Taoyuan Mountain, whose real name is unknown, two hundred years ago, a young man wearing a Taoist robe suddenly appeared, planted a peach tree on the top of the mountain, and named Taoyuan.

This Dao Tong is extraordinary, with a strength no less than that of an intermediate monster, and has a gourd in his hand, which can absorb people and turn those who inhale them into alcohol.

There is also a rattan-shaped walking stick, which is a trapping object for the enemy to catch alive, and this young man called himself the Taoxian after settling in Taoyuan Mountain.

Because of the existence of the peach immortals, the villagers under the mountain were protected by him, no monsters dared to come and harm the villagers, and the village lived and worked in peace under the protection of the peach immortals.

On this day, under Taoyuan Mountain, Taoyuan Township, Li Fan's figure appeared, one person and one horse stood in the air, and looked at Taoyuan Township.

The gaze fell on Taoyuan Mountain, Li Fan didn't say a word, riding the Yan Hoof and landing on the top of Taoyuan Mountain, just fell, an old man with fairy wind Dao bones.

With a crutch in one hand and a backhand behind his back, he said with a smile: "Have friends from afar, aren't you happy?"

Li Fan was shocked when he heard this, this person is indeed from Huaxia! In order to confirm the identity of the other party, Li Fan smiled and saluted the old man: "Take the liberty to disturb, Daoist friends forgive me." The

old man's originally smiling face, after seeing Li Fan's salute, the whole person froze, 200 years! It has been 200 years! This etiquette, this action! He can still see

it! However, it was not only the etiquette that shocked him, but also Li Fan's Taoist friend! This title made him seem to return to the division gate and a phrase he often said when receiving guests.

The body trembled, pointing at

Li Fan: "You! You!!" Li Fan confirmed that the other party, like himself, was from Huaxia: "When you meet an old man in another country, can it be that Taoist friends forget the way of hospitality?"

Li Fan nodded his thanks, walked into a room with the old man, personally made a cup of tea for Li Fan, and the old man spoke: "I don't know what Xiaoyou is called?

Li Fan was shocked when he heard this, quietly picked up the tea, drank it gently, and his heart had already turned upside down, Zhen Yuanzi! Who is that? The ancestor of the Earth Immortal! The status is not higher than Sanqing! The old man in front of him turned out to be his subordinate boy! It turned out to be the boy under the Zhenyuan

Great Immortal Throne, he was rude, and under Li Fan, he was a scattered cultivator.

Li Fan took another sip of tea, and a flash of disdain flashed in the eyes of the old man of Qingyue, but he did not show it, and still spoke harmoniously: "Presumably, Daoist friends must be here for my identity."

Li Fan also did not talk nonsense, nor did he pretend that the ancients had spoken, and said: "Yes, this world is very strange, it seems that there is only this continent.

Qingyue was stunned by the sudden change in the wind, and then said: "The old man has been here for more than 200 years, and he has also understood this space. Li

Fan suddenly raised his head when he heard this, in terms of insight, Li Fan knew very well that he was definitely not comparable to the other party, and the other party's words called this world a space!

Li Fan did not speak, quietly looked at Qingyue, Qingyue seemed to see what Li Fan meant, and slowly said: "If I guessed correctly, this space is the space that broke away from the flood desolation due to the battle of saints during the Great Tribulation of the Gods back then.

Li Fan's brows furrowed: "I don't know any way to go back?"

Qingyue shook his head: "The old man has been looking for a way back for 200 years, but he has never found it." The

two talked for a long time, sharing and discussing their speculations with each other, but there was no way to go back, from leaving this space, to the interesting things of Hong Desolation, to the matter of cultivation.

Li Fan listened suddenly, many unknown things were solved by Qingyue, and he also said a lot about the technology of the 21st century, and Qingyue listened to it again and again.

The more the two talked, the more they fell in love, and even worshiped the handle and became brothers, Gu Qingyue said that he was originally the boy who guarded the tree of the ginseng fruit tree.

When he was bored, because he was greedy for ginseng fruit, he secretly grafted the 3,000-year-old peach branch with the ginseng fruit, hoping to cultivate a spirit tree that combines ginseng fruit and peach.

Although the cultivation was successful, it also damaged the ginseng fruit tree, and Zhen Yuanzi was furious when he knew it, and the already damaged ginseng fruit tree was even more injured.

In a fit of anger, he was beaten into the spatial crack, and he came to this world by mistake, and he did not dare to go back, so he could only find a mountain and plant a grafted peach tree.

Regarded as a peach immortal, he lived for more than 200 years, and although the grafted peach tree was successful, the fruit was a great failure.

Peach fruit is ripe for a hundred years, ripe peach fruit has five features, each time ripe 9, Qingyue is called human face fruit, after people eat, can only delay aging, improve a little cultivation.

It may be the arrangement of fate, Qingyue has an imitation of a purple gold gourd on her body, although the power is not as powerful as the purple gold gourd, but the ability gourd should have.

Especially with human face fruit as material, inhaled into the gourd, can purify the essence of human face fruit, every nine human face fruit, urged by mana, can brew three small cups of wine.

A glass of wine can improve ten-year cultivation and increase one-year lifespan.

Li Fan lived for three years, discussing with Qingyue every day, sitting together in his spare time to watch the clouds rise and fall, and the two were also teachers and friends, and they gained a lot from each other.

Li Fan's strength has also entered the middle stage of the Great Monster, which is equivalent to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Devouring Heaven is still sleeping, and his breath has become more ferocious and violent, and it will take decades to wake up.

Li Fan had also mastered the technique of devouring heaven and aid, and without using the power of devouring, Li Fan could defeat him within a thousand moves even against the Douya King.

Today Li Fan planned to leave, Qingyue did not retain, Li Fan's Dao was different from him, and he knew that Li Fan mastered the Dao of Devouring.

Qingyue was almost scared to death, but he knew very well the horror of the Devouring Dao, such an existence must be befriended!

In order to leave, Qingyue did not hesitate to give away heavy treasures, only hoping that when Li Fan could leave one day, don't forget about him, the big brother, this is a big gamble.

Leaving Taoyuan Mountain, Li Fan rode on Yan Hoof, playing with a long gun in his hand, the body of the gun was blood-red into a dragon shape, the dragon's mouth was angry, and the tip of the gun spit out from the dragon's mouth, like a dragon's tongue.

The name (Blood Dragon) was accidentally obtained by Qingyue, and the Blood Dragon Spear was exceptionally tough and sharp, and there was dragon power emanating from it.

Li Fan has a strange love for long-handled weapons, especially Fang Tian's halberd, in his words, real man! Longer! Li Fan

is practicing the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Beast Technique, a body of demon power injected into the back of the gun, the blood dragon gun is like turning into a real dragon, and there is a faint feeling of breaking the gun.

Sitting down with the Yan Hoof, with the way of devouring, and the blood dragon spear in his hand, Li Fan can now be said to be invincible, and in the entire demon world, he can walk sideways.

The only thing that makes Li Fan afraid is the underworld, the underworld, Hongmeng weak water is the water of the boundary, what is in the depths of the underworld, no one knows, but the underworld is definitely not simple, Li Fan has a feeling, he wants to leave this world, the underworld is definitely the only breakthrough.

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