Crossing the future is not possible, Li Fan sits quietly at the bottom of the well, although he cannot travel through time and space, he can feel the existence of another space.

And a trace of his own devouring power is fused by that alien space, which is very strange and full of evil qi.

What kind of power dares to fuse his own devouring power, Li Fan is very curious, Zhou Dong whole body demon power, now the demon power in his body, but the transformed devouring power.

Under full force induction, the strange space in the well became clearer, and it seemed to be approaching him, slowly reaching out and pressing on the bottom of the well, evoking that trace of devouring power.

Slowly, Li Fan's palm emitted a trace of light, to be precise, the spatial barrier of the different space at the bottom of the well was glowing.

Just as the so-called art master is bold, Li Fan is now a true fairyland, corresponding to the demon king level of this world, even if it is mysterious in the underworld, he dares to break in.

The barrier appeared, Li Fan didn't say a word, turned his palm into a claw, buckled on the barrier, suddenly mentioned, the barrier made a shattering sound.

A gap appeared in front of Li Fan, and seeing that the gap was being repaired at an extremely fast speed, Li Fan did not hesitate and flew in.

It is a place full of evil energy, and as far as the eye can see, it is all a void of darkness, accompanied by a low roar like a devil.

It is creepy to hear, like a dark hell, and the evil ghosts are wailing bitterly.

Without direction, Li Fan sensed his own trace of devouring power and flew forward, not knowing how long he had been flying.

The front slowly turned from black to red, and this red, like endless blood, was terrifying, and the ground appeared below.

It was a blood-colored ground, crisscrossed by rivers of blood, looking as if the ground had been cut by someone with a sword, forming wounds one after another.

In the river of blood, one by one, blood-colored human heads flowed with the river of blood, and a terrible howl came from the mouths of these heads.

Such a scene, Li Fan inexplicably had a sense of familiarity, where should he have seen it, but he couldn't remember it, Li Fan simply didn't leave.

If familiar, it is the impression of

the plot, in the plot, where is the same place as this? Suddenly, Li Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered that this is not the plot, and there is no plot in this place.

Moreover, it is not mentioned in the plot, but in the theatrical version, this place has appeared! That is (the world's domineering

sword)!! From Yunya!!The domineering sword of the Tooth King can split the underworld, this sword is extremely powerful, the origin is unknown, from the analysis of characteristics.

This sword should be made of the teeth of the Hell Demon Dragon, not only that, but perhaps there is a Hell Demon Dragon sealed inside the sword.

After the battle between the Fighting Tooth King and the Dragon Bone Essence, although he defeated the Dragon Bone Essence, he was also seriously injured, dragged his severely injured body, and went to save Sixteen Nights.

In the end, due to serious injuries, he died in the battle with Orochimaru, and it is ironic that a generation of great demons died in the same way as humans....

After the death of King Toya, the two servants, Dao Daosai and Haka, gave the Innate Fang and the Iron Crushed Fang to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

Because Inuyasha had just been born, he sealed the tomb of the Iron Crushed Fang and the Tooth King in Inuyasha's eyes.

And from Yunya, because it was too powerful, he was thrown into the bone well by two unreliable servants and sealed it with a sword scabbard, and the bone eating well was very mysterious.

It can be said to be the most mysterious place in the entire play, and the bones of the monsters that are left behind will disappear the next day, as if swallowed by a well, hence the name of the bone-eating well.

The mystery of the well, coupled with the scabbard, has been sealed in the well for more than 200 years, and it has been sealed since the Yunya Society.

But because of Li Fan's chaotic intrusion, coupled with his self-cleverness, he injected a trace of devouring power, so that Congyunya had the opportunity to break the seal.

Under the power of devouring, the power of the scabbard became weaker and weaker, and because of the death of Kirito, he took the jade of the four souls through time and space, and broke a time-space passage in the well.

After absorbing part of the power of the Jade of the Four Souls from Yunya, he emerged from the passage and became the collection of the Nippori family.

Perhaps this is why Inuyasha can travel through time and space, because from the sword of the Inusho from the Cloud Tooth, Inuyasha's body flows the blood of the Inuyasha.

With the bloodline as the medium, it is not exaggerated to be able to travel through time and space, in addition to Inuyasha, the killing pill can definitely cross, but the killing pill has not entered the well.

Of course, Li Fan didn't know, he just thought of Congyunya, and couldn't think of anything else at all, if he knew, I don't know if he would think that he was the promoter of the behind-the-scenes plot again....

Looking at the blood-colored space, Li Fan walked towards the blood mountain in the center, the evil qi became heavier and heavier, and the wailing became more and more poignant.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the Blood Mountain, an evil light suddenly rushed from the top of the mountain, and the entire ground trembled in this evil light, as if the earth dragon turned over.

The ground trembled and cracked, and the Dao Dao blood pillar rose up in the blood flow, and one by one, the strange-looking, blood-colored figures resembling walking corpses crawled out in the river of blood.

This scene seemed to be like a demon coming out of the cage, and it was like the life of Shurasuo, which made Li Fan's scalp numb.

In the plot, looking at the Huangquan revenant summoned from Yunya, I don't feel anything, but now I see it with my own eyes and feel it.

Feeling the evil qi around him, and the continuous miserable howls in his ears, Li Fan couldn't help but be afraid.

One by one, the evil ghosts moved towards Li Fan, all with double horns, fangs exposed, ten fingers like knives, extremely hideous and terrifying, some with knives, some with spears.

Li Fan frowned, looking at the endless evil ghosts, making Li Fan feel powerless, so much, when to kill...

In order to see the legendary Congyun Ya, Li Fan gritted his teeth and recognized, isn't it just some evil spirits, with the strength of my demon king, I can still be tired to death! Just try the power

of the blood dragon! The next second, a dragon groan, the blood dragon gun appeared in Li Fan's hands, after all these years of warmth, the blood dragon gun is full of spirituality, faintly feeling the birth of the gun spirit.

The blood dragon was in hand, Li Fan was alone, holding a gun to face thousands of evil spirits, a sense of staring at the world spread out on him, the blood dragon felt the master's fighting intent, the blood light of the gun body flashed, and a will was transmitted.

A will to slaughter obstacles for the Lord, a strong will to fight the heavens and the earth, fearless.

The demon power around his body dispersed, Li Fan's spear swept across, a dragon groan came out of the tip of the gun, and a half-moon-shaped blood blade broke away from the tip of the gun and swept towards the evil ghost in front.

Where the crescent blade passed, the demons were hacked to death in two sections, and green liquid flowed out at the break, and Li Fan's eyes narrowed.

This is one of the powers from Yunya, the evil ghost will repair itself, ordinary weapons can not kill the evil ghost, but is the blood dragon an ordinary weapon?

What's more, Li Fan's devouring power, the person or demon injured by him, as long as Li Fan is not willing, the wound will never heal!

Seeing the evil ghost fall to the ground and being devoured little by little by the power of devouring, Li Fan snorted coldly with disdain: "From Yunya?

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