Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: On the go

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Without warning, a warning sign spread to the hearts of all monks within a radius of 3 million miles.

Tai Tianzun raised his head and put down his suspender. The surrounding space warped, and the gravitational pull in an abnormal direction pulled him to the edge of a huge sphere.

This is a bizarre place. In the words of this method, it is the result of massive spiritual interference in gravity, causing the space to warp and close.

Most caves are above the planet, sitting on the nodes of the mountain's spiritual veins. Only the greater gravity on the rocky planet and the planet's spiritual veins can support large caves. However, this hole is different. Its distance from the Houtu of China and the Moon of Taiyin exceeds three light seconds, the degree of curvature of space is very small, and the gravity is weak.

According to common sense, it is impossible for caves to exist here.

And it is this strange sphere that supports this hole.

The sphere looked bright in this dark hole. It seems to be a huge planetarium, showing the infinite stars inside. No matter which angle you look at, you can see different scenes. The scene reflected on this sphere is slightly distorted and distorted, as if it were a strange dream. It is because there are too many stars above it, so the whole sphere looks bright.

No matter how many times the magnifying glass is used to view the sphere, there is no way to see what is on it. If you use spiritual consciousness to perceive, you will be instantly unconscious by the huge star chart.

Because this starry sky actually exists.

This sphere seems to connect the entire observable universe, even the entire universe.

This is the door of Xianlu.

The human race called it the "Tianmen".

Yes, the door of Xianlu is such a sphere.

On the two-dimensional paper, if you want to go to the other side of the two-dimensional through the three-dimensional trajectory, you need a two-dimensional cave. If you want to move freely in a three-dimensional space, then you need to be three-dimensional.

Behind this "door" is the entire universe.

But for Xianmeng, the things behind the door are not just the universe.

There are cosmic monsters.

Now, a strange purple light radiates above the Heavenly Gate.

"What's the matter?" Tai Tianzun asked to Tianjun who was coming almost at the same time.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it before." Fluctuating Tianjun looked at Tianmen, and a trace of sweat appeared in his palm.

It is still unknown what level of Xianmeng's power is in the entire universe. Creatures that may come through the Tianmen can easily kill them all.

"No matter what he is, he has to pay the price." Quan Zun Shi Bo didn't talk much, but he was not slow and he was ready to attack.

"According to the prophecy." Tai Tianzun opened his palm. He seemed to have nothing in his palm. But soon, a strong wind appeared. Above his palm, there was a little black spot floating. Where a lot of air flocked, then disappeared. Tai Tianzun cautiously pushed the little black spot to Xianlu, while others slowly retreated.

This "little black dot" is actually an opening in a closed space. And inside of it, it is the craziest magical tool ever created in the history of this practice.

Its body is a huge sphere with a diameter of 33 feet. The mass of this sphere is nearly twice that of China's Houtu.

In other words, this is a magic weapon composed of neutron-state matter.

The extremely tiny animal organ in the hands of Wang Qi is a by-product of this magic weapon. Although there are many lives in this universe, there are more areas of death. An unknown holocaust 200 million years ago destroyed countless stars, and parasitic beasts harvested the lives of many planets. Xianmeng found many dying stars-the embers of the melting furnace. The extremely tiny animal turned into a gray mist, transformed the material with the fastest speed, and then began to splice.

This must be the most luxurious puzzle in the history of civilization. Starting from the atomic series, splicing planet-level instruments.

Originally, when interstellar dust scattered in the universe gathered under the influence of gravity, it would form a dust rain for millions of years and gather into stars. However, those veterinary institutions have accelerated this process. A long gray river with metallic luster shining straight from the star to a predetermined orbit-it is a river sandwiched in the universe. A section of it is a star, which is the original source of orderly power. The negative entropy of the star resists the chaotic spiritual power of outer space, and most animal institutions can reach the predetermined orbit.

For the space where this magic instrument is located, it is like a mercury waterfall.

The original beast organs gathered into clumps, supporting each other's considerable macro structure, allowing spiritual power to circulate on its own. This sphere spins at a very fast speed from the beginning, and most of the force is also injected into space and time, strengthening gravity, warping the space, and separating the gravitational field and the acceleration field.

