Into the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 99: On the Use Value of Antiques

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"This is the token of several leaders-isn't this equivalent to the token of the Falun Dafa?"

Wang Qi finally realized how amazing this was. He suddenly felt that the ring was a bit heavy.

Is this a sense of history, or a sense of power?

Do I hold history, or do I have authority?

Or both?

As Wang Qi was intoxicated by mathematics, Zhen Xiezi said: "It seems that the head of Wanfa School is in Xinshan. Would you like to hold mathematics to abdicate him to let the virtuous?"

"Oh, are you stupid of me?"

Take this mathematics to be the head of the Ten Thousand Ways. This kind of nature can be regarded as digging out the ancient jade seal from the soil in the 21st century and then ran to the Chinese X Sea to claim the throne!

Unless the part of the maid has become part of the laws of physics, which fool would support a guy who dug out the former jade seal?

"Then what do you guys enjoy?"

"This is antique! It is still of special historical value!"

Zhen Jiezi asked: "So, does this thing do anything?"

After all, it is Luo Fuxuan's obsession with the Qing Palace for thousands of years. He couldn't care less about this issue.

"This is an arithmetic tool." Wang Qi said.

Zhen Jiezi was shocked: "Arithmetic? Arithmetic?"

Arithmetic device, referred to as the calculator. Named after Wan Famen Xiaoyao, Cang Sheng Guo Feng Fengyi's book "The Arithmetic of the Soul of the Arithmetic" is the iconic magical instrument of this law. According to the division method of ancient monks, the calculator should be classified as an auxiliary implement. However, the mathematics of this law that has multiplied to a terrible height has given this instrument various horrifying functions. It is even listed separately, and the price is several streets away from the same level of offense and defense.

Even Wang Qi sighed more than once during cultivation, and it would be nice if he had a calculator in his hand.

"Hah, it's really a sleepy pillow. Your boy is really lucky." Zhen Jiezi sighed: "It seems that the only calculator of the fairy series in the world today is the Xianmeng's true mirror?"

The Wanxian Realm supported by Wanxianzhenjing is one of the foundations of Xianmeng. If the mathematics is at the same level as Wanxianzhenjing ...

"Don't care about the old man." Wang Qi's face didn't show any excitement. He smelled a face and stared at mathematics bitterly: "This thing is not as strong as Wan Xian Zhen Jing."

"What kind of expression are you? Even if the math is not as good as Wan Xianzhen Mirror, don't you be so disappointed?"

"You need a spoon to drink soup, so I bought one, and when I got home, I found that the spoon was a colander." Wang Qi said: "Probably this expression."

The calculator of the so-called fairy series is what Wang Qi thought about, that is, the degree of supercomputer.

But supercomputers and supercomputers are also different. If we compare the true mirror of Wan Xian to Tianhe No. 3, the most advanced supercomputer before Wang Qi passed through, then mathematics is not even as good as the first real computer on the earth, Eniak, at most equivalent to the first electronic computer, The degree of Atanasov-Berry computer.

Why do you say that? Although Eniac may not be comparable to the smartphones of the 21st century, the original stuff is original, and programming is no problem. However, with this mathematical ring, it is impossible to construct a mathematical illusion like the Wanxian illusion! This is absolutely the same level as the Atanasov-Berry machine that can't even be programmed!

If it was n’t because Shenzhou used Reiki to avoid the limitation of the power source encountered by the earth, Wang Qi even wanted to lower the level of the mathematical ring to the difference machine and analysis machine designed by Babic and the calculator made by Leibniz. under. Although these gadgets are either steam powered or manpower, they are still binary.

This Nima is a decimal!

After listening to Wang Qi's explanation, Zhen Jiezi wondered: "For you, is there any difference between binary and decimal?"

Wang Qifu said: "Yes, it makes no difference to me ... I can spend some time designing a set of methods to fabricate the illusion of arithmetic based on the decimal system. But do n’t forget, over there, the old Turing and the Cang Sheng Two hands-free monks Feng Luoyi, the national hand, took the lead. Hundreds of thousands of Falun Dafa and Qianji Pavilion disciples were studying and deducing the illusion of binary arithmetic. Can I make it up to them? "

Really explain the words. No matter how talented Wang Qi is, he can't be compared to tens of thousands of monks, especially two of these tens of thousands of monks who will not be weaker than him.

Zhen Zhenzi sighed: "Sometimes it's hard to practice the sacrifice, but I know the real function, but it's still useless."

Wang Qi also sighed: "It's still useful. At least it's faster than me in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and power. Planar geometry is also reluctant-can't parse the variable type, complex geometry can only be exhausted, geometry It is completely independent of mathematics and mathematics. Really advanced algorithms are completely incomprehensible ... so antique is antique. "

Antiques basically have no use value. The head of the copper beast is very valuable, but it can be used as a shower head in the bathroom, it is estimated that it is not as good as a ten yuan to spread the goods.

Zhen Jiezi finally asked: "Does this ring seem valuable to you?"

"Put off the historical significance and commemorative value of the above, it is the second-rate calculator. The weight is still around, and it is still not possible to connect the Wanxian true mirror and the two knives of the power of the Wanxian fantasy realm."

The fairyland of Wanxian is equivalent to the fairyland network of China. In the 21st century, it is a basic requirement for electronic devices to have Internet access. A calculator that cannot be connected to the Internet is probably equivalent to a PHS in the Internet age.

It is also a deluxe commemorative edition of the fairy series.

After judging the role of mathematics, Wang Qi stood up and stretched his waist, then used the heat of entropy to burn all the draft paper. Then, with a rush of wind, he scattered the ashes.

The arithmetic symbols used just now are all from the earth, which makes people see it as unbelievable. Cryptography is a branch of mathematics, and Chinese arithmetic is prosperous. It is said that no expert who is proficient in passwords can see through his operators. The calculation of symbols can also be pushed onto the inheritance of ancient law, but the advanced calculation methods from the earth can't be pushed away. Since Dabai Village was suspected by Li Ziye once, Wang Qi has paid special attention to such problems.

After doing all this, Wang Qi left the room and went to the dining room for dinner. After dinner, he said hello to Su Junyu and told him that he was going to review his homework in the room tonight, so he didn't follow him to study the following lessons.

Since tomorrow is going to be a monthly test, Su Junyu has no doubt about him,

At night, Wang Qi sat at the desk, took out a stack of manuscripts, and pressed the ring against the manuscript.

"Okay, it's time to choose."

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