Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 374: Lares Academy

In a dark room, the scene of the elevator was repeating over and over again. There was only one entity in the room, which was quite a shocker. Because that entity didn’t need to watch the same thing twice. She had a supreme memory and could record any detail in her mind, yet, she was watching again and again. And everytime when the elevator was about to go down, the entity would focus on the teen at the corner.

“How did you know, Miles Cross?” Mother AI asked no one. “Just before I hijacked the elevator, you grabbed the bars. How did you know? Is it the intuition of a warrior?”

It was she who sabotaged the elevator. She had many purposes, but Miles wasn’t among the priority. First of all, she wanted to cripple Milosh’s prestige by killing his ace team. Secondly, he wanted to punish Milosh for leaving her realm and creating one of his own. Thirdly, she wanted to kill those who refused to go to other academies in Unity and chose the cursed one outside of her sphere. And lastly, she wanted the new academy that appeared not long ago to win this competition.

There was also the hotel and its owner. The owner would support Milosh from time to time, and in return Milosh would rent there whenever people from the academy needed to come to Unity. She wanted to punish them as well.

She was aware that Miles was in there, and she still remembered how intuitive Miles was and wanted to get rid of him, but it wasn’t something she had on her emergency list. It was somewhere in the middle of the list. Yet, this person ruined her plans once again. He grabbed the bars, even before she hacked the elevator.

“Lacking a mortal body prevents me from understanding abstract notions. Instinct, Energy, Gut Feeling… They don’t behave in a precise pattern. How can I foresee them?” She asked herself.

As she was watching the scene once again, a person in black outfit entered. Not a piece of flesh could be seen on this person. It knelt down and reported, “Ma’am. Gordon himself will go and heal Cross and Wilkins boys.”

“Stop all the operations and fall back. If Gordon is there, it means Cross is involved. We cannot touch them anymore.” Mother AI ordered.

“Yes, Ma’am.” The person bowed and asked, “How about the competition?”

“Our chance of winning is 40 percent now.”


“Uncle Gordon, why are you here?” Miles asked as he saw the jovial man walking towards him in worry.

“Mercer sent me.” Gordon said as he looked at Miles’s arms. “He held a news conference and told people he wouldn’t allow any unfairness in the competition and from now on, the government will take all the precautions to protect all the competitors. They will also gather you all at a facility where you can be protected soon.”

“Did people point at them?” Miles asked in understanding.

“Of course they did.” Gordon shook his head. “Last year, the Cross Academy lost because of Wilkins and Orril. Now, they are in their second year and even stronger. Although there are a lot of promising students in the Cross Academy, the cup will go to yours. So, many thought it was Mercer who sabotaged the elevator.”

“That is stupid.” Miles shook his head. Mercer was many things, but not a sore loser. He wouldn’t stoop down to win like this.

“It is.” Gordon started to heal Miles’s arms and said, “When it leaked that you were also in the elevator, people condemned him even more. There are still many who think that Mercer would kill his own grandson to win.”

“Someone is fanning the flames.” Miles’s eyes were cold. He knew who sabotaged the elevator. Coin felt her presence as soon as she appeared. That is why instead of hacking it back, they had to sacrifice their arms to stop the elevator. She was watching them from beginning to end.

“What is this new academy?” Miles asked as he pointed at the leaflet.

“Hmm? Lares Academy?” Gordon asked.

“Yeah. Isn’t it the name of the ancient race that created Mother AI?” Miles said with a squint.

“It was.” Gordon nodded. “I heard one of the families from the West created this academy. They are rising fast. Many younglings we had never heard before appeared out of nowhere to join their ranks. They are quite talented too.”

“It is unusual right?” Miles said, trying to make Gordon suspicious.

“Not really. Although it is forbidden, most of the families still abduct and raise orphans. When they are brainwashed and nurtured, the families let them out. Malcolm tried to prevent it many times, but it is impossible. I don’t know how they can escape from Mother AI’s surveillance.

“How indeed.” Miles muttered.

“Okay, you are healed. Mercer forced the committee to delay the competition and by then your arms will be as good as new or old.” Gordon nodded as he walked out. “Need to heal that Wilkins kid as well. Take care Miles, see you later.”

“See you, Uncle Gordon. Say hi to Serzen.”

“Will do.”

“Miles, what do you think?” Coin asked when Gordon left and he was alone.

“Something big is coming, that is all I know.”

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