Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 233: The Idiot’s Death

“Unlimited power!” Tian Ling shouted. His hands were generating water while it was freezing fast.

“What is that!” One of Tian Ling’s goons who managed to survive the blast pointed at the dragon, “It— it dissolves!”

Miles took a closer look and realized the dragon’s body was breaking apart. His parts were merging with Tian Ling’s body.

“Look at this, I am getting Dragon Scales! I will become a draconian existence! Haha!” Tian Ling stripped the top of his clothes to show his skin. Icy blue scales were covering his flesh.

“It is time to leave.” Miles raised on his feet to run.

“You are going nowhere!” Tian Ling sent a pillar of ice to him. Miles dodged the attack and was ready to escape but Tian Ling was a lot faster than he was before. Dragon really helped him evolve. “I said you will stay here!”

Tian Ling jumped from the pit with a great leap and appeared in front of Miles. His limbs looked a little longer than normal. There were two fangs protruding from his mouth. There were whiskers falling from the side of his mouth.

Miles looked at it with elemental vision and saw that the particles in the air were still flying to Tian Ling’s body and destroying his own. ‘It is not merging! It is hijacking his body.’ Miles focused on the bright light in Tian Ling’s body. It was the core Tian Ling devoured not long ago. It was shining so brightly.

“Stop, the dragon is destroying your body to take over!” Miles shouted.

“Haha! That is an ancient teaching in my culture. Destruction is a must for creation. This is the greatest dao! I am ascending to immortality! I will become a dragon race! I am evolving! HAHAHAHA!”

“He can’t see it, it will end badly!” Miles looked at Eloise, but she wasn’t reacting at all. She was just watching. Mihr Orril was still unconscious. Miles looked at people around him. Most were hurt or unconscious, the rest were looking at Tian Ling with fire in their eyes. They were clearly hoping to kill Marooner.

Miles looked at the dying Tian Ling and shook his head.”It is your funeral.”

“Let’s go,” Miles said and tapped on the bump on his arm. Electricity moved on his arm and charged the orb.

“I said you will stay and witness my magnificence! I will ascend to Godhood!” Tian Ling shouted just like a monster and leaped on Miles. Two melted liquids formed on his back and took the shape of gray wings.

“Let me help you ascend faster then!” Miles said with anger. He moved faster than ever and punched Tian Ling on his face with great momentum as another orb melted and formed a mask on his face. Mask was too damaged, and fine cracks could still be seen, but it still looked dangerous.

“My orb! That was my orb. You stole it from me!” Tian Ling shouted crazily. “Marooner! I WILL KILL YOU!”

Miles ignored the crazy fool and kept attacking while evading his attacks by flying around him. He appeared all around Tian Ling and punched all around him. Tian Ling already had a bloody face, but the blood he puked washed his clothes in red too. He had no chance to land on the ground. Miles was punching him while he was still air and playing him like a ball.

“STOP!” Tian Ling shouted and an ice mist formed all around him. It condensed into a barrier. When Miles punched he felt his bones were stinging. “What the hell is this?”

“Haha. It is my secondary element, toughness. Thanks to dragon genes, I have three elements now. HAHAHA.” Tian Ling condensed a spear from ice. Water was dancing around the spear. It looked as tough as the barrier he just created. He attacked Miles with great speed. Miles still had the elemental vision, so he noticed the core was moving upwards. But Tian Ling didn’t seem to notice it.

Miles evaded the attacks and tried to counter but he was slower than Tian Ling now!

“What are you going to do now?” Tian Ling created ice javelins and fired them at Miles. Miles could still evade them thanks to his elemental vision, but he felt that fatigue was catching up. His whole body was aching. He was already wounded and tired. He also used the first step of the Exaltedness of the Creator, which created side effects. He was beaten.

“Since this is not enough, eat this!” Tian Ling shouted and the ice covered all his body just like earlier. The globe barrier turned into a white curtain preventing Miles from seeing what was going on. The ice element was so condensed, he couldn’t see Tian Ling’s body at all. But the energy inside the barrier was getting denser and denser.

Miles floated in the air and started to float out of the broken wall, but it was too late. The barrier exploded!

Thousands of icicles flew in all directions. Most aiming for Miles.

“Bastard!” Eloise shouted and created a Flame Barrier. And threw a fireball in Mihr Orril’s direction saving him from death.

Miles looked at Tian Ling who looked more and more like a monster now. Even his face was covered by scales. His hair turned into icy blue now. His face was as ugly as the dragon’s. He was looking at Miles with his lips curled.

Miles flew backward and soon reached the edge of the cave. The other opening was too small for his escape so Miles was going to escape from the broken wall that opened to the dead ice dragon’s lair. As soon as icicles reached him Miles opened his mouth and shouted, “FOOOL!”

Voice reverberated in the cave and shook the interior. The echo traveled to the end of the cave, and alarmed people waiting there, but the real might of the shout deflected all the icicles and stopped them from hurting Miles. He flew upwards and was ready to leave, but he saw that the ice dragon’s core had reached Tian Ling’s brain.

“What is happening?!” Tian Ling’s scream reverberated in the cave. “Stop it! Stop IT!”

“No, no, NOOO!”

Tian Ling fell on his knees. He was clutching his head. The core reached the center of his brain and tentacles left the core and pierced all around the brain.

“ROAR!” Tian Ling roared as his eyes lost their focus.

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