The surface of the river was suddenly covered with a layer of ice, and the demon qi killing pill with cold ice was very familiar: "Is it Dong Lan." After

speaking, Dong Lan's figure appeared on the ice, slowly walking towards the killing pill: "Long time no see, killing pill."

"Are you still alive." Sesshomaru's tone did not show any waves.

"Say this as soon as we meet?" Dong Lan didn't care either, and chuckled: "I think I must make a break with you this time." Dong

Lan's words made Orochimaru very disdainful, and a subordinate was just a defeated general: "The decision was not made earlier, but if you want to fight..."

Killing Pill's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent, staring at Dong Lan indifferently, and his tone was a little colder: "Don't be like 50 years ago this time." The

sarcastic words fell in Dong Lan's ears, although harsh, but Dong Lan's face still did not change, this time they were very sure.

"You're not just as ignorant." Dong Lan was like a lover, her expression was full of flirtation, but her words were hidden and murderous: "But I'm the same, it won't be like 50 years ago, Lord Lord is waiting for you." Hearing

the lord, Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, a little didn't understand what Dong Lan said, didn't the lord of the ocelot clan die early? Could it be that there is a new lord?

"Lord Lord?"

"That's right!" Dong Lan's tone changed, and he pointed at the killing pill with a cold and proud expression: "The lord of our ocelot clan!" Your father is probably dead when he dies, but our lord is finally going to be resurrected. Killing

Pill's brows froze slightly when he heard this, and his tone was full of murderous aura: "What do you want to do after the resurrection?"

Dong Lan said as a matter of course: "Of course, I will attack the Eastern Land again, and then seek revenge on you!" Hearing

Dong Lan's words, Orochimaru was not at ease, and a group of subordinates were just defeated, and said disdainfully: "Then this time I will completely cut off your lives." Hearing

this, Donglan suddenly smiled and said excitedly: "I'm really happy, you are willing to accept my challenge."

Sesshomaru was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, holding it in one hand, and was about to split Dong Lan, but Dong Lan stopped him: "Oh, don't worry, I'm not here to fight you, come to our castle." When

the words fell, the ice shattered, Dong Lan broke the ice and left, and before leaving, he dropped a sentence: "You can call your companions to come together." As

soon as Dong Lan left, Ling ran over with a bunch of fish in advance, looking very happy, and the fish in his hand was held high, as if waiting for the praise of the killing pill.

Killing Pill just glanced at her, the gentleness in his eyes flashed, and said coldly to the evil view: "The evil view, the ocelot clan has appeared." The

evil see, who was panting and panting, was shocked when he heard this: "They're here again..." Seeing

this expression of the evil view, Orochimaru was a little displeased, and the reason why he told the evil view was to let him choose, whether to follow him to face the battle, or stay to avoid the battle.

"Ling." Orochimaru tilted his head to look at Ling on the side: "You and Ayin are waiting here." "

Yes!" Ling knew that Killing Pill had something to do, and said obediently, "I'll wait here."

Although the evil view was a little weak, he saw that the killing pill was leaving, so he still followed: "Wait for me, Young Master Killing Pill." "

The evil opinion expressed his decision with actions, he wants to face the ocelot clan with Young Master Killing Pill, 50 years ago Young Master Killing Pill could fight them away, and 50 years later, Young Master Killing Pill can also beat them and run away!

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Ling was not lost, or other negative emotions, some were happy smiles, waved his hand to remind Sesshomaru: "If you want to come and pick me up, you must oh." At

this time, Inuyasha and Gowei also returned from this world, and Ahachi told about the ocelot, and Inuyasha knew nothing about it.

Thinking that this was 50 years ago, Maitreya spoke, "Inuyasha, is it possible that something happened after you were sealed?" "

Ah Ba is not an ordinary fear of the ocelot, he saw the killing with his own eyes, the degree of tragedy, every time he thinks, he will wake up in a dream.

Just as several people were talking, a voice suddenly came: "So it is, this witch is indeed wearing a strange dress." The

moment Ah Ba heard this voice, he was already covered in sweat with fright.

Xia Lan and Aki Lan slowly walked out of the forest, looking at the two youkai, Inuyasha spoke, "What are you going to do?"

Xia Lan's tone was disdainful, and he pointed at Ge Wei with a defiant expression: "What we are looking for is not you, it is the witch who collected the fragments of the four souls over there." Hearing

that it was for the Four Soul Fragments, Inuyasha waved his big hand and blocked in front of Ge Wei: "If you want to snatch the Four Soul Fragments, I will be your opponent!" The

big man Aki Arashi looked at Inuyasha with a condescending, disdainful gaze: "Half-demon? Hearing

Akira's reminder, plus Inuyasha's pair of dog ears, Natsu Lan spoke, "You are Inuyasha?"

Xia Lan's words made Maitreya think that Inuyasha knew each other, and Xia Lan was more sure when he saw this: "It seems that you are Inuyasha, the younger brother of Sesshomaru." Hearing

Xia Lan mention the killing pill, Inuyasha was suddenly unhappy, moved his five fingers, made a clicking sound, and said strangely: "It's just that I don't think he's my brother."

Now that the identity was clear, Xia Lan did not talk nonsense, raised his hand and said: "I will deal with Inuyasha, Aki Lan, you will deal with mages and exorcists."

Natsu burst out a fireball and took Inuyasha away from the battlefield: "Your opponent is me, but I won't kill you here." Saying

that, she crossed her hands in front of her and spat out a flame in her mouth, and the flames circled her body, and her entire body was wrapped in flames.

After getting ready, Xia Lan was like a big fireball, exuding high temperature: "Okay! Let the horses come. "

Inuyasha endured the heat, for such an opponent, Inuyasha actually disliked it, he liked hand-to-hand combat, and for a spell-type person like Natsu Arashi, Inuyasha felt very passive.

On the other side, Qiu Lan is a power-type monster, the power is great, so that Maitreya and Coral feel suppressed, every punch of Qiu Lan, a long palm, Maitreya and the two dare not hard connect, can only hide.

Ge Wei looked worried on the side, but at this moment, a burst of floral fragrance wafted in, followed by petals.

Chunlan, stepping on elegant cat steps, with the fragrance of spring flowers, slowly walked, with the appearance of good, Ge Wei's eyes darkened, and fainted to the ground without warning.

The mica in charge of guarding also fell to the ground at this time, and could only make an unwilling visual alarm.

The appearance of Chun Lan made Xia Lan Qiu Lan happy, and Qiu Lan suddenly had a demon qi all over her body, her hands crossed her fists, and she pressed it against her forehead, and a blue arc appeared.

Qiu Lan's demon qi continued to increase, and a low roar like a beast came out of his mouth, and after a burst of blinding light, Ge Wei was already in Qiu Lan's hand.

The mission of their trip is the four soul fragments on Gowei's body, and now that the task is completed, all that remains is to lead Inuyasha to the castle.

The ball of light that Qiu Lan had just emitted didn't know what it was, Inuyasha seemed to be drained of demon power at this time, and his whole body was paralyzed, and he could only watch as Gowei was caught.

Struggling to support his body, Inuyasha stared at Aki Arashi: "Put Gewei down!"

Xia Lan's voice was flat: "If you want to save her, come to our castle." "

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