Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 370: City Beyond Mountain

“Are you ready?” Milosh asked as students were boarding the shuttle. The academy would take 15 students from each year with different abilities to make sure they covered all bases. Although individual power was most important in all competitions, having extra abilities wouldn’t hurt.

“Too bad Alex is still injured.” Miles shook his head as he looked at the boarding students. He knew some and there were more than half he didn’t know at all. He just found out that some students would hide their strengths in the entrance exam to have lower numbers. That way, they wouldn’t be challenged every single day.

Although students like Alex and Miles wouldn’t get that much of a challenge, those in the middle of the list would be challenged every single day as the strength gap wasn’t so big. Miles on the first day and Alex on the newbie competition day scared the rest off, thus were so free. Miles was also a giant door in front of Alex’s challengers.

Alex explained all these when he went to visit him and gave him the good news. Alex was sad and ecstatic to hear the monster that almost killed him had perished. Sad, because he wanted to learn about that attack, ecstatic because that monster had caused too much damage.

“Alex is the strongest newbie, but he is injured. Nothing I can do about it.” Milosh shrugged. “You just have to win this for us and Alex.”

“Yeah, yeah. I killed the monster for you and Alex. Stop trying to manipulate me.” Miles rolled his eyes.

“C’mon. I am not only saying it for myself. The rewards are good too.” Milosh tried to convince Miles.

“You know it is my Uncle who created the orb, right?” Miles smirked as he answered.

“Fucking Cross and Auroras,” Milosh muttered under his breath.

“What was that, Dean?” Miles asked as he squinted. “Are you perhaps insulting Mother’s current and old family?”

“No, no! Hell no! I just said I need fucking croissant and agua fresca.” Milosh hastily answered.

“Hmm. Maybe I heard it wrong.” Miles laughed as he jumped on the plane. “Don’t worry, although I will be battling against Cross Academy, I will not lose.”

“You better not, kiddo. I don’t want to lose my title.” Milosh nodded as he raised his hand to signal. With it, the shuttle took off towards Unity.


Deep within the Portal World, beyond the furthest point humanity ever reached, there were cities much like humans’. What lived in these cities weren’t humans or other alien races, but monsters.

Monsters in the outer circles, couldn’t get along well outside of their kind, the further one traveled, they would realize monsters were not as aggressive as the lower-ranked monsters and even more civilized and smart. This particular city belonged to the Vampire Race, and the supreme creature who ruled this city was, the Vampire Lord.

He was a humanoid monster with red eyes and pale skin. His robust body looked packed with strength, but the scariest thing about him wasn’t his power body but his elemental abilities. He could freely control the blood element and ruled over the part they had taken in for many years by killing anyone opposing him.

Normally, the Vampire Lord, despite the blood-sucking tendency he and his family had, ruled the lands he owned in peace. Other creatures from all around would visit his lands without any worry. But ever since a bit more than 2 years ago, he started to attack some others without any reason. It could be a smile, a giggle, a wrong name… It seemed as if he was a mad dog attacking arbitrarily, but only a few knew what was the real cause. One such creature was expected to visit this city that day, and the Vampire Lord was waiting for her on his glorious throne impatiently for hours. He didn’t have to wait any longer, as the creatures that he was waiting for had entered the city through the magnificent gates.

If any human were to see this city, they would be tongue-struck by its aesthetic and beauty. The dark-colored stones that covered the city looked gothic and pretty even from a distance away. But any traveler would first notice the giant gates instead of walls, despite the difference in total size between the two. Because the gates were crafted with dark gold and carved with runes. In many places, there were dazzling stones in the shape of moons and wings. The door itself looked like a pair of bat wings embedded on the walls from afar.

Like others, the two who had just arrived also felt the beauty of the doors as they passed through it. But as soon as they did, they got mesmerized by the endless waves of structures rising all the way to the center of the city. At the heart of the city, laid a castle that looked sublime. It was resting on top of a hill, giving off the feeling of a God, resting while looking down on its subjects. If they were to summarize their feelings when they first saw the castle, the duo would use the word, Arrogant.

“As always, the little bat likes to flaunt.” The older one said without talking. The one next to it smiled although it lacked a nose and ears, the smile could be still described as beautiful.

“No wonder everyone hates him.” The younger one said while holding the older’s hand.

“Remember, he is just a small bat in front of your mother. Don’t feel intimidated in front of him although we need something from him. If there is anything you don’t wish to answer, don’t.” The older one reminded for the umpteenth time.

“I understand, mother.” The little one rolled its eyes as it answered. Soon the duo entered the palace with the help of guards and arrived at the throne room where they were greeted by the Vampire Lord himself.

“M’lady, you look as beautiful as ever.” The Vampire Lord rose from his throne as he bowed down slightly to greet his guests. Although he was the overlord of the city and surrounding areas, what stood in front of him was something he could never dare to offend.

“Pixnox, it is an honor.” The older one curtsied as she raised her arm to show the castle and the city. “I like your taste.”

“I cannot explain how honored I am to receive your praises, M’lady.” Pixnox bowed his head once again, as he led the guest to the sitting area in the throne room. He couldn’t sit on his throne while one in front of him was that creature.

“I heard you wanted to speak with me, Pixnox, what is that all about?” The older creature asked when they sat. Pixnox was filling their cups with an unknown liquid that looked a lot like blood.

“I do, M’lady,” Pixnox answered as he looked at the smaller one. “I heard your child was beyond the mountain for days.”

“That is true.” The older one answered as she looked at her daughter lovingly. “Luckily, she was able to come back to me.”

“Yes, M’lady. It is a blessing.” Pixnox said with a painful expression, “I wasn’t as lucky.”

“I heard about your son. I am truly sorry.” The older one said genuinely. She almost lost her child beyond the mountain. She didn’t know what she would have done if she hadn’t returned to her.

“Thank you for your compassion, M’lady.” Pixnox bowed his head to hide his anger, “I lost my son beyond the mountain. But I know it wasn’t an accident. Someone set this up! Someone moved the mountain from here all the way to the end of the land!”

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