the only one will exist and the only one will be.

But Now his biggest obstacle was Aurelion the Annihilator, Aurelion was more powerful day by day, soon he will overcome him, But he has a plan, a plan that will able to Get Aurelion "Change" into his side, so that why he need to get help from him "The One Below All".

Once Aurelion on his side is will easy to deal with other, but for " The One Below All" he will dealt with him soon, once Hes usefulness is end.

Aurelion pov

After I got the message from OAA(Celestial),I call of the Supremarcy and enter is.

And I immediately Spread my Cosmic Sense, HOLY, That is a lot of Aspirant along with the Mad celestial, wonder How First Firmarnent have so many, maybe I can get that knowledge from him, Imagine is, I have An endless of Celestial being across of the entire Omniverse, but now.

After that I order Vega to go to the Bridge.

The Bridge Otherwise know as gate between Reality and Universe, Celestial use this travel across the Omniverse, other being can do is, however, many Dark or evil being, wish to cross is to bring destruction to other.

Celestial have seal most of Bridge that have connected to Universe or dimension that have, Entity or deity that wish to bring harm to They creation.

Mad Celestial, is actually they counterparts but they wish to rule and dominated the entire Multiverse, so Celestial see this at act of Evil thus Seal the Bridge, however with the help from First Firmarnent, The Mad Celestial have able to "breach" is.

Universe 4636885

The Horde currently devour a planet and spreading, however the Horde sense, a massive Of Cosmic energy focus in another universe, The Horde rush to finish the planet that they were devouring, and begin they travel to Point of focus of massive Cosmic energy.

Sitting on a massive throne, a Golden Celestial, this is previous know as Tiamut the Communicator, now he know as The Deaming Celestial.

Dreaming Celestial stand up.


Dreaming Celestial open A "Bridge" and enter is.

Our Universe

A war now happen, Thousand Of Aspirant Along with Mad Celestial, was fighting against, The Celestial.

All the Celestial Host are engaged with them, Even With OAA(Celestial), along With Exitar the Exterminator.

Space and reality crumble, and reduce to nothing, due to is cannot hold all the powers been unleashed by Both Side.

Exitar Was aiming to kill The and Celestial but before he can do that, the Mad Celestial merge as combine to become 1 entity, equal to size of Exitar.

Super massive Black hole, Giant super Star, emerge then die away, Aspirant and Celestial throwing Planet even some of them Throw the Entrie Galaxy.

All of the God And minor God watch the battle from afar fearing for they live, cause they have never seen A War such as this.

and then The supremacy Jump out Hyperspace.

Aurelion pov

Damn The war was already happen, I immediately Jump out the Ship and Pull out The All-Black.

When I get out the ship, Many of Aspirant rush as me, I just swung the All-Black killing them immediately, I Call out the Symbiote and let them Take over the Aspirant bodies, the longer the Battle, the More Minion I shall have.

end of pov

Aurelion and the Symbio-Aspirant begin to kill The Aspirant and Mad Celestial, Aurelion keep killing and killing and The more Symbio-Aspirant appear.

The Aspirant and Mad Celestial now in a disadvantage, they been massacre, The more they send troop to Aurelion, the More number of Symbio-Aspirant or Symbio-Celestial been appear.

They understand, Aurelion must defeat Knull then take The Sword for himself, many of them Think will ask Aurelion so they can studied and experiment with the sword.

They even see Aurelion command to the Living-Abyss to help him in the fight.

back to the battle.

On the side of Aurelion he now have Hundred of Symbio-Aspirant along with Symbio-Celestial.

But then Space been fracture to many pieces and Million of Eye look on the Battle.

Aurelion: never thought the Firmarnent will actually ask help From the Outer God.

All the Million of Eye release is power, Reality thread to nothingness and Space been destroyed.

Many Of Eldritch Abomination and Outer God rush Of Begin to Fight The Celestial along with the Aspirant.

Aurelion: Frick all of you.

Aurelion: %$#%[email protected]$^¥¢√°=(Die and Be Silent)

Aurelion Strech out his hand and close is.

The Nothingness obey and The Aspirant and many of Eldritch Abomination, immediately been Cruch by The Void.

A Giant mouth Appear and Speak with Aurelion and million of eye look as him.

is speak with With the Void language.

¢¥°^¢€°°°€¢€°°¥¢¥=¢£¥^¢℅®©℅™€€®™^¢®°^€®℅^^€®°¥¢#¢¥¥¢£®&&"*#-%#$&'*$'"$&:"##[email protected]¥^[™©¢¥^\¢¥®\©℅[]}^¢¢℅


(You Hold the Power of The Very True Void itself yet Your side yourself with Those Cosmic God, Join with Us Become one us and you can stand with our side along with many other Outer God, you will have access to many of power that you can even imagine)

Aurelion:#%%@#%%#$#(Who Are you then, are Azathoth.....Wait.... No you not Aza just a mere One of many pieces of him)

is Replied


(You are correct, I am just piece of Aza Is self, the True Aza is much More powerful than this)



(Let just say I am join You guy what will happen)

Is replied


(You will become one of us, a God From beyond, your Energy, essence will merge with Your body Completely create a new body, You will Ascension to the Beyond is self, but if you don't then is ashamed, The First Universe have got the Help from Down below, he will seal you and let the First Universe change you very being is self.)

Aurelion:#&-%#√-'$π÷%#|π÷√$%-×&$%××%$(well then let change that shall we)

Aurelion immediately Command "All of The Void" is self in the Entrie Omniverse.

Aurelion: All of you come to me.

Then On All Infinity of verse, on all Parallels Universe, and Multiverse, all of The Infinity stone Disappearing and along with the Ego Stone.

They all appear around Aurelion.

Aurelion: Merge.

Immediately All of them Fly push they way to AureIion energy(Soul).


Aurelion let out a Painful Scream

as All of the Stone merge With him.

The All-Black sense is Master in danger, Is begin to become a Black liquid, and merge with Aurelion Armor to keep the Energy from exploded, due to now Aurelion soul been rapid change.

But then First Firmarnent along with One Below All appear.

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