Then, the initial collapse began. The core veterinary institutions were cast together under tremendous pressure. But at this time, the electronic degeneracy can still support some structures. Although the logic gates of the veterinary organs that rely on the transfer of extranuclear electrons to complete the opening and closing have been destroyed, but the outer layer of the well-established magic circle can rely on more powerful The magnetic field guides the electronic degeneracy to continuously portray the magical magic seal.

And by the third stage, even the electronic degeneracy has disappeared, and all the matter is integrated.

Only some seals under the macro structure can survive.

In this process, this dreadful magic weapon will gradually sink into the closed space. Half of its gravity is repeatedly interspersed within a limited distance, increasing its pressure in disguise, and keeping the neutron state from collapsing. The other half is vented through arrays and other dimensions.

Fifty years ago, Xianmeng began to prepare for casting such a magic weapon. After that, it took them twenty-five years to collect the material and another twenty years to gather the material, but it was not until five years ago that they found their direction and began casting. Then, until Shujun returned, this magic weapon was not completed.

However, Xianmeng also had some controversy about whether this magic weapon should be brought back.

It is too powerful. Even if you don't do anything, release it, and its quality similar to that of China's Houtu will disturb the Diyue system. If it is thrown into the sun and its power is liberated in the process, then the huge gravitational slingshot may cause Mercury and Jupiter to deviate from their orbit and fly out of the solar system. When this magic weapon hits the sun, its powerful density and gravitation will also trigger unprecedented pulse bursts. If the Houtu of Shenzhou happens to be in the area swept by the pulse storm, then there will be no other creatures on the planet except the high-ranking monks of the dragon and human race.

This is the kind of thing that can be extinct when left alone. Some people think that they should stay away from their parent star. However, under the promotion of Xianmeng management, this thing should be used here-the last line of defense between Xianmeng and the wandering immortals. Since half of the gravity of this thing is vented to a higher dimension, half of the gravity is used to maintain itself, so the harm is very small. The voice of opposition is not particularly fierce.

To this point, Tai Tianzun expressed a warm welcome. With this gadget, after amplifying gravity, he made his understanding of gravity deeper, and he wrote several articles in a single paper. The group of people in the palace also felt very good. It is said that because of this stuff, they have begun to make sure that proton neutrons are not the most basic material structure, and there are other more microscopic structures in them. Many people who were supposed to be Yuanshen temporarily stopped their practice for this reason, waiting for a new theoretical model to appear.

But now, this is a purely primitive and violent weapon.

It does not have as many functions as the general magic weapon, and cannot be locked, tracked, defended, changed, wished to trap the enemy, confuses, or assists in practice. The only means of attack is ramming.

If it is a weapon of the same rank refined using mature means, it should have many functions.

However, it is because of this that it appears powerful. This smash, even the planets can't resist.

However, Tai Tianzun did not intend to use this powerful magic weapon in this way.

He intends to use this artifact as a "change surrounding environment" thing. And he will use this "environment" with his own spells.

The little black dot-or rather, the neutron state instrument hidden in that closed space, gradually showed a terrible power. Gravity began to be out of balance, and everyone felt that the direction of the little black dot was "below." The gravity that should have been vented along other dimensions should now stay here. At the same time, the magic device itself operates at a high speed of 30,000 times per second. The huge mass and rapid rotation speed produce terrible angular momentum. Simple Riemannian geometry is not enough to describe this stirred space-time. The torsion rate is not zero, and the torsion field begins to appear. In this hurricane-shaped vortex of time and space, the pressure felt by everyone is greatly reduced, but in fact, a more terrifying effect has already appeared on time and space.

The flow rate of time here is different.

Tai Tianzun intends to banish the guest from the frame of reference by using the celestial ruler as soon as he appears in the fairy road, and then try to communicate later. During this process, he will gradually liberate the power of this magic weapon.

If the other party cannot communicate and has the essence of jumping out of the river, then he will completely liberate the power of this magical tool next to the other party, and then release a space-time spiritual ban based on "with or without circumstances". Although this type of imprisonment is not like the real situation, it will cause a deviation between eternity and impermanence, but it can also produce the effect of a century of thought,

Then, the immortal would bear the saturation attack with the sky sword for a hundred years in the Xianmeng.

This is the strongest defense of Xianmeng.

"If I can, I really hope I can't fight ..." Tai Tianzun carefully adjusted the time and space around him.

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