Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1469: misunderstanding

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"We have hope to go out."

For Gong Desheng, this light-spoken remark is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. After listening to Wang Qi's news of "going out", the old man almost knelt down. The eyes burning with the dragon's prestige were full of tears. He covered his face and wailed twice.

"Can go out ... just go out ..."

"You convey to the people below. As little as three days, as much as five days, we are about to leave. In addition to food and water ... there are some personal items that can't be put down, and nothing else." Wang Qi Dao: "Everyone carries a plank that I have made exorcism, ready to go on the road ... we, go out."

"Go out ... go out ..." Gong Desheng gasped for two breaths: "Haha, go out well, go out well ... Even an old guy like me, who hasn't lived for a few days, wants to die on the ground, go out ... Fairy Master, then I— "He pointed out.

Wang Qi nodded: "You ask everyone to prepare. After greeting other people, you come again, I have other tasks for you."

After Gong Desheng ran out, Zong Lutuo frowned: "Although ... although you are such a good thing, but with them, we may not be able to walk out."

"You must bring them, otherwise I can't leave." Wang Qi continued to sit still: "You also have a rest. When I told Gong Desheng that old man was done, the two of us would go out and explore the way." Now. "


"Since the map records the route, it means that the exit of this area must exist, otherwise, there is a space circle that can function normally even if the heaven and earth auras become like this, we have to find it in advance Come out-otherwise, so many mortals, walking slowly, if they are really taken with them, they are estimated to have starved to death halfway. "

Zong Lutuo argued: "Since you know why you should bring them? Wang Qi, you think about it, only we escaped ourselves, contacted Xianmeng, and then we can save them! Only by finding Xianmeng To save them! "

"Don't be stupid, friend." Wang Qi clicked on the map: "Remember the seal you mentioned? The seal has only two exits. The two exits are all in the hands of the 'enemy'!" "

The exit of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is indeed in the hands of Mei Gemu. When Mei Gemu last escaped from Wang Qi, this was confirmed. On the other hand, Mei Gemu may also control the entrance and exit under Linghuang Island.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the origin of these Linghuang Island refugees. If there are a large number of Linghuang Island refugees appearing near the 100,000 mountains, Xianmeng cannot be unaware.

in other words……

"The exits of the two outlets are all within the enemy's line of sight. Want to leave quietly without a fight? There are no doors."

Zong Lutuo shivered: "But ... that's ... I don't know what the realm is!"

Wang Qi nodded: "It's not surprising that we are facing the strong unit of disintegration as far as the speed of the upgrade of the Fairy Fairy. If it is outside, maybe I can still work with the Fairy Fairy Fair for one or two. Hope is too small. "

"Then you ..."

"I need to collect the power that can be used to fight from these mortals." Wang Qi said quietly with his eyes closed.

The power of innate five virtues is the power to eat here. No matter what the consideration is, Wang Qi must protect the source of those innate five virtues.

"But ... but ..." Zong Lutuo's dancing gestures: "Maybe we can stay here and wait for Xianmeng to rescue us ..."

"How long do you think Xianmeng really finds here?" Wang Qi said: "Do you really have hope?"

"why not?"

"We are deep in the mantle now, friend, and I don't know how many corpses of immortals are buried in this deep mantle. The heterogeneous spiritual power is extremely large, and conventional search methods will not work." Wang Qi pointed to the top, then pointed Refer to the following, to: "Even if the old continent is huge, it will take a long time to find it ... And, I suspect that just opening the seal, they will take a long time. If he breaks the mechanism from the seal to here, then Xianmeng must also study the way through the heavy blockade. To be honest, by then, it is estimated that ... "

——I do n’t know why, Wang Qi feels this way.

At the beginning, this idea was not clear, but with the increase of knowledge, the nature of the "game" became more prominent, and his feeling became stronger and stronger.

Mei Gemu has completely destroyed the means of communication here with the outside world. The last part of his evil plan will be completed here. Regardless of success or failure, this plan has nothing to do with the Divine Land. Whether or not this "dungeon game" is "clearance" is just a matter between "developer" and "player".

"Another point is that Xianmeng has sufficient information. The strongman who set up this seal was actually alive and still in this land of China. If Xianmeng broke the seal with violence, it is estimated that the future of the human race will be over."

