Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 106 - Deep Space Adventure

Hello everyone! As @Fiaran pointed out, the last two chapters and most of this chapter covers the same thing, though the details are important, so I had to point them out. But yeah, they are kinda same. So, I will publish two chapters tomorrow to make it up. Why not today? You will see tomorrow. Thanks!


Miles woke up the next day with a fresher mind. The trial itself wasn't painful, but only mind-numbing. Of course, he could sleep through it, but as his mother advised, benefiting from it was much more valuable, and so that was exactly what Miles did. He almost learned all the information his mother stored in his brain and then cross-checked them with the texts he found in the mysterious cave.

Miles looked around the room and noticed his eyesight was better than before. The items, colors, shapes he could see were more accurate, and his speed of thought was much faster. He could bring up any memory or information more easily and calculate faster as well. If he was a regular computer before, now he was a supercomputer with better hardware all over..

When Miles woke up, his mother was by his side. Unlike last time, she didn't leave but slept on the chair, her head at his bed. Miles's heart ached when he saw his mother sleeping in such a posture to look after him, and woke her up slowly.

"Hey, you woke up?" Evelyn smiled as she woke up.

"Yeah. Thanks, mom." Miles didn't apologize, she was his mother after all. But expressed his gratitude anyway. His mother helped him greatly this time. Not only did she stop working on her project, which was something major for Evelyn. She also helped him learn much essential information that couldn't be found without connections. Miles did have the connections, but he wasn't willing to use them to clear himself from the name of Cross.

"Don't be silly. Of course, I will help you." Evelyn smiled brightly, and Miles felt like the room brightened up. "Come to me again for the second serum."

"Will do, mom." Miles nodded and asked, "Can you test me again, I want to know if I have improved." Miles asked his mother to test him again, but he wanted his mother to give him more confidential information.

Of course, Evelyn saw through it too but ignored it. She prepared information that could last more than 10 minutes when she first tested Miles, and if he could do it, she would let him learn all of them. But since Miles lasted only two minutes, she would adjust them to be stored for the second test when Miles wanted to use the second serum.

But Miles was just like her, and had an insatiable dėsɨrė for knowledge. Since it was so, Evelyn wouldn't be shy to share it with her son.

Evelyn worked on the wristwatch for a short minute and started the machine once again. Since Miles lasted a little more than two minutes last time, she had to remove that part from the information that would be stored to maximize her son's benefit. After that, the machine started once again, and Miles realized he could scan them more easily.

He already felt improvements when he first woke up, but only now he realized how easy he could skim through the papers as they float in his mind. He could almost read them completely as soon as they appeared in his mind.

'Isn't this too exaggerated?' Miles thought to himself, but let it go all the same. He focused on sorting the information Evelyn stored in his mind. Since he could read them as soon as they appeared, he could sort them to comprehend them later on. When he was first tested, he left them stored messily which cost him a lot of time to organize them before he could read them in order, but now that he sorted them, he could comprehend them without needing to search for them.

The information his mother stored in his mind this time was based on experiments and theories related to orbs and portal worlds. His mother did it to help Miles in the portal world because Miles refused to take any material help from them. There were hundreds of thousands of different monster species recorded by Unity, and they all had their weaknesses. All AI wristwatches knew most of them, but it wouldn't hurt to let Miles know, so Evelyn added them to the list.

Safe to eat plants, best-hunting grounds, highest orb drop rates and many more things stored in Miles's mind now. He sorted them out one by one to open them for later dates. When he started to feel a headache, Evelyn stopped the machine. Miles looked at the timer and saw it was two minutes and fifteen seconds.

"Is this how much I improved? A little more than ten seconds?" Miles couldn't help but ask.

"No, I stopped it when it got overwhelming for you. Your limit was two minutes last time, but this time you could hang on for more than two minutes without feeling any discomfort." Evelyn smiled and said, "You could go all the way to three minutes, but it would make you weak all over again. I don't want you to have it so soon, once again. That is why I stopped the transfer."

"I understand. Thanks, mom!" Miles stood up and hugged Evelyn. "Is Uncle here?"

"No, he left for the Portal World. I doubt he will be back soon." Evelyn answered.

"Alright, I will visit later. See you mom!" Miles said and left the laboratory. His mother was busy, and he had already kept her from her work for three days.


In the endless black, a ship made of the strongest alloy on Earth swam silently. They would use the rockets to travel, but something that happened the other day frightened them to even think about it.

When the ship was sailing silently, a giant mass appeared at the end of their sight. Neither alarm of the ship, nor radar showed anything approaching. The giant mass got bigger and bigger as it approached the ship. When it was not so far away from the ship anymore, its whole size couldn't be seen from the ship, but people in the ship could see what it was.

The worm-like, white thing had one eye and a giant maw. The eye itself was bigger than the ship, the whole size of the creature was colossal. It could wrap up a city with its length.

"Stop the engines, now!" Captain of the ship ordered. The ship stopped in endless space. The monster opened its giant maw, but no sound came. Maybe it didn't make any sound, maybe it was because the sound couldn't be heard in space. Monster's eye locked with the ship for a small window of time, but to those in the ship, it felt like a lifetime.

When the monster left their sight, all the crew felt their back was wet with sweat. These people weren't weak at all. The weakest of them all was Form-Rank and fought with monsters hundreds of times, but the monster as big as a small city frightened them to their core.

But that wasn't all. All of a sudden a bright light filled the sky, and a path made of a rainbow light formed in the black space. The rainbow followed after the monster. Because of their speed, the things in the rainbow light didn't see the lone spaceship, but people in the spaceship saw that things inside the rainbows were space crafts, chasing the monster.

Ever since people in the spaceship were too afraid to run their engines. Thrusters silently worked to push the spaceship back to Earth, but the crew was too afraid to cause any big energy fluctuations to alarm the alien civilization that dared to chase after the monster.

After a few months, they saw the blue marble once again pinned in the sky. Engines ran fully, and the spaceship returned to Earth.

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