Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: Leave the forest

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"Oh that time, oh, the bones don't make the flowers bloom ..." Zhu Gehong said hard. He tried hard to control his tongue and lips, but what he said was not interesting at all ... No, not even "human words".

When he tried to speak, Wang Qi was using the memory that he could compete with the monks of Yuanshen Period to memorize every sentence, every syllable arrangement, and any repeated words.

This is to confirm whether Zhu Gehong has mastered a new language in this place.

The xenomorphic spiritual power is the real fairy power. The "degree of freedom" attached to the spiritual power of the Xianli level is almost infinite-at least Xianmeng has not yet explored its limit. As long as mana is tempered in place, a ray of fairy power can store enough information to be translated into "personality". In this case, learning a language because of unconscious inhalation of different spiritual forces is not an incredible thing.

Not only the language of the dragon, but also the language of the alien fairy who died in the "Fighting Extinction of the Dragon"-if it exists.

Therefore, when comparing Wang Qi, he not only referred to the modern Dragon language he knew, but also interpreted it as a completely unknown language.

Unsurprisingly, he did not get any results. What Zhu Gehong said was purely meaningless voice.

At least Wang Qi can't imagine that there is any language that can say that there will be no repeated syllable combinations in the last quarter of an hour. If this is really a language, then not only does this language have no morphology, it is more likely to have common modal words that speak a thousand or more and are infinite.

Really, very crap.

Looking at Zhu Gehong who is still struggling to control his lips, Wang Qi sighed and shook his head: "Well, Brother Zhu, you can stop ... sorry, you are indeed aphasia."

Zhu Gehong decadent sat on the ground, then pulled out his sword and wrote on the ground: [No wonder the woman has been ignoring me, it turned out to be my own reason]

Zhu Gehong himself is not in the mood to add sentences to the sentence, but Wang Qi can show the desolation.

"Did you really not find out?" Wang Qi's index finger tapped his temple: "Heart for nature?"

Simple aphasia cannot naturally be psychogenic. This must come from thinking about organic lesions of organs. But it is really possible that "did not notice" was due to mental state.

People whose ears are deaf because of an accident, even if they can speak before, often have problems with slurred speech, vague speech, and confusion. This is not because of an accident in their throat and tongue, but because they have no auditory assistance to correct their oral problems.

This is the same as the person who has not spoken for a long time will eventually lose the ability to speak. People who have not heard for a long time to correct their spoken language will probably have problems with their language skills.

"Too much attention to the outside world, and neglect of the perception of oneself" may be ridiculous on mortals, but it is normal for monks. Whether it is the requirements of the mind-holding, the exercise of thinking, or the confinement of consciousness during meditation, they all have a very strong control over their own thoughts. The greatest performance of this kind of control power is the concentration of non-human level of attention and thinking when necessary.

Under such a desperate situation, Zhu Gehong was highly nervous, and it was indeed possible that he ignored his own voice because he paid too much attention to the footsteps of the outside world.

——It ’s just that “hearing the sound of a tree branch being stepped on” is still a huge doubt.

"Brother Zhu, how are you feeling now?" Wang Qi asked.

[Not very good] Zhu Gehong wrote [I realized that I had aphasia and I never noticed it, I felt that my body was not right, I seemed to be taller]

At this writing, Zhu Gehong's hand was paused.

Immediately afterwards, his hands were shaking and he wrote a line of unreadable letters.

[Am I too tall]

The problem of height makes many habits seem a bit uncoordinated. For example, the posture of holding a sword, or the angle of looking at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi looked at a height of two and five meters, and counted the aberrants whose branches growing from his head were close to three meters, nodded calmly: "Do you know? Actually, I personally still want to grow taller ... Um, I ’m still tall now, probably because my fiancee is short? "

Zhu Gehong's hand with a sword shook: "Also, have I become ugly? 】

"You know, the human race has always depreciated the aesthetics of non-human races. This is a kind of ... the biological instinct of social animals." Wang Qi explained.

[So it turns out]

When Zhu Gehong wrote "this", he almost stabbed the long sword into the mud. He suddenly remembered something and wrote: [Are reflections in water also an illusion? No wonder you have been watching me with a mirror]

Wang Qi nodded slowly: "It is true. At first, I suspected that it was a problem with water, so I used my own blood. In this case, my blood was almost invading. But the blood mirror still reflected normal. 'S silhouette ... "

Zhu Gehong shivered again.

[What does the reflection in the mirror you see look like? 】

"In terms of men's aesthetic ... real man?"