"How could there be such a thing ..." Zong Lutuo didn't expect it at all. The world he lived in was actually just a place where people could breathe. But soon, his attention was focused on a more realistic threat: "actually fighting that kind of monster ..."

About to rest, Wang Qi took a few pieces of Lingyu from the storage bag as consumables for casting. He pointed his sword into a sword and used the sword gas as a carving knife to polish these spirits into some kind of magic weapon. And the black and white mixed above his knife light actually used the power of innate morality.

"To be honest, this kind of craft work, the last time I did it when I was ten years old ... I hope my hands are not rusty."

At this time, cheers were faintly heard outside. Probably Gong Desheng is conveying the message "can go out" to others.

Wang Qi's fingers are not messy.

In just ten minutes, he carved five jade ornaments like wenwan walnut. He put one of them on his forehead. After a while, the jade ware glowed softly. He threw this jade to Zong Lutuo and said, "Pick it up."

Zong Lutuo wondered: "This is ..."

"I have some insights on mathematics-don't look at me like this, I know that the pattern of real inheritance is very vague, very different from the present method, but what can I do?" Wang Qi pointed at himself: "If I Now that I have finished writing the paper-no, I ca n’t finish it, and halfway through it, I will be swallowed by this world because I ca n’t suppress my primal deification, and my consciousness is drowned in the spirit rhinoceros that remained 200 million years ago . "

Zong Lutuo felt a little hot: "This, this ... what are you doing to me?"

"It's very simple. Since we found the way and figured out the situation, then we should always be ready to go out." Wang Qi said: "If we really have a fight with that fairy, then most of your cannon fodder is inserted. Not getting started-I can even say that at your level, it is not enough to be a stone throwing stones to ask for directions. This can only be played by me personally. By that time, your survival rate may be higher than mine at the back. If it is There was really an accident. Please take it to Wanfamen and give it to ... Chen Youjia, Su Junyu, Zhao Qingtan or my teacher Cang Shengguo Feng Luoyi directly. "

"You ..." Zong Lutuo stood up: "You are going to bring those refugees away with you today, and it is an afterthought-are you ready to sacrifice yourself?"

Wang Qi: "Huh?"

After thinking for a long time, he laughed aloud: "Novice, you think too much. If you can rely on cannon fodder to increase your odds, I will not hesitate to throw you out to cheat each other's skills. Unfortunately, the more you cannon fodder , He is stronger. "

Wang Qi will not forget the fight between him and Mei Gemu in the 100,000 mountains. Mei Gemu didn't know what method was used at that time, he recruited a group of cannon fodder monsters, but he and Yueluo Liuli jointly controlled the monster bugs, and then killed a wave.

Now, Mei Gemu has grasped the means he used that day. Those monks who are not as good as him are not only unable to help him, they may be countered.

"The thing for you is just in case, just in case. If I die here, the things that can't be put are like that." Wang Qi said: "Actually, I want to go back and publish myself alive. That's it, but this is not a 100% inevitable event. So, just in case. "

"You guy ..." But with these sincere words, Zong Lutuo didn't believe it at all. The young master, who had no energy to fight, burst into tears: "Although there is no humanity to kill the enemy ... but ..."


Just when Wang Qi didn't know how to talk to this guy who was obviously mistaken, Gong Desheng walked in and said, "I have already ordered it, Master, you see ..."

"Oh, come over here." Wang Qi smiled and greeted Gong Desheng over: "Come, how are you looking at my jade pieces?"

"Returning to Master Xian, I don't understand jade ..."

"Come on, stick this piece of jade to your eyebrows, and then extend your spirit-oh, you imagine that you have a horn on your forehead, and then that horn pierces into the jade ..."

Zong Lutuo looked at Wang Qi step by step to induce Gong Desheng to leave the true heritage, he could not help but feel a little stunned.

In fact, this is Wang Qi's original purpose. Leaving some "mathematical thinking" is just a matter of course.

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

In front of the Iron Throne, the unnamed Banxian controls a person's physical body and says to Mei Gemu: "It looks like you are right, there is indeed something in the Holy Temple."

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