Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1526: "Giant Baby"! ?

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The sage of heaven and man is extraordinary. Whether they are planetary or primitive nebula, most of them do not need to rely on such things as the "biosphere". In their eyes, there is almost no difference between the biosphere and the dead universe. Therefore, the spiritual system they designed is not too difficult to understand without considering being friendly to the planet ’s environment.

Whether it is a planetary form or a primitive nebula, the Great Man of Heaven and Man must be far away from his own race when he was born. It can be said that they should initially be some kind of individual, not a group from the beginning. Perhaps later there will be some events that prompted this group of original creatures to come together to form a group, and work hard for the same dream of "universe harmony".

Think of it this way, what they design may be the most extraordinary product of the design concept in the known range.

However, Wang Qi did not intend to use the Yuanying Act as a life-saving straw.

Because the action of the Dragon Emperor's search for a way to break the situation has already shown that the "Heavenly Dependent Clan" may have tried many methods, but it is impossible to break the strange circle left by the Heavenly Man Great Saint. Within the Forty-nine Dao system, they cannot transcend the Forty-nine Dao to become a new heaven and man to suppress the universe, nor can they seek a system that satisfies everyone and peacefully coexists.

According to the traditional classification, the fairies at that time were all undead beasts. They do not need to rely on the collective to survive, and the collective will has no binding force on them. And even if the cultural attribution of their own species restricts their devouring behavior, it is difficult for them to find a route that will satisfy everyone?

In the subsequent development of game theory, there is actually an extremely desperate theory.

"Arrow's impossible theorem".

Arrow ’s impossible theorem stems from Condorcet ’s “voting paradox”. The voting paradox is a concept in the public choice theory, also known as the majority of the cycle. It refers to the possibility that the voting results will vary with the voting order during collective voting. Most or all of the alternatives have opportunities during the comparison process. Cycling phenomenon elected in turn. After von Neumann's game theory introduced mathematics into this field of sociology, some people dug deeply on this path.

In the end, the sociologist and mathematician Kenneth Joseph Arrow ’s axiomatic method of mathematics can ensure that the popular voting method can produce a leader that meets the wishes of most people or "the expression of each individual. The order is integrated into the preference order of the whole group ". After a rigorous argument, he was surprised to find that when there were at least three candidates and two voters, there was no plan that would allow "the majority to directly appeal" to be realized. Or it can be said that with the increase of candidates and voters, "procedural democracy" will surely move away from "substantial democracy".

Of course, this is generally not unacceptable. "Democratic politics" has always been a game full of "compromise". The choice of democracy is not "the best solution that can be satisfied by all parties," but "the bottom line that can be accepted by all parties."

The dependents of Heaven and Man belong to the "universe" scale. If you want to reach a "compromise", how low must the "bottom line" be? For those who have the power to live forever, it is almost impossible not to exceed their "personal bottom line."

The reason is also very simple. Morality at the national level is never the same as that at the individual level. "I'm relieved to see that the motherland is so hooligan" The statement behind this sentence is not this?

Perhaps after the great natural disaster of 200 million years ago, it is inevitable for the Tianju family to talk about collapse.

It can even be guessed ... Will the civil war between heaven and man be just a "talk collapse" within heaven and man?

-Is this the biggest "inexplicable obstacle"?

In the past two hundred million years, it seems that the survivors of the Tianju family are still using the Yuanying legal system created by the Tianren to rebuild a harmonious universe. However, without the repression of the "fourth class", how many of the "third class" will fall into "natural beasts"?

And after the rules between the "third class" collapsed, the second class ... In the end, what is the position of the "cultivator" of the second class in the political philosophy of man and nature?

Everything seems to be wrapped in mist.

Dragon Emperor tried to break this restriction. The metamorphosis method does exactly this. The Yuanying method can rely on the accumulation of resources, and the forty-nine ways rely on the unspeakable "perception". For most individuals, getting both of them depends on "face"-or "luck".

The metamorphosis method replaces this unstable "air transport sieve" with a stable and strong "bloodline sieve". The stronger the pedigree, the stronger the practice of metamorphosis, which can almost form a stable and difficult-to-break caste system.

But the problem is here. This bloodline screen is too stable. If it is only to seek long-term peace and stability of a family, it is a solution. However, the Dragon Emperor has seen the stars and the sea. The cultivation method he created must also be aimed at the stars and the sea. The upper limit of the transformation method is too high, and the dragon family cannot be nested in the solar system forever. And when going out, social issues such as "alien planet independence" and "ethnic differentiation" cannot be ignored.