[Are you seeing different hallucinations? I did n’t look good at first ...]

"No, I'm sorry, I was wrong, it really is not pretty." Wang Qi said very sincerely.

He suddenly realized another thing. He didn't know Zhu Gehong before, so he didn't know what Zhu Gehong was like. In other words, even if the person in the reflection is not Zhu Gehong but Wu Yanzu, he may not recognize it.

"You have to see if there are people outside who know you, otherwise it is really difficult to confirm. However, since it is a grand event that can be mixed into Erweizhuang to discuss swords, it is not at least unknown. , Intending to call on Zhu Gehong to leave together.

Zhu Gehong slowly walked to the water, knelt on the ground, and looked down at his reflection.

"Is this really me?"

Wang Qi also approached Zhu Gehong. His own reflection in the lake is normal, but Zhu Gehong's reflection is completely different from his own. This change is really abrupt, making Wang Qi have to doubt the authenticity of this place.

The two stood on one knee and stood still for a moment by the lake. The sound of the wood behind them gradually weakened, and the light gradually dimmed. Wang Qi tipped his foot and patted Zhu Gehong's shoulder: "Go away, Brother Zhu."


——It probably means “oh”.

Wang Qi and Zhu Gehong turned to leave, and Zhu Gehong never meant to leave again.

Of course, he didn't really believe Wang Qi completely. It's just that during the period when he noticed his aphasia, sword fighting beasts have always come over. And those scattered sword fighting beasts were all killed by Wang Qi's "annoying" plus a blood knife. After realizing the gap in strength, Zhu Gehong knew that even if he resisted and did not cooperate, the other party could directly use strength.

The two followed the traces of the battle and merged with Chen Feng and Ai Changyuan. There were also several wounds on the two men, but they were fine. The rest of the sword fighting beasts were scattered by them using guerrilla tactics, and then killed some more. After Wang Qi and Zhu Gehong joined, the four of them wiped out part of the sword fighting beast and then chose to evacuate.

Lu Xiaoqian sat on the edge of the Black Forest. Since everyone did not trust her, she also took the initiative to keep her distance. And this position can also guarantee that she will kill all the enemies coming out of the forest in the first time. Seeing the four Wang Qi came out, she stood up and asked, "Is it smooth ... It seems quite smooth."

Zhu Gehong's distorted figure is unusually conspicuous.

"I always think that if you pull out your sword and kill me at this time, you can push it to 'think that the other party is an enemy'." Wang Qi rarely ridiculed, and then pointed to Zhu Gehong: "This is Brother Zhugehong Zhu, who is in the same league. Please give him a seal. Also, if any Daoist friends who know him know him, please come and recognize him. "

"Acknowledge ... people ..." Lu Xiaoqian paused on the word "person", not intentionally mocking. She felt that this brother was really too distorted, and some were not humanoid. Is it difficult for someone to recognize his original identity?

Wang Qi waved at Lu Xiaoqian, and then he condensed a blood mirror. Lu Xiaoqian approached, and then she also saw Zhu Gehong in the mirror.

"Ah!" Lu Xiaoqian exclaimed: "What's going on?"

She subconsciously went to see Wang Qi's mirror image, and just happened to be in contact with Wang Qi's mirror image-Wang Qi was also observing her through this blood mirror.

"It looks like you're normal in the mirror, and I'm normal too ... Let me ask, should the mirror you see me look exactly like my face?"

In order to avoid chasing and killing, the four Wang Qi did not confirm on the way out. In the case of only himself and Zhu Gehong, Wang Qi is not completely sure, is the mirror image in his eyes really a mirror image-maybe he has also been in the same magic as Zhu Gehong?

Lu Xiaoqian helped him determine the answer: "Yes, it's the same as your own face-what about me?"

"His face is as unpleasing as you are," Wang Qi replied.

"It seems to mean 'exactly the same'." Lu Xiaoqian smiled softly, not thinking, and walked to Zhu Gehong, said: "Zhu Gehong Zhu ... Brother? I will seal your interaction with the outer world So that you can adapt to this environment. Are you ready? Do n’t resist ... "

Wang Qi went out of the forest and continued to think.

——Only Zhu Gehong's reflection is problematic.

-Could it be said that he is a special individual?

-Or is it just simply staying in the Black Forest long enough?

——Has Chen Yueling ever seen such a vision? The suspicion is even bigger if she notices it without explanation, but ...

——Reference Zhu Gehong, too nervous to realize ...

Until he heard Lu Xiaoqian calling for Ai Qinglan.

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