Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: Surround

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Wang Qi rekindled the remaining dead branches here. Due to the catalytic effect of Reiki, intense combustion occurs. Wang Qi is almost like holding a firecracker in his hand. The light is bright but unstable, and the suddenly enhanced light is almost enough to blind the eyes of mortals.

However, the three people present were monks, but they could see everything on the silk fabric in a short moment of relatively stable light.

"Oh ... map." Wang Qi looked at it: "The huge body of water, the deepest place is deeper than people, about two meters, but most places are waist-deep shallow water ..."

"But there are leeches, and there is at least one giant mollusk with brachiopods or tentacles ..." Ai Changyuan looked strange: "Although I don't cultivate the way of the soul, my hometown of Liding Island is also a fishery developed, I At least I know ... "He pointed to the part of the map representing the sea:" Squids, if they live in the shallow sea, should they be very small? Thumb size. The huge creature that can roll up people "" He looked at Chen Feng.

"Even if my ecological path is rotten, I can see that there is no predator at all-but maybe it is also a monster dropped by Mei Gemu? Maybe the pile of tentacles is connected to one person?" Chen Fengjing With Wang Qi, looking forward to his "authoritative interpretation".

Wang Qi scratched his head: "But ... it's not necessary? In this case, why study this kind of aquatic reformer? Of course, considering that he might simply be crazy, not as sensible as I am, maybe there really is this Possibilities. "

Chen Feng could not wait to grab the ground with his head: "Sane ... forget it, shall we continue to look at the map?"

"Um, a huge forest, and then a huge body of water in the center. This body of water occupies about one third of this area, and it is roughly divided into three areas-on our side, the next door, and the sword The base camp of fighting animals. "Wang Qi analyzed.

"The sword fighting beast camp is very close to the next level of the passage, should it be the goalkeeper of this level?" Ai Changyuan visually checked the distance: "According to the distance we walked, this scale should be ... this distance, we Maybe you can avoid the battle and move on to the next level? "

Chen Feng's eyes lit up: "This is indeed ... Chen Yueling also came to this area through this channel. With her state at that time and the average level of the sword fighting beast, most of them have not experienced high-intensity fighting. Maybe we are really You can avoid fighting. "

"According to Chen Yueling, the next level should be a labyrinth." Ai Changyuan's fingers swept around the "passage", and no subsequent map was found, only the word "maze": "Well ... no?"

"It seems that this guy hasn't entered the maze. He just heard Chen Yueling's retelling." Chen Feng asserted: "Well ... unfortunately, Chen Yueling is also a mess. It seems that he can't remember how he came out. . "

Wang Qi shook his head: "This is not necessary. This can only be said ... maybe that the labyrinth is unexpectedly simple?"

Chen Feng raised his head: "What do you mean?"

"For a two-phase [two-dimensional] maze with one exit and one entrance, both connected and on the outer boundary, that's it," Ai Changyuan replied: "As long as the maze itself does not change, or is not intentionally caused If you ca n’t get through, then there ’s no labyrinth in the world-just hold a wall and walk. "

Chen Feng thought for a moment: "It turns out so!"

"Left and right hand rule" method. As the name suggests, after entering the maze, choose a direction, and then continue to walk against the wall. The wall turns, so do you. No matter how winding and twisting the wall is, straightening it is just a line segment. The entrances and exits of the maze correspond to the two endpoints of this line segment. People enter from the entrance (or choose any point on the line segment), go straight down this line, and of course they will come to the exit.

In fact, the "maze" is just one of the simpler branches of topology.

Of course, for a maze with a graph structure, this method may not be applicable. However, according to Chen Yueling's previous description, this method is sufficient for this labyrinth. If you insist that this "violent cracking" has any flaws, it is probably "time-consuming". If the maze itself is too complicated and there are too many forks, the time spent in it may be unbearable.

"There is no need to worry about the maze." Wang Qi shook his head: "Focus on the words of 'that guy'?"

He murmured: "Do not be anything‘ itchy, itchy, Daoyou is here, because the face is so rotten. Kill it. It ’s delicious ’..."

Fortunately, the worst situation in Wang Qi's imagination did not happen-perhaps he also knew that "that guy" was trying to protect Chen Yueling until the end, and it was unlikely to be really unconscious.

