Into The Flash.

Chapter 31 - ALIVE YET DEAD

"You awake buddy?",Jordan asked quietly.

"Wa... what happened?", Barry asked slowly opening his eyes.

"And where are we", he said.

"Oh!, you're awake now, that's good", Diana said as he walked towards him.

"I passed out", he asked.

"Yes, you overdid it, but we couldn't have done it without you. Good Job",Bruce said.

"Agreed, you're quite strong with good bottle experience",Clark said.

"Thanks, but that reminds me, what happened to Darkseid?", Barry asked.

"I locked the bastard in a containment tank, he's never coming out again", Bruce said.

(Are they sure it's gonna be able to hold him down given his resilience )

As if reading Barry's mind, he added, "It's safe. I'll take you there when you're fully recovered."

Barry jumped off the bed, cracking his bones. After he was done stretching, he said, I'm alright"

"You're scary, how can you be alright after all that?", J'onn asked.

"Yeah, I heal pretty fast", he said and chuckled.

"All right then. Follow me", Bruce said and led them to an elevator that took them deeper into thw ground. After a while, it stopped and they went out.

Bruce brought them to a fairly large storage tank. Darkseid was inside. His limbs were bounded by chains and a faint bluish mist was floating around the container.

"In my many experiments, I came across a gas that could render someone unconscious but not dead. I applied it, so as long as he's inside there, he wouldn't be able to lift a finger."

"Technically, yes. I'm impressed by your knowledge, Barry.",Bruce said.

"He can use telekinesis. But it seems you took extra measures on that",Barry looked around and saw nothing but the tank.

"And, I forgot to tell you. I analysed the bracelet you were wearing when you were unconscious. It's made up of a really good material. Whoever made it must be a top-teir expert in electronics",Bruce said leading them out of the room.

"Near that. He's the best I know",Barrt said and smiled

"As a reward for pushing yourself to the limit, even though it's your first mission. I helped reinforce your suit. And for completion of the mission, I found out how it works and managed to make a few adjustments. I hope it's to your taste", Bruce said and placed his hand on Barrys shoulder

"That's very kind of you Bruce", Barry said grinning.

"You desreve it boy..."

As they were about to leave the room. Barry got a call from Oliver...

"What's uo Oliver?",Barry said casually.

"Can't it wait for a day or something?"

"It's about the suspicion surrounding Caitlin's kidnapping",Oliver said lowering his voice.

"I'll be there soon", Barry said and hung up the phone.

"Hey pal something the matter?",Jordan asked.

"I need to go now. Something urgent came up", he said.

"Alright, thanks for helping me out earlier. I owe you big time. Take this with you. If you need my help push the button and I'll get there as fast as I can", Jordan said putting a green object the size of a stone in Barry's hand.

"So its bye for now I guess. I'll keep in touch with you guys",Barry said.

"Bye", the replied in unison.

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