Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1536: monster?

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That's a humanoid monster. With a flash of aura produced by the fighting, Ai Qinglan can see that this guy's bare skin is not the ruddy complexion of a normal person, but a gray failure that reveals blue, like a zombie. The sarcomas were stacked on one hand, and he looked terrified. And a certain plant seemed to take root and sprout in him. And he did not know when he was covered with spines on his back. In this case, he also forced a female monk to stay in her sadness. The spines that pierced his back also pierced the woman's body.

——What a terrible torture this is!

A trace of anger flashed in Ai Qinglan's heart. Just then, the lizard monster rushed over again. She didn't look at it, she drove down. The head of the lizard monster was directly punched into the mud by her. The subsequent axe throwing and tail sweeping were interrupted by the waist, and no offensive was formed.

Then Ai Qinglan's feet were deeply inserted into the soil. With both arms, she threw out the lizard monster that was not dead!

"Whirring whirring……"

Along the way, the lizard monster knocked down countless trees, rubbing the top of the humanoid monster into the ground. The lizard didn't lose its fighting power, jumped up immediately, and burst into sword spirit. And the humanoid monster burst into seven colors.

"Tian Ge Xing's body protection? What a joke!"

The fairy master is a lizard monster that can use ordinary sword energy, and then a humanoid monster who can use Tiange to perform gangster gas!

What exactly happened here?

The normal performance is the biggest abnormal!

Ai Qinglan didn't think about it, it was a punch up, and at the same time he saved the woman, he also bombarded the humanoid monster. Although the humanoid monster can use the gang qi of Tiangexing, but it is not too powerful, was blown out by Ai Qinglan, and broke countless trees.

After carrying the woman behind his back, Ai Qinglan flashed, and appeared in front of the lizard monster, stepping on his nose bridge. A huge burst sounded, and the giant monster's flesh burst into thunder like explosives, and the body that had just climbed up could not be stepped on by this step.

Ai Qinglan's eyes widened and snarled, his legs stepped between the eyes of the lizard giant like a chain of lightning.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

In the continuous vibration, the head of the lizard monster was deeper and deeper, the body continued to shake like a sieve, and the nose and eyes were simply turned into a water-spraying faucet, and the blood did not require general penetration into the soil. At the beginning, there was a body of sword gas that swarmed like ten thousand needles, and the blood-refining demon power of Ai Qinglan's body surface canceled each other out. But later, even this little sword energy was gone.

Ai Qinglan glanced at the countless hole-shaped skirts on his legs-it was caused by sword gas, blood refining demon power can only protect the body, but could not protect the clothing-then he pulled it hard and tore off the skirt, about Keep one point on the knee. The boots that protect the feet and calves are originally magical tools, although they are also eroded to a bad shape, they are still relatively strong. The pea vine that originally fit the body grows fast, like a layer of hollow armor.

"Be careful! And there is something!" The woman behind Ai Qinglan began to scream.

"Is there anything else?" Ai Qinglan looked at the monster at his feet, not looking like he could fight.

"Sword fighting beasts! These monsters! Sword fighting beasts! Sword fighting beasts rarely appear alone! Just now-this is near!"

Then, two huge, strange creatures were killed from the thick fog. The two monsters look exactly the same, both are tiger-headed, with their claws and iron blades joined together. As soon as they stretched out their hands and tore in the air, a horrible sword was born.

"Go away!" Ai Qinglan exhaled! With her breath, the sword energy on both sides was extinguished like a candlelight!

The secret of the blood refining method is to use the breath to move the lungs and shake the blood in the body. Conversely, the demon power in the blood can also be directly exerted through the thin blood vessels in the lungs.

As a hand was separated to protect the woman behind him, Ai Qinglan had only one hand left. But she was not afraid, and did not mean to retreat halfway. I saw that she extended her right hand, quickly grasped the tiger claw of one of the monsters, and then slammed it hard.


Two monsters collided together in the air, blood spewed out, and the whole face collapsed.

And Ai Qinglan caught up with Deng Dengdeng in three steps and grabbed his fingers together before the opponent did not stand up.

Heavenly Wu Dao Dao Dao Xin Dao Dao!

