"How's the development progress of Yazen-sama?"

Jone arrives at a training room at the base.

The face of the exterminator who was in charge of monitoring at the door was a little unpleasant.

"Progress seems to be slow!"

Hearing this, Join's face did not get better, and he also frowned.

Opening the door to the training room, Jon walked inside.

However, the moment he entered the cultivation room, Qiao Yin was directly stunned in place.

A large number of spirit children around are frantically converging, and Ya Dye's body is also surging with amazing spirit child fluctuations.

It was as if the spirits had gathered into an ocean, flowing rapidly around his body.

And these spirit sons gradually condensed and finally converged into a pillar of light that reached the sky, watching the pillar of light emitting blue light suddenly rise.

Join suddenly remembered his previous account of the completion of the Eucharist.

It is rumored that the most iconic change when the final Holy Body was opened was the direct formation of a pillar of light that reached the heavens "Nine Eighty Zero".

And now it seems to be the same as in the record.

A smile flashed across Join's face, it's done! Is this developed?

Immediately after that, when the pillar of light dissipated, a large number of high-density spirit sons directly gathered on Ya Dye's body, forming an armor that emitted blue light, which felt like the whole person was wearing a new armor.

The fluctuations of the spirit child can no longer be felt around.

What turned out was a powerful tide of terrifying spirits.

As if falling into the sea, you can clearly feel the huge resistance generated by the continuous surging back and forth of wave after wave of spirit seeds.

And in this case, Jon's heart is now ecstatic.

What's going on, isn't it...... It's true...... Is it really it?

Yazen slowly opened his eyes, and in the next second, he raised his hand in the direction of Join, and suddenly a extinguishing arrow appeared directly.

Instantly condensed, instantly launched!

The whole process has completely subverted the cognition of ordinary exterminators.

At this moment, Qiao Yin clearly saw the Destroyer Arrow shooting towards him, and wanted to use the scythe foot to dodge, but he didn't have time to control the surrounding spirits, and even felt that the spirits around him didn't seem to listen to him.

But in the next second, the Ya Ya stopped in front of his eyes, and Yazen grabbed the Ya that he shot out with one hand and looked at Join in front of him.

"Why did you come in all of a sudden? Don't say a word, if I hadn't reacted quickly, you'd be dead by now!"

Hearing the other party's words, a trace of cold sweat also broke out on Qiao Yin's forehead, which was so fast that he couldn't even react!

And the most terrifying thing is the surrounding Lingzi, who seems to be completely out of his control.

To be precise, I can't mobilize it at all.

Yazen smiled, "But according to your strength, you should be able to dodge, but you didn't dodge because you couldn't control Lingzi!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yin nodded: "I can't condense the surrounding spirit sons at all, why is this?"

Asked this question, Yazen smiled.

"After coming to the modern era, I thought about a lot of possibilities!"

"What is the so-called Eucharist!"

"I never figured it out, but finally I found inspiration in the phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles!"

As he spoke, Yazen recalled the inspiration he had received when he had gone to solve the phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles.

The overlapping of imaginary circles is, in the final analysis, a matter of the density of spiritual children.

And if the Exterminator wants to go further, it seems that the only way to make a fuss about it is to make a fuss about it.

However, the difference is that when the phenomenon of overlapping imaginary circles occurs, most of the spirit children are uncontrolled, as if they all have their mission.

So much so that if the Exterminator wants to mobilize the Spirit Child in the overlapping area of the Void Circle, it will take more effort than usual.

And this is also a place for Hachiran to understand.

That is, if you let Lingzi completely be under your own control, then it will be different.

As a result, the subordination of the Spirit Son was developed!

Forcing the surrounding spirits to be controlled only by themselves also makes it easier for the spirits to control.

As Yazen spoke, Jon was confused.

But overall, Yazen succeeded. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Really succeeded in developing the legendary Perfect Holy Body, no...... It should not be said to be development, but to recreate.

After all, the original Eucharist was developed by the Eight Stains.

"Can you give us the cultivation method of the Holy Body?"

Hearing this, Baran nodded: "Of course there is no problem, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to develop the cultivation method of the Holy Body so quickly." "

The method of cultivation has been written down a long time ago, and when it comes to what problems will be encountered in the process, the solutions are also given one by one.

Qiao Yin took this method of cultivating the Holy Body and quickly rushed out of the cultivation room.

And Ya Ran didn't say anything about it, he was going to tell his master and uncle about them now, and at the same time, he also wanted to let the Moonless Exterminator finish cultivating the Holy Body.

After all, this is a stronger force that surpasses its final form, and it can be used repeatedly, but it will also have a certain effect on the body of the Exterminator.......

Once it exceeds its own limit, it will also cause irreversible damage.

But in general, it's much better than directly losing the power of the Exterminator once you turn it on.

On the other side, the four of them who had been waiting for a long time looked at the Completion of the Holy Body Cultivation Method in front of them.

All of them widened their eyes.

"This is the true Perfection of the Holy Body cultivation method!"

"Let's hurry!"

Jone couldn't wait. []

At this moment, another member of the Hand of God frowned, "Are you sure this is true?"

However, his harmony made the others can't help but roll their eyes: "You guy is still the same as before, but he is seriously suspicious!"

"Zhengfu man, no wonder they didn't let you join the Hand of God in the first place, it's good to be a little more suspicious, but you don't have to be suspicious of everything!"

As the youngest member of the Hand of God, he has also been in contact with Yazen, and he has quite admired and trusted Yazen, a genius exterminator.

Wu Zejiamei twisted her body and stepped forward, gently leaning on the table and glancing at the cultivation method of the Holy Body, "It looks like that, but I don't know what the effect will be after the specific cultivation!"

This is a member of the third hand of the gods, and as the only woman, although Takeshi Yoshimi has a beautiful appearance, she has a very vicious style of acting under the beautiful appearance.

The last of the silly-looking guys giggled at Kami.

"That's what Jiamei said!"

As the 2.7 suitor of Takeshi Yoshimi, Tian Ya Masahiro is short and obscene, and he is bald, but it does not affect this guy's amazing talent in the exterminator.

Especially good at the domination of the spirit son.,Can do fine control that no one else can do.。

With the addition of Joe, the five members of the Hand of God are now fully present.

"According to the information I have, it is likely that the Grim Reaper is already preparing to attack our base and rescue those two guys, so time is actually running out for us!"

Join's face was heavy.

Although I have finished the Holy Communion now, there is not much time, and I don't know if I will be able to do it in time.

At the same time, the demon world.

One-tooth's white clothes have been dyed red, and looking at the members of the outer team who have already been killed around him, One-tooth is extremely angry.

But at the moment, he is only at the end of the crossbow.

"You ...... It's not even dead...... And you have mastered the spiritual pressure, you ...... How did you get this ...... power?"

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