The North Wall

“Hahaha! WAHAHAHA!” The little boy laughed heartily. “You will break my bones? My bones?”

He was showing the bone sword in his hand dramatically.

“Do you know what my power is?” He showed his eyes and the ramus on his back. “These are gifts Mama bestowed upon me. They made me something more. With these, I am unbreakable, both mind and body-wise!”

“Anything is breakable.” Mihr smiled as he held the sword in front of him, “You are just a mindless beast who had never seen anything. There is always something better. You are so ignorant, you think your bones are the hardest thing in the world and they are unbreakable. What a monster of you.”

“You talk too much.” The little boy stopped smiling and started to run towards his opponent. “I will first cut your tongue off.”

When he was in front of the giant sword covered with holy light, he swung the bone blade from ground to air, towards Orril’s head.

Mihr Orril was following the attack as if it was in slow motion. He held the giant sword in one hand and kept it in the path of the sword that was aiming to cut open his head. The bone blade clashed with the sword in his hand, and the vibration alone was enough to quake his bones, and Mihr felt his insides were shaking madly, but he stood strong.

After he deflected the sword, with his left hand that had been curled to a fist, he punched the monster in the head.

The holy light-covered punch made contact with the skull of the monster, but Mihr regretted it as soon as he did. His fist ached as if punched an alloy armor.

“You dare to punch me! Did you break that hand?” The monster looked at his opponent with ridicule.

“Motherfucker!” Mihr shouted as he swung his sword down towards the monster’s head.

“You are too weak.” The monster didn’t defend with the bone blade but raised his arm. The heavy sword landed on his forearm but failed to cut through the arm. The sound of the clash was like two metals hitting each other. “See, you are too weak! Now you die.”

The monster started to jump around, circling around Mihr. The latter wasn’t fast enough to catch up with the nimble body of the monster. The bone blade was making wounds all around his body, and Orril had nothing he could do, but to try his best to defend his head, heart, and other important places.

“Haha, now you die!” The monster jumped into the air and when he was above Mihr Orril, tens of bones fired from his ramus towards the wounded Mihr.

Mihr Orril looked at the approaching projectile and raised his sword. He kept the wide side of the sword in front of him so he could protect his body, but the bullets were coming from weird angles. He was too tired and too wounded to defend himself.

He looked at the monster in hatred and fished out an orb. This was his ace in the hole, but he would rather not use it. Now, he had no other choice. He grabbed the orb and electric currents started to flash from his wristwatch, but before that, a giant body appeared in front of him and stopped the bullets.

Mihr Orril looked at the body in amazement. The person was 3 meters long and looked like a giant. His hand had red skin, and there were small bulges on the head, but a purple mask was covering the face of the mysterious person. When the bullets clashed with the bare skin of the man, they made dull sounds before they fell to the ground.


The South Wall

“You are a mere human. You dare to compare my senses with yours?” The little girl shouted in anger. As Porseila said, after losing her vision, she also lost her hearing. She didn’t know what the blonde bitch was doing, but she couldn’t trust what she was seeing. When she first attacked it turned out to be a phantom, but now even sounds were undependable.

“Oh, do tell. What other senses do you have?” Porseila asked. Her Superpower was reflection. She could reflect anything if she knew how they worked. She could reflect the light in a precise manner to create the image she wanted her opponents to see.

Or she could reflect the sound so her opponents wouldn’t know where the voice was coming from.

But these weren’t the only things she could do. Just like she did in the Lonely Cave, when she figured out the mechanism of the other senses, she could block them as well. Bees in the cave were exuding pheromones and by following the reaction of these pheromones they could interpret what was around them. So by reflecting it, she could trick them that she was not even there, but it took her some time to understand how it worked.

It was the same with this little monster. As soon as she could understand what was causing her to see illusions or what it was using to sense her, she could reflect them.

“Do you take me as stupid?” The monster answered in scorn. “Why would I tell you my secrets?”

“Eh, that is out of scripts. Usually, villains are stupid.” Porseila asked in bewilderment.

“Now, watch me cut you in pieces.” The little monster closed her eyes and blocked her ears. She was spreading spores ever since she appeared and it was those spores that caused Porseila and others to see illusions.

She could also feel where her opponents were by feeling those spores. They were outlining the battlefield, but it wasn’t as dependable as eyes and ears. There were many people on the battlefield, and she didn’t know which one was the blonde bitch.

“I guess, I will kill all of you.” She thought in her mind as she started to attack anyone she could feel.

“Fall back, you all,” Porseila shouted, but reflected her voice in a way the monster couldn’t hear her.

