Feeling the momentary suction coming from his right hand just now, Killing Pill was shocked in his heart, and when he pressed Li Fan to the ground, the suction power that came from the other party's neck for a moment.

Although it was only for a moment, his demon power had been sucked away by ten tenths, and even at that moment, he had an extremely dangerous feeling.

What kind of power is that? Can it suck other people's demon power, is it devouring? Strange guy....

The killing pill was gone, and what Li Fan didn't know was that the reason why the killing pill didn't kill him was precisely because when he felt dangerous, his instinct stimulated his devouring power.

It was precisely because of that momentary devouring that the killing pill threw him out, it was a temptation, since he got the answer he wanted, the killing pill naturally accepted it when it was good.

If you don't take it, under that devouring force, the killing pill feels the threat of death.

The paw print on his neck made Li Fan shake his head helplessly, the poison of this killing pill is too powerful, and it can't be good in three or five days.

In other words, Orochimaru is going to fight with the ocelot, do you want to follow... Without the dog general, the monsters this time will be killed by the ocelot and run away.

In the end, Killing Pill used the power of a demon to kill the ocelot family, do you want to help... Forget it.

I didn't know that Kikyo had reached that step, Li Fan galloped all the way, and it took another two days, and the moment he just returned, Li Fan was stunned.

Nippori Village, back mountain, by the river, the setting sun, the breeze caresses the pink cherry blossoms, the petals fly, and Kikyo is held in Inuyasha's arms.

This scene, in the flower dance of the setting sun, is so romantic, so sweet, so unpalatable...

That's right, Li Fan just came back, saw this scene, and was caught off guard by a large handful of dog food, Li Fan's face black lines.

It seems that more than a month has passed, and I remember that when I left, the cherry blossoms were not fully blooming.

It's just that this Inuyasha is so brainless, so she was planted by Kikyo to plant a love root? Didn't you see that Kikyo didn't hug you at all?

One person and half demon, just holding quietly like this, Li Fan couldn't stand it, turned around and left, he wanted to see the cave, the cave of the ghost spider.

It's just that Li Fan came late, the cave was burned down a long time ago, it seems that Naraku has appeared, and soon, Kirito will die....

At night, the exorcists also arrived, and handed over the contaminated jade of the four souls into the hands of Kirito, who looked as usual, as if all this was so natural, or perhaps it should have been.

But Li Fan didn't think so, in his opinion, this bellflower put himself together, and after the bellflower returned to the house, Li Fan walked out from the side of the bellflower room.

A look of teasing: "Yo, the jade of the four souls is back in your hands, which is gratifying."

Kikyo smiled slightly, as if he had already known that Li Fan was back: "Yes, thanks to the exorcist." Li

Fan snorted coldly: "I was almost killed by you, you know!"

Kikyoto tilted his head and looked at Li Fan: "Aren't you okay, Li Fanjun."

Li Fanjun was furious: "What a fart! Are you careful!" Li

Fanjun misunderstood, in order to come out of the underworld, you must rely on the power of the jade of the four souls, and I believe that with Li Fanjun's mind, he will definitely not be dominated by the jade of the four souls.

Li Fan was very unhappy, a feeling of being calculated, Li Fan was unhappy, naturally he also had to disgust Kikyo: "Do you believe that your self-confidence is given to you by Inuyasha, or is it given to you by a ghost spider!"

Kirito was stunned when he heard this, a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes, Li Fan saw that his heart was much more comfortable, Kikyo slowly sat down, and looked at Li Fan seriously: "You really know everything."

Li Fan pouted disdainfully: "If people don't know! unless you can't do anything!" Hehe

Hehe bellflower suddenly laughed, and smiled so happily: "Could it be that Li Fanjun is jealous?"

Kikyo was not annoyed when she heard this, and Li Fan's words could not stand the girl, but Kikyo liked this kind of conversation, which made her feel that she was also an ordinary person.

Well, no kidding.

Kikyo put away his smiling face and said to Li Fan seriously: "The ghost spider has been reborn, and my plan is about to begin, Li Fanjun."

Kikyo suddenly looked at Li Fan stunned: "In a few days, I will leave, and in 50 years, I hope you can protect me for a while." Li

Fan's heart hurt inexplicably, feeling the sadness on Kirito's body, Li Fan nodded: "Don't worry, we are friends."

Kikyo shook his head: "At that time, I am just a remnant soul born of grudges, in order to prevent the failure of the plan, before I die, I will borrow the power of the jade of the four souls to erase you from my memory

..." Li Fan's body trembled when he heard this: "You..."

Kikyo looked at Li Fan deeply, as if he wanted to engrave him in his heart, Li Fan really wanted to hug the woman in front of him at this time, it had nothing to do with love, simple heartache.

Kirito's life is sad, whether she calculates or sincerely, her character makes people heartache, in order to destroy the jade of the four souls, the sacrifice she made is too big, too much....

Li Fan let out a long sigh, pulled out a trace of his own devouring power, formed a small point of light, and handed it to Kirito: "This is a trace of my devouring power, you integrate it into the life soul, it will make you have the ability to absorb souls." How

clever Kikyo was, as soon as he heard Li Fan's words, he knew Li Fan's intentions: "Thank you Li Fanjun."

Kikyo did not hesitate, and fused the point of light into the life soul on the spot, and with this devouring power, she was able to evolve the soul-absorbing monster.

(Seeing this, many people must know that this is the origin of the dead soul worm of Kirito.)

In this way, after being reborn, she will be better able to maintain her life with the dead soul, relying on the resentment towards Inuyasha, supplemented by the dead soul, and freely walk the world to carry out future plans.

In a sad atmosphere, the two sat quietly opposite each other, and neither spoke again until the sun rose.

Three days later, in the early morning, Kikyo took the jade of the four souls and left Shendu, Li Fan wanted to stop it, and his outstretched hand slowly fell, and he could only sigh.

Today is the day she and Inuyasha agreed to use the Jade of Four Souls to make Inuyasha turn back into a human and then live a mortal life together.

Before reaching the agreed woods, a black shadow swept through the grass at a very fast speed, suddenly burst out, and attacked Kirito, and under severe injuries, Kikyo fell to the ground.

A big foot suddenly stepped on her hand: "Idiot, I don't want to be a human at all, I'm not polite to the Jade of Four Souls." Saying

that, the red figure picked up the Jade of the Four Souls, and it was Inuyasha who attacked her, or rather, Inuyasha who changed into Naraku.

Kikyo knew that the person in front of her was not Inuyasha, but she still chose to believe that it was Inuyasha, staring at the back of the departure with a resentful expression.

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