Li Fan woke up quietly, lying in a wooden house, the quilt on his body was very old, and there was a bit of musty smell, and the room was very simple.

In addition to a mat next to it, and a neatly folded quilt, there was a bonfire in the middle of the house, and there was a wooden shelf on the fire, on which was boiled a pot of water, and water vapor erupted from the spout.

Just when wondering what place this is, there was a children's a cappella song outside the house:

The bird in the

cage, the bird in the cage

when and when will it come out?

Is this Japan? Why can I understand Japanese?

Lifting the quilt, Li Fan walked towards the door with a blank face, pushed the door open, and a group of children held hands in a circle.

A little girl in the circle, covering her eyes with her hands, squatted on the ground, and Li Fan was suddenly unwell, because the clothes they were wearing turned out to be kimonos.

The older children, with their hair in a bun that looked like ancient Japan, were all barefoot.

Just when Li Fan was surprised, a girl wearing an extremely sexy body, the black top only wrapped the important parts, and the black short skirt was extremely open.

It looks like two strips of cloth, slender thighs are white and delicate, a short knife hangs from the willow waist, and the big eyes of the water spirit seem to be seductive.

The delicate nose is full of grace, the cherry-like small mouth is slightly raised, revealing a charming smile, long black hair and waist, and a pair of jade hands holding a rabbit.

Li Fan frowned, the girl in front of him gave him an extremely familiar feeling, he had definitely seen it before.

The girl saw Li Fan looking at herself stunned, and couldn't help but blush, she was the only huntress in the village, a year ago.

The village is destroyed by a youkai, and her parents die in the mouth of the youkai, in order to survive, she picks up her father's short knife and recalls the hunting skills his father taught her.

In this troubled life of the Warring States, three days ago, she was hunting in the forest as usual and was discovered by a fierce tiger.

A fierce beast like a fierce tiger is not something she can fight against, and without much thought, she turned her head and fled, probably panicking, and fled to the edge of the cliff.

Seeing that she was about to die, a figure fell from the sky and knocked the pounced tiger off the cliff, and it was Li Fan who saved her.

Li Fan also because of this collision, he was already confused, after this collision, he passed out very decisively, and the girl carried Li Fan home.

Li Fan's coma is three days, the girl who just returned from hunting actually saw Li Fan wake up, don't mention how happy she is, as the saying goes, heroes save beauty, as long as they don't look bad, they will get the girl's favor.

Li Fan originally did not look bad, he looked honest and honest, and the girl naturally secretly agreed.

You... You're awake....

Li Fan came back to his senses and said uncertainly, "You... Are you talking to me? The

girl gave him a blank look, casually hung her prey on the wooden wall, stepped forward with a red face, and walked towards the house with Li Fan's arm.

You have been in a coma for three days, just wake up and don't move around, lie down quickly, and I'll make you something to eat.

Li Fan's body really does not have much strength now, it is very weak, the girl acts like this, Li Fan knows that he seems to be saved by the girl in front of him, but he doesn't know where it is.

Lay back in bed... Well, it was on the mat, Li Fan spoke: "That... What's your name? Also, what is this place? The

girl was in front of the door, while disemboweling the rabbit, she replied: "My name is Yuluo, and this is Xizi Village." "

Yueluo? Xizi Village?

Li Fan was stunned: "Xizi Village? Is it close to the big city, the Chinese consulate is there, can you take me there? Ji

Luo looked back strangely, looking puzzled: "Huaxia Consulate? I haven't heard of it, but three hundred miles west of our village, there is a big city, but I haven't been there.

Li Fan frowned, this is so remote, even the Huaxia Consulate has never heard of it, but yes, this village does not even have an electric light, it is strange that it is not remote.

Seeing that Li Fan did not speak again, Ji Luo smiled: "You better rest first, I'll make a meal and then call you." When

night fell, Li Fan was woken up by Ji Luo, and the dinner was rabbit meat and pieces of unknown things, which tasted a bit like potatoes and a bit like sweet potatoes.

Li Fan was still thinking about how to go back, eating absentmindedly, and Jie Luo's face was slightly red, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere: "By the way, I don't know your name yet?" "


My name is Li Fan, I am from China, by the way, how did I get here?

Ji Luo secretly read Li Fan's name twice, his big eyes narrowed into a line, and said with a cute smile: "You fell from the sky." "


Did I get into a plane crash and fall from the sky? No, I remember reliving Inuyasha until three o'clock in the middle of the night, sleepy and falling asleep.

Seeing that Li Fan did not speak, Ji Luo was not annoyed, in order to say something to Li Fan, he remembered a legend, so he opened his mouth and said: "Do you know, it is said that a hundred miles south of the village, there is a village, and there is a wizard in the village, his magic power is very powerful, and he can kill powerful monsters. "

Wizard? Monster?

Li Fan suddenly felt bad: "What wizard monster?" Seeing

that Li Fan was interested, Ji Luo immediately smiled and spoke: "Monsters are terrifying, they can eat people, but wizards and mages with good practices can deal with them."

Speaking of this, Yu Luo's expression darkened, and his face showed sadness: "My parents were killed by monsters, and I don't know who spread rumors that our village has a four-soul jade that can fulfill wishes, and we don't even know what the four-soul jade is..."

Li Fan stood up abruptly and said with a shocked expression: "You just said the Jade of the Four Souls!!" How can it be!!

Ji Luo was taken aback by Li Fan, and nodded dumbly: "Yes... yes, what's wrong with you? "

Li Fan's brain is thunderous, how is it possible! This is not true! Not really! Isn't this anime! How could I possibly travel to the world of anime!

The next day, Li Fan figured out a lot of things, although he didn't know how he crossed it, but if he came now, he should be safe, at least he knew the plot, and if he wanted to live his life safely, it should be fine.

Although I don't know what timeline it is now, listening to Yura's words, it is not difficult to guess that the jade of the four souls has not disappeared, which means that Kikyo is not dead.

As long as she is not dead, the plot does not begin, and the robber ghost spider is also committing crimes recently.

For his own safety, Li Fan decided to take Yuluo to find the village where Kikyo was located, because only that was the safest in the whole film.

Jie Luo secretly promised Li Fanfang that Li Fan wanted to take her away, but Ji Luo did not refuse, and the reason why Li Fan took her away was also because she had a life-saving grace for herself.

It is impossible to search without a goal, so Li Fan decided to go south to find the village with wizards, and inquire about the village where Kikyo is located, with Kirito's fame, presumably no wizard does not know.

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