Her team and soldiers obeyed the order and started to fall back despite not being able to see properly. The monster smirked as she realized what was going on. “Falling back will not save you.”

She flew towards the group of people rushing back and swiped her leg. Claws on her feet were about to clash with the head of a person but she felt her spine was tingling. She turned back just in time to stop the sword with her hand, but the weapon was too sharp. As soon as she grabbed it, she felt her skin was pierced through.

“How?” She asked in surprise.

“I figured out what you are using,” Porseila smirked. Now, you cannot see me while I can.”

“If you think this will save you then you are mistaken!” She shouted in anger as the purple mist started to ooze from the monster’s body. Porseila jumped back as she too shouted.

“Fall back. Run!” But it was too late. Because she figured out the secret of spores, she reflected them to make the monster think she was with others, running away, while she sneaked behind the monster to kill it. But now, the monster started to use the poisonous mist to mass murder them. Including the beast still fighting on the battlefield.

Porseila didn’t know what she could do. She couldn’t just abandon her people, but if she were to stay, she too would be poisoned. As she was about to run away, she heard thunder from afar. She turned to look into the source of the sound and saw something approaching at rapid speed. The blur was purple, and lightning was dancing around it.

When the figure was just above the battlefield, a spear of lightning fell from the sky on top of the monster. With the painful cry of the little girl, the poisonous gas stopped from spreading.


The East Wall

Lucy looked around in bewilderment. There was no one but herself on the battlefield, but she could still hear the roars of the beasts and warnings of her people. But why were her eyes playing with her?

‘Illusion!’ She found the answer in her mind in a snap, but no solution followed.

“Lucy, what is going on?” She heard a voice in her mind.

“I am affected by illusions but I don’t know the source. Help me, Diana.” Lucy asked her wristwatch to help. Luckily, unlike Porseila, her wristwatch was made of a Psychic elemental core, thus she could still talk with it.

“The enemy is in front of you, but other people are having hard times. Luckily, monsters are affected as well.” Diana answered.

“Alright, can you check if I am speaking out loud?” Lucy asked then shouted, “Fall back behind the walls. You are all under illusions!”

“You are loud, all right,” Diana answered in her mind, as she smirked. “You are keeping her under your gravity right?”

“Yes, every step she takes will feel like carrying a mountain,” Lucy smirked.

“But how will you battle in such a state?” Diana asked. “You can’t even see.”

“I can still hear, right? I can still smell, oh I have one other. People can advance to Form-Rank in two years, but it took Quinn and me much longer than that. Having a strong and unique superpower is pretty advantageous but it is also a curse. It is much harder to advance. But once you do, it has some sick extras coming with it.

In my case, it is, the Zone.”

“Oh, the thing you usually acquire in Extol-Rank?” Diana asked.

“It normally is, but because of my superpower, I acquired a pseudo-zone even before I advanced,” Lucy smirked as she felt her surroundings. “Any object affected by my gravity in 3-meter diameter around me, I feel them. I feel their shapes and weights.”

She was keeping the monster in her zone ever since she first appeared. When she was first affected by the illusion, she knew it in a second because her most trusted sense was giving her signals. The monsters were still around. Thus, she closed her eyes and instead decided to feel her surroundings through her superpower.

She grabbed the bow in her hand tightly and reached out for another arrow. The monster was still pinned to the ground, and could barely stand on its feet.

“You can still feel me, right?” The monster moved her wings slightly, as more spores scattered into the air. “Your power is really unique.”

“Thanks, but kissing my ass will not save your life.” Lucy shot back as she let go of the arrow. The arrow was heading straight towards the monster’s head, but it stopped suddenly just in front of the monster.

“Lightning this time?” The butterfly-woman grabbed the arrow and checked it. “Different from the last one. This isn’t an orb weapon, is it? You, humans, are so clever. Can even make things like this.

But, you are still weak.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she threw the arrow back, faster than Lucy who was using a bow. The arrow was flying true towards Lucy’s heart, and even the gravity on it couldn’t stop it. The monstrous strength of the butterfly-woman was unbelievable.

Lucy tried to dodge, but she felt her feet were pinned to the ground. She felt something was holding onto her legs and was creeping upward on her body, but she didn’t feel it with her zone before.

“My silk is weightless. Oh, and I moved it from underground. That is why you didn’t feel it in your zone.” The monster smirked. Lucy looked towards the arrow in horror, although she couldn't see it. Just as it was about to pierce through her head, something appeared in front of her and punched the arrow away.

Lucy didn’t know who saved her, but she knew the form was familiar.

Her hero was finally here.

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