Into The Flash.

Chapter 3 - NEW SKILL


A man shows up at the counter in the bank. He asks the woman what the weather is to which she replies, " It's sunny out there ". Then he looks up and said, "Looks like its gonna be windy ". All of a sudden, strong winds starts blowing in the bank, wrecking havoc in the bank.

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"You said, you were able to run faster than you ever imagined possible", asked Wells, perplexed. "It looks more like I'm the only one moving while others remain static", Barry replied.

"Is it possible that the particle accelerator altered his DNA?", Caitlin asked rubbing her temples. "That's a possibility " Wells said. But there's only one way of finding out

Outside the STAR labs building.

Under a shed, Cisco and Caitlin seems to be programming some machines. Barry is wearing an athletic suit with large sensors attached to the ear.

" The set-up has been completed. Within the suit, there are sensors which we can use to measure the speed and acceleration of your body and microphones for communications", Caitlin explained. Cisco comes out holding a tablet and says, "You can start now"

Barry then crouch down in position like that of an athlete preparing for a dash. At the count of three, he sets out at full speed. A gust of wind is expelled as he runs. Shocked expressions appears on everyone's faces. Barry kept running increasing his speed as he ran.

Then he started thinking, (I had an accident close to this time and broke my arm. If i avoid it, my ability to recuperate fast might not be discovered. Guess I'll just have to endure the pain)

Cisco kept reporting the speed to everyone, 400km/hr, 480km/hr, 560km/hr.....

Then all of a sudden, Barry runs into a cl.u.s.ter of barrels with a loud thud.

His hand is bandaged heavily. "Your left arm is broken Mr.Allen and it might take a while to recuperate fully", Wells said.

Barry feigned a worried expression and casually added, " Please just call me Barry in the future "

He decides to go visit Joe at the policestation.

When he gets to the station again, a lot of officers sees him and they begin to greet him, asking about his health. Then a middle-aged man of medium height came out of his office.

"Barry, when did you get back", Joe asked.

"Just recently", Barry replied.

"Well good to have you back son" Joe said and put his hand on Barry shoulder and went out of the office.

Barry climbs up the stairs into his office to get familiar with the environment.

After a while, Barry recieves a call from Joe telling him to come to a certain bank right away.

He was about leaving when the system gave him a notification. He called out the system...

DNA: Altered by Dark Matter

Powers : Superspeed

Weaknesses : Unknown


Strength : 15

Defence : 12

Agility :110

Stamina : 20

Intelligence :31

Description: Injuries dealt to the body heals 12 times faster.

(Woah! A new skill. Seems I was right. I have to go through difficult experiences to unlock some of my powers. )

Gotta go and see what Joe's calling me for.

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