Into The Flash.

Chapter 40 - The Odds Become Balanced


While Barry was lost in the past...

*Swiish* Lobo's chained grazed by Jordan's leg. Wincing in pain, Jordan constructed a catapult and put himself in it. Releasing it, he catapulted himself towards Jordan at an insane speed, delivering a punch to his gut throwing a punch into Lobo's gut.

While Jordan was catching his breath, suddenly Bane who has been inactive grabbed him form behind and did a backbreaker on Jordan's back.

Arrow who was dealing with Poison Ivy's annoying vine, gritted his teeth before he shot an explosive arrow to push Ivy back while doing a double shot.

One was a tranquilizer arrow directed at Bane's neck, while the other was a grappling hook arrow to pull Green Lantern from the middle of the fight. Bane broke the tranquilizer arrow and started running towards Arrow.

All of sudden, they all heard a sound as if the air was splitting, like a jet and it was heading for them fast, very fast!

*BOOM* Bane was sent flying away. Clark Kent stood there, dressed as Superman. He was looking at Lobo, a slight smile on his face.

" Back for more Kal-El? We didn't get to finish the fight the last time. Hehe" Lobo said and gripped his chain, spinning it around in a small loop beside him.

Clark looked back and nodded at Arrow, as if to say, ' This one's mine.' Oliver nodded back, while Lantern flew towards Bane.

Now the odds were balanced!

Superman flew towards Lobo, who swung him chain directly at him in a small arc. Clark dodged to the side and threw a punch knocking Lobo into the distance following up closely with a heat vision.

Lobo's hand, which was torn quickly regenerated back.

" Yer know yer can't defeat the man man, right?", Lobo snarled and dashed towards Clark, using his hook to pull him while removing the double-barrelled sawed off shotgun he had behind him and shot it straight and Clark's head. This quick combo caught Clark off guard as be his sent smashing into the nearby buildings.

"Good thing the building has been evacuated before. By the way where's Barry? ", Clark thought as he stood up from the rubble.

Barry walked around the building he was in. It looked like he appeared in a place at the outskirts of town.

"If this is the past and Wells came here... The only thing he could be after was to stop me from becoming the flash, he would either try to kill me or make sure I wasn't inspired to become a forensic scientist, thereby I won't able to be in the lab when the particle accelerator exploded"

"I don't know where to go first. Better go check on Mom to be sure Harrison isn't planning on doing anything stupid again"

He dashed off towards his home.

When he got home, he saw that his Mom had little him in her l.a.p and was patting his head as she helped him with his school assignments, probably. He felt a little tinge of pain and bitterness in his heart knowing that she died not too long after this.

Barry stayed in a distance as he watched his mother affectionately. Then he saw it. In the distance outside the house, he saw Reverse Flash staring at them. Then he noticed he was looking at the child!

"Shit he's trying to erase me completely now!"

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