Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 384: Battle Against Space!

“That is Glorious Dragon Academy!” Mae shouted but others didn’t need her to remind them. The crimson capes behind each student with the golden eastern dragon were staring enough.

“Also the Ice Realm Academy!” The girl who had a crush on Carl said in trepidation.

“Wow, Generals really hate us.” Carl snorted. Out of three generals, General Tian was the second most influential and strong. His ambitions were as big. Although he knew Lares Academy wanted to deal with Beast Breeding and Cross Academies, he chose to side with them. He probably wanted to deal with the two strongest contenders first to battle out with his allies later for the championship.

The same went for General Strankov. Because of her slip up when Starve Cleric attacked Mother AI, her fame took a hit. After that, she worked hard to prove her worth to Unity. She too wanted to gain more power, the giant General Cross was a roadblock in front of them. Although Beast Breeding Academy won all the tournaments for the last couple of years, Cross Academy was the most famous institution within the walls of Unity.

Glorious Dragon and Ice Realm Academies didn’t bring everyone, as they had to leave some people to defend their base. Because it was the base of Lares Academy, every one of them was there. Miles did a quick counting and realized there were 23 students. 10 from the Lares Academy and 6 from the Glorious Dragon Academy. The rest was from the Ice Realm Academy. They were wearing white capes with snowflake designs.

“Not good.” Miles thought in his heart as he unleashed his energy. In the next second, armor made of the blackest metal appeared on his body. There were golden lines on the armor, shining with blinding lights. That was his ultimate, Armor of Payback.

The bullets were still raining on them, but thanks to Xavic, the Gatling guns were mostly jammed. Those that were still working couldn't pass through the giant shield Zall was carrying, so Miles turned to the white-haired lady who was staring in distress.

“I didn’t expect you to overcome my ultimate without getting even injured.” She snorted as he pulled out the sword hilt on her belt. In the next second, a sword of distorted space merged with the hilt. Surprisingly, that was a sword made of space elements.

Miles looked at the sword in trepidation. Space was the sharpest thing in the universe. When he was escaping from the alien world with Val, because of the closed portal, even the monsters at the peak of the Frenzy-Rank were severed in pieces. Although he didn’t think the sword Yasmin Created was as sharp, it was still something to be afraid of.

Miles led some energy to his mind limb and started to create scenes from his imagination. His energy was attributeless and pure, thus it was almost undetectable. Even Val, who had the superpower to see energy, couldn't detect when Miles used Veil. That alone explained how pure Miles' energy was when he wasn’t using an element.

The scene he was creating was close to reality. Battles were going around Yasmin and him, and her people were gaining the advantage slowly. He did this to let her get some confidence to lower her defense.

Although Yasmin was a one-track mind person, she was still a young girl. Miles hoped when she was on the winning side, she would get conceited. After he prepared the illusion, he didn’t activate it immediately. He changed his arms to claws and dashed forward with Frontal Rush.

As this was an official competition, all the orbs and weapons had to be at the same level as the user. Miles was at the middle tier, and thus had the advantage, but sadly, he didn’t have a claw-type orb at that level. His peak-tier claw orbs also couldn’t be used.

Yasmin didn’t retreat but charged forward when she saw Miles charge. Her eyes were shining with a playful luster and her posture was steady. Miles didn’t know how the AI was training these people, but Yasmin was not an amateur. That was certain. Unlike spoiled teens like Porseila and Mihr Orril, Yasmin had superior combat ability. Even Alex wasn’t better than her in this sense.

After all, all the aforementioned people were heirs of their families, and couldn’t be sent to dangerous places, but Mother AI probably sent these people from childhood to fend for themselves and they battled regularly.

Yasmin’s combat sense was washed with endless battles. She could see Miles’s weak spot with a glance. She held the sword of space horizontally as he stabbed it towards his armpit. That was a single-second opening in the Frontal Rush and Five Finger Claw Death combo. For her to see and react in a matter of seconds was commendable, but Miles also had countless life and death battles ever since he entered Portal World. He too was washed by the blood and carved every battle into his mind. Also, unlike a sword, he was using his limbs. Limbs that have been hardened and strengthened by six strengthening serums. That was unprecedented.

He changed the angle of his attack, and the claw met with the distorted space. He felt his arm was rotating despite moving forward. The space warp around the sword was bending his arm to an unholy degree. If Miles couldn’t break out of the effect, his arm would twist on itself several times, then break apart. Luckily, his pure energy was stronger than Yasmin’s. It could negate space warp.

In the next second, Yasmin was sent back several steps, and Miles stood strong where he was. He put more energy into his right arm and attacked again. He also pulled the Death Elemental Dagger with his left hand. When he was in front of Yasmin, he swung the dagger toward her face. As the dagger was just in front of her face, suddenly Miles saw his own back. He pulled back his arm, but it was too late. The space gate was closed by Yasmin and the dagger was shattered into pieces. When he turned back, the tip of the dagger was behind him.

“That is amazing.” He praised wholeheartedly.

“Too bad I couldn’t make you kill yourself.” Yasmin grinned. The space gate that had appeared in front of him was leading to his back. If he pushed his dagger forward, he would be stabbing his own back. That would really be humiliating.

“Too bad, that dagger had a rare element.” Yasmin shook her head.

“It will heal.” Miles didn’t mind, as he changed it to orb form again. It took a lot of damage, and it would take months for it to restore its former form. By then, Miles wouldn’t need the low-tier dagger. His body was his strongest weapon. As he was taking strengthening serums to break through, he was getting more durable too. Now that he was close to the peak of middle-tier, a regular middle-tier weapon would hardly damage him.

Seeing his opponent smiling as if the victory was in his grasp, Miles let loose the illusion. To enhance it, he even activated the virtual room. Although the energy around everyone fluctuated, during the battle, no one noticed it. Yasmin was still grinning, and seeing her people winning made her even more confident. Especially her Vice-Captain Liam Khan. He was battling with Carl for a while, and the latter was a tough nut to crack. With the vibration at his beck and call, he could interrupt Liam forming diamonds by distributing the formation of carbon elements.

Also, Liam couldn’t change his organs into diamonds. Although energy was mysterious and omnipotent, their level was way too inferior. If he were to change his organs to diamond, they wouldn’t function anymore. A capable master could alter the system so even in diamond form the organs could work, but they were just teenagers, how could they have mastery over energy to that degree?

Since he couldn’t change his organs to diamond, an attack that could pass through his exterior armor could damage him. And Carl was the only person in the competition that could do just that. Vibration could pass through any armor to damage what was beyond. Yasmin was keeping an eye on their battles, but when she saw how Carl was sent back flying, she couldn’t help but smile brightly.

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