This is a move that Wang Qi stole from Mo Xuesheng's body in the line of life and death, which is actually very suitable for blood refining demon power. Therefore, after this trick was re-introduced by Wang Qi, it was promoted among this small team.

Boom! Poof!

That's the sound of a punctured heart.

"In the late stage of Kiyota ..." Ai Qinglan shook his head and turned to ask the woman behind him: "This sister, what's the situation here? What is this" sword fighting beast "and what the hell?"

At this time, the woman was already speechless in surprise.

This strange environment should have suppressed all the laws of this Fa Xiu, and Ai Qinglan did not use any of Tianlingling's iconic methods. She didn't know what method was used now, she changed to a new mana adapted to the environment, and then customized a responsive martial art based on this mana ...

——But why is she so strong?

Think about yourself, think about the partners who have been struggling to survive for the past half a month, and the woman suddenly feels sad.

"You guys are thrown away ..."

The whisper of a demon appeared again.

At this moment, the branches rang. Ai Qinglan thought that a sword fighting beast rushed over and opened the posture.

Unexpectedly, the monster appeared.

Ai Qinglan glanced at the monster. I didn't take a closer look just now, but this time, this monster becomes even more weird. A certain plant seems to have roots in his body. The complex root system grows along the meridians, and it looks like the villagers who have changed. However, there was a segment of air roots protruding from his eyes, and the other end of the wood penetrated his gums. The former seriously interfered with his vision, while the latter was like a flail, keeping his mouth closed, not to mention a complete sentence.

"Don't kill him!" The woman screamed suddenly, and then sighed: "Don't kill him ... don't ... he's really not a bad guy, just ... hey, just ..."

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

Zhu Gehong was awkward and got up from a pile of broken wood. He could hardly feel the sawdust piercing the skin.

And the first emotion in his mind was sadness.

Then, it was anger.

"Damn, what's crazy about that woman ... I ran for a few months with her on my back, and it turned out like this ... what a result?"

Despite his grief and indignation, he still wanted to save the woman. If a person is in this environment, he will go crazy soon. He stumbled towards Ai Qinglan, but didn't know what to do.

——So powerful sword fighting beast ... actually under her ...

When Ai Qinglan raised his slap, he even shrank instinctively.

Then the woman screamed: "Don't kill him! Don't kill him ... don't ... he's really not a bad guy, it's just ... hey, it's just ..."

——This woman is still a little conscience ...

——No, what is she doing? Clear thinking ...

"What the **** are you doing!" Zhu Gehong asked loudly. But somehow, when he spoke, Ai Qinglan actually took two steps back carefully.

"... We were originally three people struggling together to survive. But, after another Taoist rushed out of the woods and died, he has been weird ..."

The woman whispered.

"You also know that I am not easy ... Why didn't you say that at the time?"

Somehow, Zhu Gehong panicked. He roared loudly, but the other two did not mean to respond.

"What's wrong? Talk?"

He growled.

The woman whispered, "Within a few days, this guy used one hand to test the environment outside. As a result, after that day ... No, he just stretched out his hand, and there was a terrible change in the flesh, There are so many flesh tumors ... "

"Since that day, he has changed ... He is talking in a mess, he has no consciousness, and his sense of touch seems to be weakened ... Then, he began to plant trees on himself, always ... always trying to take me away forest……"

——Why is this ...

——Why is this woman so vicious ...

——Why did everything I did become like this in her mouth?

Zhu Gehong was furious and scolded loudly: "You spit on people!"

"Actually, he has been protecting me ... even if it became like this, and, I think he has been resisting even if he loses his will ... he is still drawing maps and still recording his actions, but he ... "


Zhu Gehong took a step back. He felt that he had fallen into a terrible vortex. He struggled, but he struggled to understand. He was hesitant in his heart, and the thought of "slain the ungrateful woman" and the idea of ​​"turn around and run" existed at the same time.

Just then, more footsteps came from the mist.

"Sister Ai ... Lying! What is that!"

The last exclamation and instinctive defense completely shattered Zhu Gehong's will. He screamed and turned to run.

I don't know how long he ran, he came to the black water again. He lowered his head and looked at his face.

"Obviously no problem ..."

Zhu Gehong looked at the scarred, masculine face and cried, "There is no problem!"

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