Li Fan is not an unreasonable rogue and teasing, seeing that Ji Luo is taking the key points of himself everywhere, he really wants to kill himself.

Li Fan's heart was extremely painful, but such pain was suppressed by Li Fan, while covering up with the teasing of a hippie smile, while telling the past with Jiluo, Li Fan believed that he would eliminate Jiluo's resentment.


Fan let go of the knot luo, the short knife cut through the tip of Li Fan's nose, the snake demon was speechless the whole time, and the outer line was fed dog food.

This is the husband of Yuluo's sister, this is the legendary noble demon king with great majesty? How do you look like a rogue...

The battle on the other side is just the opposite, Mangtian is chasing and killing Gowei, and Inuyasha's battle with Feitian is also thrilling.

Jie Luo gritted his teeth, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Li Fan, eager to eat him, Li Fan's behavior, in her opinion, was like a cat playing rat.

Li Fan glanced at the flying Hot Wheels and said to Ji Luo: "Honey, how do you see the flying Hot Wheels? Do you like it, how about I grab it and send you?" When Ji Luo

heard Li Fan's name for himself, his heart was even more angry, this damn Li Fan shouted so numbly: "Shut up!! Who is your dear!" Li Fan's neck shrank

, and then said straightforwardly: "Of course it's you!

Jie Luo looked at Li Fan's serious expression, almost didn't die of anger, hit and couldn't fight, couldn't say anything, Jie Luo was crazy.

Ah!!!! Li Fan....

Before he finished speaking, Li Fan quickly flashed in front of her when he heard this, and said with a serious face: "In! What is the matter, dear!" Ji

Luo was stunned, who called

you! Ah!! I didn't call you! What are you doing so close! Get away!

Said, a knife slashed down, Li Fan snorted, and really rolled away in mid-air, this scene, the snake demon was stunned.

When he came to Jie Luo's side, he looked at Li Fan with envy in his eyes and said, "I said Sister Jie Luo, he listens to you very much, why do you hate him so much? Ji

Luo turned his head and glared at the snake demon viciously, and was about to speak, but Li Fan appeared out of nowhere, nodding his head with a smile.

Yes, yes, this snake demon girl has good eyesight! Not bad

! Li! Fan! Ji Luo was almost crying by Li Fan, and slapped it over, and Li Fan

did not hide.


! A crisp sound, the snake demon was stunned, the demon king, was actually slapped in the face!

Yue Luo was also stunned, he could actually hit him?

Li Fan suddenly nodded and bowed, looking like a slave: "Yes, yes, thank you Lord Jiluo's subordinates for showing mercy."

The snake demon couldn't help but laugh and hugged Yuluo: "Sister, my sister really envies that you can find a man who loves you so much, strong and strong, and I feel sorry for you, if you don't want it, don't let it to my sister." "

Shut up

! No!

Ji Luo and Li Fan opened their mouths at the same time, and the snake demon was stunned, and his eyes blinked and looked at the two wronged families.

Jie Luo glared at Li Fan again, Li Fan was afraid that she would misunderstand, and quickly waved his hand: "Jie Luo, don't think about it, I only love you one, I am the man she will never get." Yuro

thought a lot, and glared at him, completely because he opened his mouth with himself, making others feel like they had a soul.

Seeing that Li Fan was about to speak again, Ji Luo Xuecheng quickly said to the snake demon: "Why are you stunned! Kill him together!!" At

this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, lightning and thunder, Li Fan glanced at it, it turned out that the sky was full of death, flying sky ate full of sky, and strength soared.

Li Fan shook his head and said, "Honey, see, usually the villain dies of talking too much, just like his brothers don't have so much nonsense, if the killer is early, Inuyasha and the others die early."

The corner of Ji Luo's mouth twitched: "Are you talking about you, who has you to talk more!" Li

Fan was stunned, and waved his hand: "No, no, no, I'm flirting with my wife." Li

Fan looked sad, and seemed to be really hurt by Yu Luo's words: "Okay... I'm flirting

with the snake demon..."You are looking for death

!!! Ji Luo also didn't know how, when he saw Li Fan's sad expression, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and when he heard him flirt with the snake demon, Yue Luo was even more furious.

Throwing the silk with one hand, he stabbed towards Li Fan, and after hearing Li Fan's words, the snake demon's face turned red, and the ghost made the god throw a wink.

Li Fan shivered and thought, Sister, don't take it seriously....

Yue Luo saw that the snake demon was actually throwing a wink, and shouted: "Snake Ji! Don't do it yet

!!" Li Fan played with the two women for a while, and after Feitian was also slashed by Inuyasha, the two women of Yue Luo retreated, glaring at Li Fan: "Today you are lucky! I will come back! Bastard, you wait for me!"

Shake his hand and throw it out: "Honey, this Hot Wheels is good, send you a substitute, don't get tired."

Yu Luo's eyelids jumped, and he wanted to slash with a knife, but Snake Ji spoke: "Sister stop, this Hot Wheel is a treasure, if you don't want it, give it to me." When

Yue Luo heard this, he glared at Snake Ji, and said half-loudly: "Who said I don't want it, even if it's a treasure, I will accept it by force, and use it to deal with him in the future

!" But in his heart, he thought ghostly, "This thing was given to me by him, why should I give it to you!" Seeing

Jie Luo flying away, Li Fan was relieved, and in this battle, Li Fan obviously felt that Jie Luo's resentment disappeared a little.

This proved that his method was feasible, and before leaving, Li Fan injected a devouring power into the Hot Wheel, which would erupt from the Hot Wheels when Yue Luo's life was threatened.

Moreover, Li Fan also specially transmitted a message to Snake Ji Ji, asking her to follow Jie Luo, not only hoping that she could protect Ji Luo, but only hoping that she could accompany Ji Luo.

Snake Ji did not dare not obey, the demon king's order, she a little demon dared not listen, but a little disbelief, stunned glanced at Li Fan a few times.

In his heart, he was envious and jealous of Yu Luona, and he was so loved and cared for by the Demon King, if he were himself...

Ge Wei helped the injured Inuyasha, and glared at Li Fan with a little dissatisfaction, he was about to be killed, the person in front of him was flirting from beginning to end, it was too much!

After collecting the jade fragments of the four souls, Gewei and Inuyasha and the others left, and on the battlefield, the flying lightning blade waded quietly.

Li Fan picked up the lightning strike blade and thought, "If you let Ge Wei help, bring a TV and DVD in the present world, and use the lightning of the lightning strike blade, can you watch movies in the Warring States Period..."

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