Into The Flash.

Chapter 5 - WEATHER WIZARD (2)


" Yep, this is the place, Eddie " Joe said.

" Same tyre tracks and that stench of manure, definitely the place" Eddie said pinching his nose.

The both of them moved into the barn, advancing into the barn, trying as much as possible to conceal their presence.

Inside the barn is a man who had his bent as if he was doing something.

" Hey, you there! put your hands where I can see 'em and turn around slowly "Joe said pointing the gun at the man.

The man turns around and as he did a sinister smile appear on his face.

" Mardon? What the f*ck!! I thought you were dead" Joe exclaimed. " I mean I saw you die nine months ago " Joe added still shocked.

" This is Clyde Mardon? ", Eddie asked

" Hard to believe, but, yes " Joe replied.

" Surprised to see me, huh, Joe West? " Clyde asked revealing a sinister smile.

"Don't you know that God can't die and that night, I became God ", Clyde said.

" god's don't rob bank Mardon ", Joe said as if mocking him.

" You're right Joe. It's time I thought bigger ",Clyde said and brought his hands to the side.


" So, you're saying its gonna be able to keep up with the heat I produce when I superspeed? " Barry asked.

" Exactly ", Cisco replied.

" And what about the friction that is also generated? ", Barry asked.

" Yup, it covers everything ", Cisco said feeling smug.


" What's happening? ", Dr.Wells asks as he rolls his wheelchair into the room.

" Our sensors are detecting a huge tornado coming from the outskirts ", Caitlin replied.

" Lemme ta into the footages", Cisco said amidst operating a computer.

" Clyde?!! " Barry exclaimed

" Seems like its time I put the suit to the test", he added.

" Mr. Allen, I don't think should be putting yourself in the face of danger just because you have the ability to speed up " Wells says as he looks up.

" People's lives are in danger, Wells and you just want me to sit here and do nothing? NO I'm going out there and I'm gonna put an end to Clyde's madness" Barry said looking determined.

" And how do you think you're gonna stop an F-5 tornado with superspeed " Wells said as if mocking Barry.

Barry thinks for a while, as he remembers something a smile forms on his face.

" If I superspeed around it in the opposite direction, I might be able to disperse it " Barry said.

" Brilliant idea. That was just what I was thinking of and I'm 80% sure its gonna work ", Cisco said.

" There's only one way for us to find out" Barry said


" Eddie, are you okay? " Joe said as he looked over to find Eddie lying unconscious.

As the tornado powers increased, it broke out a piece of metal from the wall of the barn and threw it in Joes direction.

When Joe saw it. He closed his eyes and gripped his clothes tightly. He waited for a little while before he opened his eyes to see a man clothed in red standing in front of him.

"Stay here" the man said.

( The red blur?) Joe thought

( But there seems to be something really familiar about this guy)

Barry immediately got to work as he super speeds around the tornado. After some seconds, the tornado starts to disperse little by little. Then Barry sees Clyde in the middle of the tornado.

" Red blur, you prefer to use your powers to save the lives of this pathetic people ", Clyde said.

" Together, we can rule over this world side by side as gods. " He added.

" No, I don't wanna be a god, we are given our powers for a greater reason Clyde " Barry said amidst running.

" Well, whatever, since you're not on my side, I can go ahead and kill you!!", Clyde exclaimed and increased the power of the tornado.

Barry is immediately propelled outwards.

( I know this world more than anyone does and you think you can come and bully me?, think again freak )

With this in mind, like a rocket, he shoots out towards the tornado moving around it with an insane-like speed. Clyde could feel the tornado reduce in power. He tries to increase its power but to no avail.

Eventually after some seconds, the tornado is dispersed. Barry immediately followed up with a fast jab to Clyde's head which knocks him out. He then removes his mask and looks in Joe's direction.

Joe moved closer and opens his mouth wide in surprise as he glares at Barry

" You're the red blur, Barry? " Joe asked.

"Hmn..... "

" I know what you're thinking already, I won't tell Iris about it" Barry said and put his palm on Barry's shoulder.

" You can also read minds? "Joe asked

" Not really, Lets just say I know you too well", Barry laughed.

" I gotta go, see you later", Barry said as he leaves in a flash.

Joe stood there as if rooted, still awestruck about what just happened.

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