Seeing the seven people being pierced by enemy arrows, Li Fan couldn't help but shake his head: "If you don't do it, you won't die... If you want to blame, blame the seven people for their bad brains, threatening the major lords without knowing it. "

Seven corpses were strung across the wilderness, and a lord ordered the men to retrieve one of the corpses' giant swords and order them to return to the city.

Li Fan watched the army move away before falling from the sky, looking at the seven corpses, the ferocity and resentment that emanated from the corpses, in order to prevent attracting monsters.

Li Fan casually buried the seven corpses on the spot, and in front of the huge grave, there were no sacrifices or incense sticks, but a stone tablet was erected and written (the tomb of the Gang of Seven).

Re-embarking on the road, Li Fan headed in the direction of Bailing Mountain, a sacred mountain, a place where monks with high mana practiced.

The lord of Bailing Mountain is named Bai Xin, known as Bai Ling Shangren, sheltering one side, and the southern divine spring monks are the same name, with the name of the southern divine spring, the north white heart.

20 years ago, when Li Fan traveled the world, he fought with Bai Xin, and Li Fan at that time only had the strength of the peak of the superior monster.

Seriously injured by Bai Xin, almost overtaken by it, Bai Xin's sealing technique made Li Fan's devouring power completely sealed, and at the last moment.

Bai Xin peeked at Li Fan's memory, seemed to see something incredible, withdrew his mana with a shocked face, and the whole person seemed to be sucked away of his strength, Mu Ran turned and left.

After that, for a period of time, he was talking to God and God, often chanting in his mouth, what is pure is dirty, good is evil, and it is the same as neurosis.

Li Fan also escaped from this, and after gaining strength, he was so close to death for the first time, afraid that Bai Xin would suddenly kill back, and Li Fan fled without looking back.

After experiencing life and death, Li Fan made a breakthrough in strength during his recuperation, and became a big monster from a superior monster, and his strength improved.

Li Fan embarked on a journey again, constantly looking for the Great Monster to fight, honing his combat experience while growing in battle.

And now, he has become a demon king, with the strength of True Immortalland, he wants to return to Bai Ling Mountain, he has to find out one thing, why did the white heart let him go.

Under Bailing Mountain, I don't know when a song was circulating: Net is dirty, and

dirt is clean.

Good is evil, and

evil is good.

Life is death, and death is life.

When Li Fan came to the foot of Bailing Mountain, this song came to the children's chant, and Li Fan remembered that he had never heard it when he came before.

But Li Fan suddenly woke up, this ballad appeared, could it be that the white heart was going to be buried alive

!!! Trying to find out the situation at that time, Li Fan did not care about the courtesy, and went towards Bai Ling Mountain, just as he was close to Bai Ling Mountain, a layer of enchantment blocked Li Fan.

The enchantment full of purification power made Li Fan, the demon king, feel a trace of danger, with the power of the enchantment, presumably ordinary big demons would also slowly purify in the enchantment.

Although Li Fan was not afraid, he could not sit down and shouted towards Bai Lingshan: "Under Li Fan, please come and see Bai Xin."

As soon as the words fell, a gap appeared in the enchantment, and Li Fan did not hesitate to clapped his horse.

On Bailing Mountain, an old monk wearing a cassock and a kind face, with his hands folded, without sorrow or joy, looked at Li Fan in mid-air with flat eyes.

When Li Fan saw this person, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and it quickly disappeared, after all, the old monk in front of him almost killed himself back then, and it was normal to leave a little shadow.

Donor, I have been waiting for you here for 20 years.

As soon as Li Fan landed, he heard the words of the white heart monk, and he was immediately stunned, and looked at the monk in puzzlement: "Thank you for the grace of not killing the mage back then, now come here, and ask the mage to solve the confusion?" The white heart monk

said the Buddha trumpet, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "This place is not a place to speak, the benefactor please move."

Li Fan did not speak, came to the Zen courtyard of the white heart monk, the two knelt face to face, and the white heart said: "The benefactor is not a person in this world."

Li Fan was not shocked when he heard this, after all, his identity had long been known by Kirito, he believed that Cuiko's will also knew it back then, and now he was not surprised to have a white heart.


Bai Xin nodded: "Lao Gu almost made a big mistake back then, but fortunately he found it in time, otherwise Lao Gu would have become a sinner."

Li Fan frowned, why didn't Bai Xin kill himself back then, he didn't know the reason, and asked: "I also asked the mage to solve the confusion, why did the mage suddenly leave his hand?"

Bai Xinlu recalled: "This was 20 years ago, when Lao Gu heard that there was a monster, it should be said that it was a half-demon.

He is extremely evil, can devour youkai, play with people's hearts for fun, and it is rumored that even the witch Kirito, the guardian of the Jade of the Four Souls, died under his calculations.

The viciousness of this demon heart is outrageous, and I heard that he once wanted to devour Princess Kaguya and obtain the power of eternal life.

Finally, it was sealed by a mage with a mysterious curse, and the youkai's name was Kamigaya, which was the doppelganger of the half-demon and whose identity was unknown.

When I saw you, I found that the devouring power in your body was also a half-demon body, and I mistook you for the evil half-demon.

But later, after I peeked into your memory, I realized that you were not him, and besides, you actually knew Kirito..." Speaking

of this, the corners of Bai Xinren's mouth rose, and he glanced at Li Fan with deep meaning: "Not only that, but I didn't expect that you actually had a relationship with the witch Cuiko, and after I knew everything, I was very shocked."

Li Fan's face was gloomy, and it would not be good for anyone to be spied on, moreover, the other party also knew everything, so he felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing Li Fan's gloomy face, Bai Xin apologized: "Here, Lao Gu has made reparation to the benefactor, and in order to atone for his sins, Lao Gu is willing to incarnate as a living bodhisattva."

Just when the rain has not fallen on Bailing Mountain for many years, I hope that with my own sacrifice, the heavens can bring a nectar to the villagers, and after my death, I will make a little joint sacrifice for the villagers.

Li Fan frowned, this plot is not right, how could it become like this! Didn't you voluntarily be buried alive to ask for rain? How could it be to atone for my sins and bury it alive for rain by the way!!

Li Fan was very puzzled, Bai Xin seemed to see Li Fan's doubts, and said unconcernedly: "Don't worry, don't worry, this is Lao Gu's destination, and it is also part of the plan, so don't care." Li


was stunned, he remembered that Kikyo said that he was a variable, how could a variable be in her calculation

?Li Fan felt unspeakable in his heart, he didn't know if he was in the bureau, remembering the places he had walked over the years, the people or demons he had met.

Li Fan has a feeling that he is laying out for the bellflower, but he just knows that the plot is dramatic, and does not interfere too much, why his small move, there will be a feeling of promoting the plot

! Like Mi Fan, he just wanted to meet Maitreya's grandfather, but he didn't expect that with his unintentional help, he collected the sealed things for him and sealed the god for a long time!

Li Fan was completely stunned, could it be that since he came to this world, he had become the promoter behind the scenes!

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