Inuyasha obviously provoked, Li Fan just glanced at it, this guy, got the iron crushed teeth and thought that he was invincible, if it weren't for the killing pill.

Li Fan didn't know that the killing pill was releasing water!

Li Fan didn't know, the killing pill obviously didn't like this half-demon brother, why did he come out to send experience when there was nothing to do.

Inuyasha's provocation, Ge Wei was very disliked, Li Fan is a demon king, and he doesn't know what his strength is, but he knows from Grandma Kaede's mouth that he is very strong and strong.

She didn't know, but it didn't mean that Hakuga didn't know, seeing that Inuyasha was provoking Li Fan, Hajia was almost scared: "Young father Inuyasha, don't provoke Li Fan, he is very strong, and you are not an opponent at present." "

It's good that he doesn't say it, so to speak, Inuyasha is even more unconvinced, now that he has got his father's demon knife, even the killing pill is not his opponent, not to mention what kind of demon king is this

! Look how I cut him! Hey! Li Fan! You come down!

Gewei is worried that Inuyasha really angered Li Fan, not to mention whether Inuyasha is Li Fan's opponent, even if it is, she doesn't want to fight with Li Fan.

Inuyasha is enough, Li Fan didn't offend you, why can't you always live with people.

Hmph! What do you know, that guy is a youkai, just used to test the knife

! Hey! Li Fan! You come down! Don't go! Bastard! Come down!

Ge Wei looked at Li Fan's distant figure, and his heart was determined, and he didn't know when he ran to her shoulder: "Ge Wei, Li Fan is very strong, legend has it that he has become a demon king, if Young Master Inuyasha really annoys him, he will really be killed." Looking

at Inuyasha who jumped and cursed, Gewei had a feeling of a nanny: "Alas~ I'd better

go home..."

Inuyasha suddenly turned around when he heard this: "Why go home, now is not the time for you to go home, we still have to go to find the Jade of the Four Souls!"

No, hurry up and collect the jade of the four souls, it doesn't matter how long you want to go back, even if you don't come back!

Ge Wei was angry in his heart when he heard this, this guy is all about the jade of the four souls, didn't he think about me?

Uh? What for?

Sit down

! Boom!


Thunder Mountain, Yue Luo was looking at a monster with only three hairs on his head with a look of disgust, this demon was one of the thunder beasts in the sky.

And Feitian was pondering on the side, and next to Feitian, there was also an extremely revealing sexy snake demon, Yuluo leaned against the door, and his gaze was withdrawn from Mantian.

The hair of the ten fingers dragged the two puppets, and in her ten-finger activity, the two puppets were fighting, and the tone was reluctant: "I said that you guys have thought about it, as long as you cooperate with me and kill him, the jade fragment of the four souls will belong to you, and I only want his life."

Feitian frowned, he didn't know what kind of feud the woman in front of him had with that one, he wanted to kill him when he opened and closed his mouth, was there such a good thing to kill?

But thinking of the Jade of the Four Souls, Feitian was thrilled again: "I would like to get the Jade Fragment of the Four Souls, but the person you said is very strong, and we are by no means opponents." When

Yue Luo heard this, she could accept that the Feitian brothers did not cooperate with her, but she did not accept the news that he was very strong: "Strong! So what! He doesn't dare to make a move against me, or even fight back! Feitian

has a very bad temper, the demon king Li Fan has been famous for decades, I heard that the demon king has a dead wife, called Jie Luo, if he didn't know that the woman in front of him was the demon king's dead wife, he would have slapped him to death.

Forced to endure the murderous intention in his heart, he shook his head and said, "That's you, we don't want to be enemies with him." Ji

Luo gritted his teeth, she had also heard of the name of the Thunder Beast Brother, but she didn't expect that the Thunder Beast Brother, who was not afraid of the sky, did not dare to be an enemy with him, and the hatred in his heart was even stronger:

"Waste!! Don't you have the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, I dragged him first, you went to grab the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, and with more Jade Fragments of the Four Souls, I was afraid that he would not succeed!!"


is not the opponent of the demon king, but as long as the demon king does not make a move, that half-demon is his brother's opponent! Man Tian opened his mouth at this time: "Flying big brother, in fact, what is the strength of the demon king, we have never seen it, I believe, as long as the flying big brother obtains one or two more fragments, even if it is a demon king, it is not your opponent."

The snake demon on the side also helped: "In my opinion, that demon king can't be like this, with Yue Luo here, he will definitely not make a move, I heard that he loves Yue Luo's sister very much." "


Feitian slapped his big feet: "Good, as long as you entangle the demon king, we snatch the jade fragment of the four souls, and kill him with you!" Li

Fan went all the way towards Thunder Mountain, on the way, he was thinking about how to reconcile with Jiluo, who was born of grudges.

It's all resentment against yourself, how deep the love is, how big the resentment is, this sentence is right, can you listen to it the other way around....

Even if Yuro wants to kill himself, then take the opportunity to approach and resolve her resentment against me in another way, thinking of Inuyasha and Kikyo in the plot.

After having an idea, Li Fan's whole person is much more relaxed, self-blame is not okay, apologize is not okay, then I will become a rogue, and I can't resolve your resentment if I don't believe it.

Sneaked to Thunder Mountain and overheard the conversation between Jie Luo and the Thunder Beast brothers, Li Fan smiled slightly, this girl is really bad, if this is the case, then I will play with you.

In order to cooperate with Jie Luo, Li Fan returned along the road, and Ji Luo was the news of his wife, which Li Fan released in order to warn all the monsters.

Jie Luo is the wife of my demon king Li Fan, who dares to touch her, be careful of my revenge!

This is the first time Li Fan has acted in a high profile, and in his name, he believes that there is no monster who does not have long eyes to hurt Jie Luo.

In this regard, Ji Luo naturally knew that she felt Li Fan's kindness, but she would never admit it! He was humiliated! That's right! Every time she heard the title of the monster for her, (Demon Princess Ji Luo) would be so angry that she would shout and almost didn't go to Li Fan desperately.

On the way back, Li Fan suddenly smelled a familiar smell, coming from below, looking at the bottom, his eyes suddenly widened!

On the other side, Gowei was gesturing with his hand and talking with affection, while Inuyasha was eating with his head up.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, Inuyasha suddenly threw away the food in his hand, pulled out his iron broken teeth, and jumped in front of Gowei, looking at the figure three meters away with a vigilant expression.

When he saw that it was Li Fan, Inuyasha's eyes lit up, and he had long wanted to chop this guy, but he didn't expect him to send it to the door.


what he was holding in his hand... This guy actually robbed

it! Inuyasha counted the old hatred together, raised the knife and chopped: "Abominable guy! Dare to come and steal instant noodles!"

Ge Wei also saw Li Fan, she had no hostility towards Li Fan, his love with Yuluo, Ge Wei was very moved, and was about to say hello.

When I saw Inuyasha carrying a knife and chopping, I was immediately unhappy, and Li Fan didn't offend you, why don't you always get by with people

! Inuyasha! Sit down for me!

Small... What are you doing!

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