Into The Flash.

Chapter 19 - TRICKSTER (2)

Quantum Tunnelling On.

Vibrating all the molecules of his body. All the bullets went through him....

"What the hell, where did he go?", exclaimed one of them as they all stood there, stunned.

Barry swiftly takes all their guns off their hands and drops in on the floor next to him.

They were all shocked amd started shivering. Barry sneered as he looked at them. The pressure from him forced them to their knees. They all tried to run away from him, but before they could get out, ***swosshh***, he appeared right at their front. He moved closer, cracking his knuckles with a menacing smile on his face.

3 minutes later.....

...he slams him to the ground with huge force. His ribs cracked as blood oozed from his mouth. He glanced back at the pile of bodies behind him.

(But this was the address I was given. But where the hell is Caitlin.)

"Barry, watch out!! "Cisco called out through the COM.

A small ball rolled and stopped at Barry's feet.

(A Bomb!!! )

He quickly jumps out of the way..


He is met by the shockwave and falls as some part of his cloth tears off.

A man descends slowly from the top of the building smiling wickedly.

"Looking for someone", he said as his feet slowly touches the ground.

"Where's Caitlin?", Barry asked glancing at him menacingly.

The man didn't listen as he presses a button on his wrist band.

Caitlin who was tied to the chair kept muffling and struggling.

"Seems Snart was useless after all", Trickster suddenly said.

"What do you want? ", Barry asked calmly.

"You destroyed my materials and made away with the precious ones. You cost me thousand of dollars. So I want you literally",he said, a wide grin on his face.

Lightening starts flashing in Barry eyes, "You want me.... come get me!!"

**Whoosh**Barry sped off, zooming straight towards him.

Trickster quickly brings out two guns from the holster on his waist.

He shot them quickly at him. Electricity came out of one and the other was a revolver.

Barry quickly dodges still advancing towards him.

A gust of wind rages as the punch connects.

The trickster slowly disintegrates right before him.

"What the... ", he stood there in disbelief.

"Did you truly think it would be that easy to defeat me? ", a voice sounded from behind Barry.

Barry looked back to see the Trickster standing unharmed. Anger was clearly written on his face.

Trickster quickly brought out his gun and started shooting widly.

Barry quickly activated quantum tunnelling and chased after him.

Trickster on his Air Walk boots (Allows him to glide or 'walk on air'. His trademark material) kept dodging Barry in every way possible. Then he looked back and threw a ball.

Barry suddenly stopped and stood at alert awaiting his next move.

"Shit!! ",Barry exclaimed.


He faintly sees the trajectory of the balls and dodges behind a metal tank.


"Hehehe, how'd u like the fireworks", Trickster said mockingly.

"It's so glum, didn't catch my attention", Barry said from behind the tank.

The trickster kept shooting as he came closer to the tank, then he suddenly smirked and brought out his tesla gun(shoots bolts of electricity).

He fires at the tank.

"Damn!", Barry shouted as he started to run, but, too late, he got hit by the electricity conducted by the tank.

**Boom**, he speedily makes his way towards him again.

"Heads up Barry", Cisco said over the COM link.

Barry involuntarily stops, "What's it", he asks impatiently.

"There are thin layers of lasers ahead of you, it has been camouflaged so you can't see it", Cisco said it.

Barry slowly takes three steps backwards and grabs a chunk of wood from the floor and threw it at his front.

**PPZZZTTT**, the woods is cut in many dimensions.

"So you've found out about my trap. Quite the clever one you are. Hehehe", he said sneering.

Barry stood there for a little while trying to figure out what to do.

Then a light bulb ???? suddenly went off in his head.

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