The structure of this writing is surprisingly clear.

"... I don't know what day it is anymore. The pain on my body is getting more and more intense, as if there are some bugs drilling in my body. I began to wonder if I have produced any abnormality-the devil here Melancholy is too weird. Fortunately, the aura of the world is also strong enough, the mana is supplemented, and Tiangexing shows no signs of getting mad.

My heart began to shake. It may not be a way to escape like this. But I ca n’t lie to myself—I ca n’t catch it if I ca n’t. What's more, there is a woman here. Whether she is dead or I am dead, this may be unacceptable to the rest?

I also remembered the unfinished Yuanshen plan in my training room. Although heaven and earth aura here are terrible with many impurities, but it is not impossible? Maybe two days later, I will try to impact the Yuanshen. Even if it is an inferior product, and even if there are more impurities, it will pollute the will, that is the spirit of God, it is better than death here.

I hope that after my death, my teachers will remember to bring that primal magic to my family-maybe this will be the inferior primal magic of my brother's descendants ... "

Part of the back was erased. It can be seen that the person who writes this thing must be upset, and he didn't think about what to write and how to write it, so after writing this paragraph, he crossed out.

This is undoubtedly exciting news. This shows that "that guy" is indeed as Wang Qi guessed, and can think for himself, instead of acting on the botanical memory of the flesh as Chen Yueling thought.

Then there is a new line and new content.

"I have gradually figured out the behavior patterns of the sword fighting beasts. Apart from the necessary patrols at the gates, most of the time they are just wandering in this forest, looking for prey like wild animals, sometimes even aimlessly Their intelligence cannot be said to be too low [at least they know how to trap and deceive], but some extreme emotions have been provoking them. And when they see the light, they will pounce on it mercilessly.

The sword-fighting beast's nest is right here ... the north arrow can't be used here either. I can't distinguish between north and south. The place shown on my map, according to observation, should be a circle, similar to the place of the fighting field. Which cavernous temple of this peerless demon? Why is there such a weird place in the world?

I will keep going. People from Erweizhuang to this place inexplicably should be more than me. I hope that other Taoists will find a way to deal with the sword fighting beast or go out after seeing this.

If you read this and I did n’t go out eventually, please take my last wish out.

Zhu Gehong's unique pen, nine. "

"There are at least eight other stone carvings." Wang Qi analyzed: "But this does not show where he might go."

"From this moment, Brother Zhu may be on the verge of collapse." Chen Feng pointed to the map: "I am worried that he will be unable to think about it for a while, and then embark on the path of self-destruction. He may be heading to the sword now. On the way to the beast's nest ... "

Wang Qi immediately stood up: "We must stop him. Without understanding why he changed, we would not dare to cross this ghost forest."

Chen Feng and Wang Qi will leave soon. But Ai Changyuan was half a step behind. He poked on the stone with his finger.

"Old Ai, leave."

"Weird." Ai Changyuan shook his head.

Chen Feng asked: "What's wrong?"

"This stone, although it is also igneous rock, is not like the product of the direct condensation of lava here." Ai Changyuan said: "And the hardness is almost the same as the stones we have seen along the way. That guy ... Zhu Gehong's finger strength can be Writing on it, the mana should be stronger. But in fact, this guy ... he could n’t even beat the sword fighting beast we first saw. "

Although according to Chen Yueling's description, Zhu Gehong has a stone in his hand. However, this is not to say that if you take an item of ten hardness, you can easily cut another item of ten hardness. A baby with diamond diamonds don't want to cut the glass. The hardness of the thing itself is still there.

And what is the hardness of the material here? "The full blow of the Tandan period will only leave traces."

If Zhu Gehong's finger had a degree of full blow in the knotting stage, he could indeed use the stone as paper to write. But with this power, why fear the sword fighting beast?

——Is it what the “collapse mountain rock crushing method” has to apply the extremely harsh conditions?

Wang Qi only guessed this way.

Suddenly, Ai Changyuan's complexion changed: "Yo ... actually came to the door."

Wang Qi and Chen Feng immediately alert.

"Surrounded." Ai Changyuan glanced at the bonfire on the ground, which was burning and exploding like fireworks, and said: "'When they see the light, they will pounce mercilessly' An adjective ... "

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