Into Marvel As A Celestial

Chapter 6 - 6 contact

Aurelion pov

Well after testing my armor, and order Vega To find The Infinity Stone, Vega can find them but take a lot of time in mean while, I began to master my power along use is combine with My armor which I name "Crysis" well the Armor act the same in Crysis game series, is can boost, amplify, my strength, speed, stealth, armor is self is durable, but when I actively Armor mode, I basically invulnerable, now on to new thing My armor Nanite capable of Assimilate anything and convert is into 'Ultimatium' and is can Replicated is self, now If you have watch Godzilla city on the edge of Battle, is work Like Nano-metal is will ȧssimilate everything on is path and convert is into Ultimatum next the Nanite will replicated is self or use The Assimilate Metal to make more of is, now on to is Armament this Armor, capable of creating weapon from is self, such as blade, shield, every kind of weapon, now onto my favourite weapon, remember "Obsidian fury Plasma chain saw" from Pacific rim Uprising, well I have the same with more Powerful, I make the increase the Heat on the chain saw so is can cut everything, this also apply with My Cosmic energy and antimatter, not just that, I began to vibration The chain saw on high-speed, is vibration so fast that is look like completely standing still, "high-frequency-cut" then I can increase the heat Or infuse Is with Antimatter along with "high-frequency-cut" with capable of cutting everything on is path, gona try this soon.

Vega: sir I detected an Hostile Entity heading to our way.

Aurelion: put on the screen.

The screen than showing A Flame Bird that heading straight to Aurelion.

Aurelion:what is The Phoenix doing here?Vega move the Ship out the way.

Vega then move the ship out the way but the Pheonix still Heading straight to our way.

Aurelion :guess I gona do this myself, Vega on the hatch and set all Weapon standby.

Vega:already done sir.

Aurelion the exit the ship floating middle of space.

Aurelion:Vega enter stealth mode.

With that the Surpremacy vanish.

Vega:done sir..

Aurelion: now wait for my order.

Soon the Phoenix approach Aurelion

Hello Celestial.

Aurelion:do you have any reason to fly all the way here just to say Hello?. (mechanical voice)

Phoenix :yes in fact I do Young Celestial.

Aurelion:I thought the Cosmic entity don't like our species.

Phoenix: yes we are but you how ever we don't.

Aurelion :why then?.

Phoenix:this will happen into the Future but for now you don't need to know yet.

Aurelion:get to the main reason Phoenix. (a bit annoyed).

Phoenix: my my relax Im come to have a deal with you.

Phoenix:you will help me In a certain work in the Future and in exchange I will give you My Power

Aurelion:how much power does we talking about.

Phoenix :All of them if you want.

Aurelion:(what ever happen into the future must be a bad thing that even The phoenix Agree to give me all of is power) though.

Aurelion :I accept your power but with slightly change.

Phoenix: then tell me.

Aurelion: i only take a Half of your strength, if a "certain work" pose a threat to my life or capable of killing me then the deal is off.

Phoenix:you such a sly one aren't you, very well deal, but you must also protect my Host.

Aurelion:Fine is not like a big thing anyway.

Aurelion:well this is feel kind of warm.

Phoenix:is done your get a boost power from me,now goodbye Young Celestial, we will meet each other soon.

With that the Phoenix flew off.

Then Vega Warn me: sir detected Multiple Hostile entity heading to your way, these threat Are much similar to your Race sir.

Then I use my Cosmic Awareness to see what kind the threat of them.

Aurelion: never through I will face them so soon.

But the question is What are they doing here, what Is The Aspirants doing here.

Aurelion: Vega Prepare for battle Fire as Will.

Vega:yes sir.

One Above All: seem your journey Have begin

Future embodiment Of Beginning and The End

What will you chose, to destroy everything or help to improve is?

In another dimension where the Queen of Never reside in

Queen of Never: so is time, your journey have begun young one, soon you will become One of us among the Abstract or possibly will become the second One Above All.


That is for now CIAO

*teleport out*

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