The demon emperor establishes a demon lun through a powerful "cultural belonging", a spiritual force that unites races of different bloodlines. Perhaps this is an idea of ​​the Dragon Emperor's experiment. However, the Devil Emperor should be the power obtained from other "Heavenly Dependent Clan". In the end, this road proved to be too fragile to withstand external forces.

The renewal of the demon clan is the method that the Dragon Emperor himself came up with-through Shinto, he gave "cultural identity" with "material strength." This path is almost successful. The cultural identity of the renewed demon clan is stronger than that of the human clan. Not to mention anything else, the same-kind friendship of “being the same as one and dying as one” can even make a demon clan throw away everything and fight for the same clan – this is what Wang Qi saw.

However, the road to finally update the demon clan failed. Dragon Emperor overlooked a point-this system is based on the devotion of the demon Emperor Taiyi. It almost dragged the whole family forward. But the update demon clan can not give back the substantial benefits of this strong man. Maybe it ’s okay to say for centuries, but for millions of years ...

"Poof ..." Wang Qi burst out laughing when thinking of this.

"What are you crazy about?" Su Junyu looked helplessly at Wang Qi who suddenly laughed.

Wang Qi and Lu Xiaoqian, Xiang Qi and other people chatted for a while. Many people have completed the process of healing and adapting to the blood refining method, and have left. However, Su Junyu was extremely traumatized. He had previously forcibly ingested different kinds of spiritual power, and his mana was contaminated. He needed more careful rehabilitation.

There are only four of him, Xiang Qi, Lu Xiaoqian, and Wang Qi.

Xiang Qi himself was badly injured and stayed to look after everyone. Lu Xiaoqian lost everyone's trust and was not easy to participate in many affairs. What Wang Qi said ... Everyone saw his broken pill, and the general monks were really bad at asking him to do something.

Such a weird circle was formed.

Wang Qi shook his head, talked about what he had thought, and then said: "If you think about it this way, your majesty the demon emperor is simply the biggest good person in the known range! I just feel annoyed-what kind of spirit is this! Even our predecessors ... hey, say "cutting funds", I am afraid that you have to do one in the fairyland. "

That is why the reason why Feng Luoyi dispatched resources to fight in Western Xinjiang was difficult. "Funds" are the core interests of the monks of the Xiaoyao, and they are the hope of the future. If everyone is arguing about the allocation of funds on the basis of academics, Xiaoyao can still calm down. But just adjust the industry like this? Gee, it seems that Daoyou is so determined to have a game!

Su Junyu raised his eyebrows: "What time is it, you still have thoughts to detract from your predecessors ..."

"It's not derogatory, tell the truth." Wang Qi laughed: "Although the Great Man of Heaven disappeared for some reason, what they left behind still affects the universe, and it has not changed in 200 million years. At that moment, our human race was destined to be marked with the Yuanying Law and inherited some of the qualities of Heaven and Man. Even if the Yuanying Law was changed to the Yuanshen Law-is it still based on the Yuanying Law? "

Perhaps it is precisely because of this, that until the official contact with this Faxian Dao, the Dragon Emperor did not think that the human race really had the possibility of crossing inexplicable obstacles? Because Yuanshen Law still belongs to "Improved Yuanying Law"?

It must be within 500 years for Hong Tian to conquer the king of the West Sea Dragon. It was also the latest thing that the Dragon Emperor was blocked in his door by the seal of Hongtian. Now that Faxian Dao appeared, it has been two thousand years. The Dragon Clan may be because of this, so there is no contact with the Clan in the first place.

However, "facing the Forty-Nine Dao" and "facing the material world" are very different between the present and the ancient law. This "different" is the essential difference. Probably the human race practice is the same as that of the dragon race, and it is hopeful that it will break the legacy of Heaven and Man.

Of course, there is only hope.

In addition, the physiology of the Great Man of Heaven and Man is also an abnormal question worth examining.

Mei Gemu said before that the cultivation of the Yuanying Law is just a process of constantly writing will into the higher carrier. This also shows that, in the morality of the heavenly human saint, the "replicated me" is also the "me". If a certain structure shown by other carriers can be equivalent to that structure, then it is ‘I’.

When Chen Feng mentioned Xi before, Wang Qi thought of Mi.

When Mi went to Linghuang Island with Wang Qi, she once showed a somewhat strange trait. Even if the Poseidon is divided into two parts, even if there is no slight connection between these two parts, it is regarded as "the same self". Even if there are different experiences on both sides and different changes are produced, they can finally be merged together without barriers.

"Nebula creatures and Poseidon life forms have similarities."

Thinking of this hypothesis, Wang Qi suddenly felt shudder.

Poseidon, mental model will not grow up.

Could it be said that the so-called Great Saint of Heaven and Man is only the master of the universe's strongest power and highest wisdom-the giant baby?

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