Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: Beast out of the cage

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"It was a surprise. I thought King Fei Fa had withdrawn from the front line." A primitive monk holding a cigarette rod, he said: "Really, I can't imagine it. At this time, he suddenly asked us to mobilize a lot Supplies. "

Another slightly older monk also held the jade jade squirt gun and swallowed the clouds and said: "Are you stupid, the Nuclear Chain Pharaoh will not withdraw from the front line? Only. "

The light blue smoke glowed brightly under the sunlight, which made people feel very comfortable. The young master's talk was very high and he said, "Why not? That is a monk in the free period, why should I grieve myself?"

The older grandmaster smiled silently. He is a man in the dark department, but this guy who has just reached Yuanshen period is just a manager of Xianmeng. This kind of grassroots personnel responsible for the flow of materials is not necessary to know the terror scene of the universe. He smiled silently: "The word" Jiangong Palace "is a heavy thing."

The young man shook his head. Without knowing the horrors of immortals, his cognition of the Tianjian Palace still stays on "forcing all Jin Faxiu to put down internal disputes", and he is also very ignorant of "responsibility". However, he changed the subject and said: "Well, after all, Wang Qi is a late-born, and he has such a great face. King Fei Fa, who hasn't done front-line work for a long time, has shot."

The nuclear chain master Fermi was originally famous in the world before the Devil Emperor's Rebellion. In that era, Tai Tian was the only one to stand out, the stars in the palace were shining, and the sun and the moon were the same, and countless geniuses rose to the world. In such an era, King Fermi can still stand at the forefront of the era and be the most waved. However, it was such a person who entered the Tianjian Palace after the Demon Emperor's Rebellion, and for many years no basic theoretical results have been published.

And when Wang Qi published the evidence and model of the fourth-generation neutrino, this guy actually shot!

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" The elder smiled and breathed out his cigarette. "Fermifa is just having difficulty in completing basic theoretical research, but it is not broken and intractable. How can it not be done?"


In Xianmeng. "Smoking" is not very popular. Even if the monk is proficient in pharmacology, the tobacco is not only harmless, but also a mouthful of longevity, not many people like it. This young man is one of the few "smokers" of the older guru, and the two often talk and talk. Therefore, the elder grandmaster smiled and decided to say a little more: "You also know that if you want to make empirical evidence, especially in the field of natural logistics, the only thing is ... you must first arrange the stable array method and make A pure and stable meta-aura environment, right? "

The young master nodded. Although he is still far from basic research, he still knows this.

"Have you ever seen the sword furnace of the Heavenly Sword Palace?"

"Sword Furnace?" The young master shook his head in doubt: "I haven't seen ... what do you ask about this?"

"Oh, can you imagine what the sword furnace looks like?" The older grandmaster smiled, took another breath, and evenly and slowly spit out, shaking his head and shaking his head in a relaxed manner, apparently selling the key. But the young guru was very fond of this set and asked, "How?"

"I was fortunate to have seen it once-of course, it wasn't Sky Sword's trial of mind. I don't have that qualification yet." The elder grandmaster smiled: "In that place, the power of Yuanci restrained a group of real fires in the sun. The core of the secret realm is eternally burning. That is the sword furnace of the Tianjian Palace-with the power of the world ’s strange financial day, it becomes a jedi that cuts the sword. The ordinary materials are difficult to withstand the power of the real fire of the sun for a long time. For a long time of refining, only this method can remain stable and create a singular place for casting swords. Due to the energy formula of the physical energy of the phase of the Tao, the sword casting furnace will always transform the quality into spiritual force. For ordinary monks In general, breathing is difficult there. Spirituality is so terrible that it can easily explode. "

"Um ... it's really difficult." The young master nodded, then exclaimed: "Don't ..."

"Under this environment, it is almost impossible to arrange the Stable Array method. Even if it succeeds, the resource consumed must be an astronomical figure." The elder grandmaster sprayed another smoke ring and smiled: "So It is difficult to make routine empirical researches on the Tianjian Palace, which is represented by the nuclear chain law king. Even if you open a new path and study other phenomena ... Haha, there are really many high-energy particles, and the metamagnetic law array ca n’t be bound by it-especially Neutral flow. If you study microscopic particles, you ca n’t even be sure what kind of particle caused the phenomenon you studied. Or, our previous research on the Gaoling environment is simply not enough, many phenomena are completely ignorant, and even the research ca n’t be started. . "

The young master is still puzzled: "But now ..."

