The location where Fudomaru opened the boundary gate should be the core location of Seireitei, which is the location of the royal palace.

The royal palace within the Seireitei is the most heavily guarded area in the entire Seireitei.

But here, everything is now in ruins.

Fudomaru's figure slowly rose into the air, and then slowly floated upwards.

Finally, it was suspended a hundred meters in the air.

Looking down from the air, the entire Seireitei with the palace as the core was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

And what surprised Fudomaru even more was that at this moment, a large number of Hollows were massacred crazily in the Seireitei.

Countless death gods fell in a pool of blood.

Fudomaru's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this scene. How could it be possible for such a large number of Hollows to invade Soul Society?

Thinking of entering Soul Society, one must first break through the outermost barrier of Soul Society, and then break into Rukongai. There are now"one, two, and three" boundaries in Rukongai.

Since the last invasion of Soul Society, many barriers have been added, including those in Rukongai.

Entering Rukongai, it is impossible for Seireitei's Shinigami to remain unresponsive.

It is even said that when the Soul Society barrier is broken, it will definitely cause pre-tension.

The time it took for Xu to break through Soul Society was enough for the Shinigami in Seireitei to react and quickly organize defenses in Rukongai.

Under such circumstances, it is already extremely difficult for Rukongai to be breached.

Not to mention the subsequent Seireitei and the royal palace within Seireitei.

Hokutomaru looked up at the sky.

Fire was also burning on the floating platform in the sky, and the other side was frozen by frost.

It looks like half of it is frozen and the other half is burned by flames.

But that kind of flame doesn't look like a real flame, but more like a manifestation of some kind of power.

It just behaves like a flame, but what it really feels like is a feeling of nothingness.

It can be clearly seen and touched, but it gives people an intangible feeling.

This feeling is very strange.

At this moment, Fu Doumaru could not detect the aura of Immortal Fairy Ling Yue.

A moment!

Fudemaru's eyes burst out with a cold gaze.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying spiritual pressure burst out in an instant.

Suddenly covering the entire Soul Society, the Hollows who were slaughtering crazily all over the Soul Society at this moment, or the undead in Rukongai, or the Shinigami of Seireitei were all stunned in place at this moment. because!

Houtomaru's spiritual pressure was so violent that it instantly spread and swept through the entire Soul Society.

The huge Soul Society was completely covered by Fudemaru's spiritual pressure. What a terrible thing. However, how could anyone do such a thing? But Fudemaru did it.

At this moment, the violent spiritual pressure swept through the entire Soul Society. However, what surprised Fudomaru was that he... actually... did not feel the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure of the Fairy Lady Ling Yue.

Under such circumstances, Houtomaru's eyes instantly turned extremely red, and he almost went berserk.

Fairy Ling Yue is not in Soul Society!

Damn it!

What happened?

Why is Ling Yue Xianji not in Soul Society? Fudomaru can no longer keep calm.

And even Su Xi's breathing seemed very weak.

Fudomaru locked onto Suxi's position in an instant, and the next second moved directly towards Suxi's direction.

This moment was like a flash of light, appearing directly at Su Xi's position.

At this moment, Fu Doumaru looked at Suxi lying on the ground, with the secret fang guard beside him, but the current status of the secret fang was only in a state of breathlessness.

And there are seven or eight heads around him.

These are all Achiukas-level Daxu.

The moment these Daxu felt the aura of Fu Doumaru, they pounced directly on him!

However, at the next moment, Fudomaru just took a step forward, and the spiritual pressure that seemed to burst out from nowhere directly crushed these Achucas-level Daoxu in an instant!

This situation made Mi Ya stunned. This... this... what is going on? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Futomaru……"

Before he could speak, Fudomaru raised his hand, and a green light burst out, appearing directly in front of him. Then Miya felt that his injuries were being repaired quickly.

In this process, Fudomaru even used the power of Bengyu

"do not move!"

Fu Doumaru glanced at Mi Ya, and then looked in the direction of Su Xi. A group of green light floated in front of Mi Ya. Fu Doumaru pulled away and walked quickly towards Su Xi.

Putting the things on the ground Su Xi picked him up.

Looking at the injuries on Su Xi's body, the coldness in Fudomaru's eyes became even stronger.

"what happened? explain!"

At the same time, he was treating Su Xi.

Mi Ya looked at Fu Doumaru. He had recovered part of his physical strength now, unlike just now when he was basically about to die.

"Please punish me, Lord Fudomaru. It was because I failed to protect Lord Suxi that this happened.……"

"Don't talk nonsense, I just want to know what happened!"

After hearing this, Mi Ya immediately began to speak seriously.......

After the boundary-breaking gate was breached, the sudden virtual army directly invaded the Seireitei.

Although the Shinigami in the Seireitei fought bravely, they were still unable to stop the attack of the Hollows. After all, countless Hollows appeared in front of them.

No matter how crazy you strangle, wave after wave, even a god will be exhausted.

What's more, they are just a group of reapers.

Even the captain-level Secret Fang and others could not withstand it, and it was even more impossible for other ordinary Shinigami to block it.

Unable to stop the attack of the virtual group, several strange virtual people appeared at the same time. They clearly used the power of the virtual people, but they were like the gods of death.


Hadomaru frowned when he heard this.

He blurted out the name directly, but Miya was stunned when he heard the word Arrancar."What is Arrancar?"

"Arrancar! This is another new form that Hollow has taken after breaking through the limit. Although Hollow entering this form may not necessarily be stronger than Hollow without Arrancar, there is a high probability that it will be stronger!"

Mi Ya carefully recalled the guys he had seen before, and indeed it seemed good to call them Arrancar.

"These Arrancars are very powerful, and they can also explode with stronger power, just like our understanding."

As he said that, a bitter look flashed on Miya's face.

In the final analysis, it was still a question of strength. They could suppress the opponent at first, but when the opponent unlocked 2.6 and released Zanpakutō (Returning Blade) like them, they couldn't stop it at all. Stay.

Even Suxi couldn't stop the three demons, not to mention the even more terrifying Arrancars such as the Death God Ghost and Setsuna Mengmaru. This led to the latter being defeated.

He controlled Daxu to besiege them.[]

Setsuna Mengwan and Ling Yue Immortal Fairy directly hit the floating palace.

Because the sound of the two fighting was so terrifying, Immortal Fairy Lingyue took the initiative to fly to the floating palace to avoid causing too much damage to the Seireitei. However, Mi Ya did not know what happened after that.

All he knew was that under the siege of the three demons, they tried their best to break out with Su Xi. Fortunately, other squad captains came and blocked the others, so he had a chance to escape with Su Xi.

But Xu Qun, who couldn't kill them all, made Mi Ya not know what happened to other people in other places..

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