Three days later, the exorcist patriarch returned from a trip, and Ning Gu couldn't wait to tell the robbery of the 50s, but the patriarch didn't believe it at first.

But hearing the name of the Divine Spring, he had to be shaken, who is the Divine Spring, a mage with strong spiritual power born this year, only twelve years old this year, but when he was ten years old, he single-handedly suppressed a big demon.

Since then, the prestige of the sacred spring has spread, and since then, he has traveled the world with his master, killing monsters and practicing while killing people.

Just as the so-called famous tree of people is famous, Li Fan was quickly invited to the house by the patriarch, and Li Fan was fooled again to deceive the patriarch.

In fact, it is not a fraud, that is, borrowing the name of the divine spring, the future exorcist wants to exterminate the clan is true, so Li Fan does not have a little weakness.

The patriarch bowed deeply to Li Fan: "Thank you little brother for coming to inform us, if you can use our exorcist in the future, please ask the little brother to order."

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hand: "The patriarch is too polite, I am just here to repay the favor."

After some courtesy, Li Fan was about to leave, when out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw that there was a divine platform in the patriarch's house, and what was enshrined on it was a bead that emitted a black glow.

Li Fan frowned, why is this bead so familiar... It looks a bit like the polluted Jade of the Four Souls....

As soon as the thought arose, Li Fan suddenly stopped, looked back at the divine platform, and looked confused: "What do you call looking like! This is clearly !!"

The patriarch saw that Li Fan suddenly stopped, stared at the divine platform, and looked like a ghost, he couldn't help but wonder: "The little brother knows this bead?"

Li Fan came back to his senses and thought to himself, "Why don't I know it, or did I throw it away, but how could it be here..."

I don't know, but this bead makes people feel indescribable, very uncomfortable..." The

patriarch was a little relieved in his heart: "Little brother doesn't know something, this thing is called the Jade of Four Souls, and a monster came to the west of the village a few days ago and slaughtered a village."

After we killed the youkai, we found it in the youkai's body, but unfortunately it was contaminated by the youkai. "

Li Fan heard that he was struck by lightning, is this the revision of history?

Why did the exorcist finally hand over to Kirito, it turned out to be because of me, did I also become a part of history?

Seeing Li Fan's shocked and strange expression, he said the origin of the jade of the four souls with his own care, of course, there was a forbidden place for exorcists, Cuizi's cave, and the patriarch did not reveal it.

The contaminated Jade of the Four Souls is very terrifying.

The patriarch slowly spoke: "I plan to give it to its guardian, and only the guardian can purify the jade."

Li Fan was shocked again when he heard this, and in order to confirm what he thought, he asked: "Who does the patriarch plan to let escort the Jade of the Four Souls?"

Li Fan couldn't help but sigh, since history has not changed, the jade of the four souls will definitely return to the hands of the bellflower safely, and Li Fan does not need to interfere.

After saying goodbye to the patriarch, Li Fan decided to leave and return to Nippori Village to see how far Kikyo and Inuyasha had developed now.

Before leaving, Li Fan said to Mica: "Little cat, I'm leaving, comprehend the spell I passed on to you, after you successfully comprehend it, you will better protect the exorcist family."

The little kitten's eyes flashed with reluctance, Li Fan was kind to him, and he was also grateful for the spell Li Fan gave him.

Li Fan touched its little head: "50 years later, there is a little boy named Amber among the exorcists, and before his first mission, you helped me bring a girl named Coral to Cuiko's cave, and there was my message for her.

The little cat nodded and almost didn't cry Li Fanmeng, and smiled slightly: "I'm leaving, you understand it well, we will meet again in the future."

Under the gaze of the exorcist, Li Fan left the village, and then quietly turned back, secretly came to Cuizi's cave, feeling the faint enchantment in front of the cave, Li Fan took a deep breath:

"Cuizi, I know you can hear me, you should be able to feel that I am not malicious, please let me in."

Li Fan was a little vain, he didn't know if the enchantment left by Cuizi would let him enter, tentatively stretched out his hand, and the enchantment did not refuse his entry.

Li Fan was happy, raised his feet and walked in, the cave was very dark and long, as he went deeper, the atmosphere became gloomy, and slowly, the petrified monster corpse also appeared.

In the depths of the cave, Li Fan saw the fossils of Cuizi, entangled with countless monsters, and could fantasize about the fierceness of the battle at that time.

Looking at Cuizi's empty left chest, Li Fan bowed to Cuizi: "You who are still fighting monsters in the Jade of the Four Souls must be very painful..." As

soon as the words fell, Cuizi's fossil suddenly flashed a bright light, Li Fan was stunned, and before he could react, the bright light converged into a figure in front of him.

Li Fan took two steps back, his heart was empty, in such an environment, suddenly found a figure, who is not afraid....

The figure is composed of points of light, can't see the five views clearly, the hollow on the left chest tells Li Fan that the figure in front of him is Cuizi!

A soft voice sounded in Li Fan's head: "Hello friends from another world, I don't know what you are here for?"


Yes and no.

The voice sounded in his head again: "I am just the will left by Cuiko here, suppressing the corpses of the monsters here." "

So it is....

Cuizi's will spoke again, Li Fan scratched his head, embarrassed: "I just want to see you, after all, you are the creator of the Jade of the Four Souls, I am curious... There is also a paragraph to remind a junior fifty years from now. "


Cuizi's figure raised his head, as if looking at Li Fan: "You must be very disappointed, such a thing as the jade of the four souls should not have appeared in the world." "

It can be said that because the jade of the four souls has caused a lot of blood, but this is all the greed of people and demons.

Maybe... I hope you will find a way to destroy the Jade of the Four Souls.

Li Fan pointed to his nose: "I don't have that ability, forgive me for not being able to do it..." I

believe you have a way, because you come from the God Realm.

Li Fan frowned, what god realm is not god realm, he didn't believe Cuizi's ghost words: "You misunderstood, I'm not from some god realm, I'm just an ordinary traverser..." One

day you will know, your ability is incalculable, in return, after you destroy the jade of the four souls, I will fulfill a wish for you.

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