Although the first Quincy, Seno Miyako, was not the founder in the minds of all Quincy, he still had an extremely high status.

Although he was not the strongest among all the Quincy in the past, he was still quite an amazing person who pioneered the path of Quincy in that era.

But it was such a being who died in the hands of the God of Death.

Because of this conflict, the Quincy and the God of Death even had some friction later on. Therefore, the Quincy did not wait to see the God of Death, and would even take aggressive action when meeting him.

I heard from my father that the greatest enemy of the Quincy in that era was not Hollow but the God of Death.

But I don’t know why the God of Death suddenly disappeared.

The exact reason is unknown, but it is if the Grim Reaper still existed in their time.

Quincy and Death are absolutely incompatible.

But looking at Hojo's current situation, it seems that the Quincy and the Shinigami haven't reached that point of quarrel yet.

What happened next? That would make the Quincy and the God of Death completely hostile, and why the God of Death suddenly disappeared.

Hojo was a little confused.

Looking at the appearance of this group of Death Gods, they are so powerful and numerous. It is impossible for such a force to be wiped out suddenly!

What happened during this period?

At this time, in Wuyue Temple, in the room of the side hall.

Fudomaru came here with Yako.

Looking at Chifu Miyako who was lying on the hospital bed in critical condition.

Hokutomaru directly opened the door and walked in. Chifu Miyako suddenly opened his eyes on the bed and said,"Who is it!"

For humans, the age of more than one hundred years is already considered to be extremely high.

But Chifu Miyako's voice still seemed full of energy.

Although his life is in danger, his energy and energy are still good!

Of course, it might just be the last flashback.


Kudomaru looked at Chifu Miyako on the bed. The dense wrinkles on his face were showing signs of fading away.

The guy who was supposed to be dying after being seriously injured actually had such a major change in a short period of time.

It seems that he is regaining his life.

However, Fudomaru senses that Miyako has more and more evil thoughts.

This is all because of the fragments of the Shikon Jade.

While saving Miyako Chifu's life, he also Miyako's power is constantly increasing, but not everyone has a great sage, and there is no way to completely get rid of evil thoughts.

Miyako's condition has slowly recovered, but the problem is that in this state, evil thoughts continue Enhancement.

When Miyako completely recovers, or his strength reaches a stronger state than now, then the evil thoughts will become extremely powerful. At that time,

I am afraid that Miyako's body will be taken away and he will become a new monster.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Miyako at this moment, he clearly looked like a monster, but he was an extremely familiar person. Miyako Qianfu was a little confused for a moment.

The other person had no ill intentions towards him. Who was he?

"Can't you remember this?"

Fudomaru came to Miyako's bedside, sat down casually and looked at Miyako on the bed.

At this moment, Fudomaru smiled, and this smile instantly made Miyako excited.

" are……"

Hokutomaru looked at Miyako's excited hand and gently grabbed Miyako's hand.

"Okay, don't be so excited!"

Hearing this, Miyako forced himself to calm down, but looking at the face in front of him, the more he looked at it, the more he looked like it was exactly the same except for a few demonic lines.

"Teacher Yulong, is it really you?"

"it's me! But strictly speaking, it's just a puppet of mine!"


Miyako was stunned for a moment, which means that the current one is the real body... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Miyako, the fragment of the Shikon Jade in your body……"

"oh! This, this is my disciple who is trying to save me. Since I got this fragment, my injuries have been stabilized!"

Fudomaru smiled,"It's not just about stabilizing the injury!"

At this moment, Hokutomaru's eyes were like sharp blades, able to easily tear apart all disguises.

Miyako lowered his head slowly,"It is indeed not just stabilizing the injury, it is even enhancing my strength and making my body stronger. Gradually return to the state of youth……"

Having said this, Hokudomaru sighed,"I came here just for it. Miyako, you have two choices now. One is to give me the Shikon Jade fragment, and the other is to wait for you to die and I will come back to get it."!"

After all, Miyako can be considered his disciple. If he wants to continue like this, Fudomaru will not stop him.

If Miyako continues at this rate, it won't be long before he is completely swallowed up by his evil thoughts. At that time, the same thing will happen when Fudomaru comes to get it again.

"Teacher, what do you mean?"

"Can't you feel it yourself? Miyako!"

Fudomaru smiled:"Although the Shikon Jade fragment can save your life and increase your strength, all this comes at a price. You may have been able to detect the growth of evil thoughts!"

After saying that, Miyako remained silent. Indeed, he had discovered it a long time ago.

But the question is, how many people are really willing to give up the hope of life in front of them!

Miyako fell into deep thought, and Fudomaru did not interrupt. He just waited quietly[]

It took a long time for Miyako to raise his head and look at Fudomaru,"Teacher, thank you for coming, otherwise my disciple, I might really fall into the devil's path!"

Fudomaru is his teacher, if Fudomaru doesn't show up. Ko might be taking chances, but now that Futomaru has appeared, it doesn't matter whether Futomaru does anything or not.

Just like after the teacher appears, the students will immediately stop the wrong behavior


"Take away the jade fragments of the Four Souls!"

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal. If I want to change, I will inevitably become a monster. As your disciple, I will never become such a thing!"

Fudomaru gave him a faint look,"Are you sure you have thought about it?"

Actually, I don't have much opinion on whether Miyako should make friends with Doumaru or not.

"Teacher, I have lived enough at my age. Wuyue Guan is on this scale even without me!"

"Even if it is destroyed in the end, it is normal, I have figured it out now!"

The determination in Miyako's eyes made Fudemaru sigh softly.

He raised his hand and grabbed directly towards Miyako's chest, invading with power and forcibly peeling off the Shikon Jade fragments.

"In fact, you can also be a god of death. I can make you a god of death. Although you are not a human being after becoming a god of death, you can exist for thousands of years, as long as you practice hard!"


Miyako shook his head,"I still prefer to be human!"

The fragments of the Four Souls Jade were peeled off. Miyako relied on the fragments of the Four Souls Jade to survive. Now that the fragments were peeled off, Miyako was aging rapidly. He was almost exhausted.

"Unfortunately, the remains left behind by you, teacher, have not been recovered... Disciple is incompetent.……"

As the last few words were spoken, Miyako's eyes completely lost their charm and aura dissipated.

Miyako's soul was wrapped in the power of Hokutomaru and sent directly to the afterlife passage in the Soul Society...

But as the first-generation Quincy, a large number of spirit sons were gathered when he was born, and even if he did not actively control the spirit sons, he would be gathered there..

Chifu Miyako's death caused Reiko to lose control and dissipate instantly.

And this movement made all the Quincy at the entrance of Wuyue Temple suddenly stunned.……


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