Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 155 - Mountain Fist!

Miles left the room because he didn't want to hear them talking about kidnapped, held captive, and tortured children as if they were rare merchandise. But Miles knew that this was how the world was. He also had his fair share of suffering while he was small even though he had a strong background.

'There is only one thing preventing others from controlling your fate, which is getting stronger.' The idea of getting stronger and standing at the top of the world once again bloomed in Miles's heart. Not because he wanted power, but what power brought... freedom.

Miles walked into his room and saw the little girl sleeping in his bed. The maid cleaned her up and changed her dresses. She now looked much fairer and with the new clothes, she looked better. Miles looked at her for a second and wondered how he should deal with her, then shook his head and walked to the Virtual Machine.

Since his bed was occupied, he could only sleep in other rooms, but he decided to use the virtual machine while he was here, since he didn't need as much sleep any more thanks to Strengthening Serums.

After logging in his most recent ID, Thousand kills in Thousand miles, he selected a random match option. He already passed the middle-tier now and the machine also matched with an opponent at the same tier.

Miles was to choose the battlefield, and he chose the circular small arena. He wanted to test his raw power and didn't want to run around to locate his opponent. Not long after, the weapon selection screen appeared in front of his eyes, and he chose a dagger as always.

Miles appeared in the circular arena with his face masked and dagger at his belt. His opponent also formed at the other end of the arena with no weapon on their body. Miles looked at the ID and gaped in surprise for the id was Mountain Fist.

Miles looked at his opponent and was surprised to see a giant woman with a heavily muscular body. Her arms were thicker than Miles's waist. Her fists were bigger than Miles's biceps. 'What the hell, I just wanted to test my strength, not die by Snu Snu!' Miles cried in his heart.

"You mongrel! Die in my hands!" Mountain Fist shouted and ran to Miles, shaking the ground with her every step. Miles activated elemental vision out of curiosity to look at her element. What he saw dumbstruck him.

"What does the water element have to do with those muscles?"

Miles dodged the incoming mountain with an agile step and asked, "What is your power?"

This was his first time seeing such a strange situation. Most of the people in Unity would awaken elemental powers. He had heard some out-of-norm powers before, like Merlin's copy power wasn't an elemental power. The same goes for Marcela's merging powers, Evelyn's Data Sort power, Adam's Microscopic Vision power.

But the closest power to his opponent's he ever saw was Uncle Kenway's sharpening powers. That power made his swordsmanship deadly. These were powers out of the norm, yet kinda easy to explain, after all, they were still, 'super' but the power Mountain Fist was wielding looked bizarre.

"My superpower is Iron Muscle. My muscles are like steel, growing continuingly." She answered truthfully. Miles could see she had a straight personality, and wouldn't lie to him. But it also made sense. It was out of norm power, but it was a superpower alright.

'She has a power allowing her to strengthen her muscles, and from the look of it, the muscles are also tightly packed. Wonder if she can use Strengthening Serum, and if she can, how it would affect her. I will ask.' "Have you used a Strengthening Serum before? If you did, how were the side effects?"

She was still charging at Miles, with an infamous lariat attack. Her thick arms were aimed at his neck and looked like if they were to connect, Miles's neck would snap easily. But she still answered despite continuing to attack.

"Our family is cursed to not be able to use them. That medicine tears the muscles—" Her reverberating voice stopped here because she was in front of Miles, Miles crouched swiftly and escaped from deathly arms wanting to pincer him. Of course, she wasn't an amateur either. She also squatted and wanted to squash Miles under her muscular arms.

'Holy shit!' Miles backed away with a strong kick on her shoulder. The kick made her take a step or two back, while Miles somersaulted in the air and opened the distance.

"That serum tears the muscles to reconstruct them. My family has hundreds of times more muscles than a regular human, the pain we feel and danger we go through under that cursed medicine is not something you can imagine." She looked at Miles with interest,

"But your speed and strength tells me you have used the serum before, and not once either." She smirked.

"I did use it thrice," Miles answered honestly. Since she was honest to him, he wouldn't mind answering truthfully either.

"That is admirable. I know you don't have muscles as much as we do, but it's still painful to do so. So, I will hand it to you" She smiled and ran once again.

Miles learned her limits so far and knew her strength was above his. Although he used three serums and had more than 400 points of strength, he was still weaker than his opponents, but unlike his elephantine opponent, he was faster. After all, her bulky muscles were slowing her down.

Miles circled around her and punched her openings as much as he could with his maximum power. He wouldn't be gentler to his opponents just because of their gender or characters or pity. He respected Mountain Fist, so he used his maximum power.

His fist connected with Mountain Fist's muscle-packed back. Miles, after tens of fists, felt his hands were hurting. What he was punching was not flesh but steel. Mountain Fist wasn't lying about her superpower, her muscles were really as tough as steel. But Mountain Fist wasn't faring any better. Although her muscles were durable and protected her from a lot of damage, her organs were still vulnerable. After so many punches, she had blood in her throat several times because of internal damage.

Miles's strong fist was able to create shocks in her insides, injuring her greatly. Miles punched the vital spots like the liver, sternum. After fighting for more than half an hour, the fight ended and Mountain Fist collapsed. Miles was too fast for her and evaded her attacks as a swift monkey. But Miles had no doubt, if he were to hit even once, he would lose immediately.

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