"Do you think it's a simple matter to redefine the empirical method that can work in a high-spirit environment?" The older grandmaster shook his rifle, shaking off the burnt tobacco, and said, "It's not easy at all. Mi Tianzhao himself is also a remarkable person. If you cultivate longevity, you might see him on the day when he is among the top. "

The young monk nodded and exclaimed: "In this case ... isn't it ..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." The elder guru laughed heartily: "The hardest part of the matter is nothing but nothing, from zero to one. Mi Tianzhao is the one One '. After this, even Wang Qi's kind of person who has no special achievements outside of mathematics can further promote his empirical principles. After the' growth ', anyone can do it. ... "

"Fermifa is a generation of genius, how could it not be possible?"

The young monk was thundered: "Well, isn't this saying ..."

"Perhaps Mi Tianzhao didn't know himself ... After he developed this 'High Spirit Empirical Method', he was most grateful to him, not Wang Qi, but the seniors who were crazy in front of the sword furnace in the Tianjian Palace! The guru laughed.

Senior Tianjian Palace, holding back the desire to study for hundreds of years, was released in this dynasty.

What kind of impact will China have today?

This must be ... very exciting, right?

Soon, the Sky Sword from the Sky Sword Palace came over and completed the handover of supplies. Then, the Sky Sword flew away quickly. In no one's place, he inspired Fu Zhuan and escaped into the Tianjian secret realm of the Tianjian palace.

Under the fireball like a big sun, several monks have gathered together. A younger-looking monk rushed up and couldn't wait to take the storage bag from the Tianjian ambassador of Zhili in Tianjian Palace and checked it.

"Finally ..." The Nuclear Chain Pharaoh closed his eyes and held back the excitement: "I can finally continue my career hundreds of years ago ..."

Although the subject he studied in the past has been completed by his compatriots at the Nine Palaces, this is also a continuation of his original career.

——Towards the avenue, keep going ...

Soon, he calmed down, and then handed over the storage bag to Tianjian Sheng Ao Haimo.

Although they are all seekers who prefer the empirical type, Tianjiansheng outperforms his peers in the management and assignment of the empirical department.

Compared with the last time Wang Qi came, Ao Haimo's appearance has not changed. However, there was a hint of anger on his face. He said: "No need to panic, the first phase of construction has not been completed!"

Between his speeches, on the edge of the cave, countless animal organs were creeping, spreading, and condensing.

They are building the infrastructure of the new empirical department.

Even if Wang Qi announced the method, others would not be able to reproduce this method directly. Although many Xiaoyao in Tianjian Palace's understanding of physical properties is definitely not weaker than Wang Qi, but how to say ... The animal algorithm used by Wang Qi is not so friendly.

Of course, the environment that Shujun prepared at the beginning was very closed and unfriendly. All in all, in this matter, Wan Famen, whether it is a sect or even a sect, is nothing but a mess.

"Well." The nuclear chain master nodded. "No problem."

——I have waited for hundreds of years. Is it just a short time?

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"I really do n’t want to believe that ... in the era when there is no Xianmeng, you can rely on your own ability to integrate and deploy multiple free monks to carry out a project, as well as one of the most glorious nuclear chain magic kings in that era. This research. "Lu Xiaoqian exclaimed inconceivably when she helped her master read the spiritual news within the Tiangong collision magic weapon.

"It's not surprising, they have long wanted to do some basic work, before it was unconditional. Now, that little guy named Mi Tianzhao has come up with something pretty good, and the old folks at Tianjian Palace estimate He must give up his longevity card. A few months ago, they paid attention, but this time it was Wang Qi who got the result earlier. "

Lu Xiaoqian nodded: "I know, it's just that these people can participate in the empirical ... I'm surprised. I'm looking forward to those seniors who can make a new career." Speaking here, she squinted at her Master: "After all, what are you doing?"

Reasonably, the real person took off a sleeve and stuck a steel needle into his arm without changing his face-it was a steel needle, but it was also very thick. People who cultivate as strong are not afraid of pain, only because they are more tolerant of pain, not because they are unconscious. It is better to say that their perception ability is stronger than that of mortals, and the same thing, they will feel more painful.

This is already the level of punishment.

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