Into The Flash.

Chapter 17 - KIDNAPPED?! ⚡


A man is glaring at a screen. His gaze carrying a menacing look with a sinister look on his face.

"Well...well, so that's the Flash that stopped my cargo from getting to me. He thinks he can just do whatever he likes to my materials, huh?"

"I'll teach him not to mess with me. First I'll deal with the one's closest to him,"he said staring at the picture of a woman on the screen.

"Ha ha ha"

He laughed derisively as he soared into the air, his footwear shining as he flew away.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


"I would have loved to store all the experience points and unlocked one of the super powers, but I need a little tweak here to be able to keep on taking down larger villains", he said as he struck his chin.

"Oh, well..... Time to test my upgrades"

He looked at his house for a while.....

"I better not try it out here",he said.

He superspeeds out of his house to the outskirts of the town where there was low human activity. He looked around for a while and entered the forest-like environment. He finds a sturdy tree and decides to use it for training.

He moves his hand slightly back and releases it aiming at the trunk of the tree. **BAM** The punch connects with the tree, a small crack appears on the trunk.

"Just a small crack. I better use that method and try if it will yield positive results."he said.

He ran 500metres back. He aligned himself in a straight line with the tree. Immediately, he pushes his feet against the floor, launching himself forward with all his might and kept up going at full speed.


Multiple cracks appeared all over the tree. Then, **snap**, the tree fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Hmm.... It seems that my strength is greater when synced with my speed, at least for now. But I don't feel energy drain compared to last time. Raising the stamina level was a good choice" he said.

Just then his phone rang....


"Hey Barry. You have to get here ASAP"

"Why, what's the matter,Cisco?"

"It's Caitlin, shes.....she's been....kidnapped"

"What!! Ok. I'll be right over" he said and hung up.

Wells moves his wheelchair along the corridor of Star Labs. After a while, he looks sideways and cautiously gets up from the wheelchair and stretches his body. He pushes the wall.

The wall gives way. He enters and the wall closes up back again.

At one end of the room was a platform of some sort. He places his hand on it, then an hologram is formed.

The hologram displays a news paper. On the head of the news paper was written....


"What!!!", exclaimed Wells.

"This is not how the future should be"

"He should be the loss of the flash. What's happening. Maybe I've been to dormant. I had everything planned right from the start. I have to speed things up now. "

He walks toward a rack of clothes and gently strokes a yellow suit.

"It's about time. Ha ha ha ha" he said and laughed derisively.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Barry arrives at Star Labs and sees Cisco working on the computers.

"Barry. Here, come see this", Cisco said beckoning to Barry.

Barry moves up to glance at the computers.

"See. She didn't come to work today, which os quite unusual of her. So I called her, she didn't pick up", Cisco said and paused.

"Maybe she slept in or something", Barry said.

"No. That can't be the case. I tapped into surveillance of her apartment and found out that the windscreen by the driver seat was broken. With some marks on the door", Cisco said.

"So why haven't you checked it out, yet?", Barry asked, concerned.

"The people responsible may still be around the area, hence why ", Cisco said.

"Your right. I'm gonna go check it out", he said and sped out of the building.

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